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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. It's rather easy to prove that he didn't shoot her and then stand her up in the road to get hit by a car.
  2. It seems the guys hunting in regions 7 and less are seeing more activity then the people in 8 and especially 9.
  3. Waiting on a deer to shoot is just like closing time at a bar ,your standards drop the longer you sit there.
  4. People please start passing around this link to as many people as you can on every website you can everytime the discussion comes up. Its time these anti-gunner crowd stops brainwashing people . http://www.policeone.com/Gun-Legislation-Law-Enforcement/articles/6183787-PoliceOnes-Gun-Control-Survey-11-key-lessons-from-officers-perspectives/
  5. That's all it took for me to become a believer in Rage ,I saw one my buddy shot.
  6. Good in the morning? No... I reckon she will be dead in the morning.
  7. If it wasn't for lawyers then this would be a really simple case , drag him off the 4 wheeler and rough him up ( rough him up twice ,once for trespassing and once for riding a 4 wheeler instead of a dirtbike )
  8. I stayed out one night ,well after dark to see if anything came by in the dark (before trail cameras) well sure enough my biggest fear in the woods came by under the full moonlight , momma and 2 cubs , they were headed in the direction i needed to go , i waited about 15 minutes and walked through the neighbors field and walked the road home.
  9. Good luck with the lawsuit when when of them gets hurt.
  10. You could also make the point that you may decrease your odds of even shooting a deer by hunting a different spot. This is surely a good example of why it pays to have a good relationship with the neighbors.
  11. Maybe its a thorn stuck in its head
  12. I guess ill take the dog for a walk and then take a drive out to java for the evening sit.
  13. You could put dog crap all over the trail ,aint nobody like stepping in that.
  14. I just looked at the game after reading this and he nearly got picked off in the end zone , the guy is horrible.
  15. So, what if i were to really like apples as a snack while im hunting ,so much in fact that i bring them out to my stand by the bucket full , i am also very clumsy and never seem to be able to not spill my bucket of apples all over the woods .
  16. The place i hunt in cuba has a really nice funnel at the bottom of the hill , the problem is they never go up and down the hill consistently, sometimes the morning will have them going up and sometimes they come down the hill. One thing i can be sure of is during the rut phase is that the bucks will travel perpendicular to the travel of the does.
  17. There is a guy almost at the intersection of 98 and 78 , he is about a half mile down 78. If i remember ill get his phone number and PM it to you.
  18. Am i the only person that hunts in spots where the deer never come and go in the same direction? Man hunting would be so much easier if i knew which way they would be going during the morning and afternoon.
  19. I didn't want anybody to confuse it with a cougar siting .
  20. 9H was last nights hunt , today we are trying our luck in Cuba. Should have stayed in 9H ,Cuba is dead as can be.
  21. Some people can get really upset if they find out you went on their land ,where we hunt at my buddys house ,he is on good terms with all his neighbors and they know if we are on their property tracking a deer then thats all we are doing .Some people like to go over board and don't trust anybody , but its their land so you are kinda at their mercy.
  22. I heard about a 5 second long grunt ,it amazing how a simple sound will make you motionless for 30 minutes straight, I'm not even sure I remembered to breath.
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