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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Tell me about it ,im so pumped right now, way past my bedtime .
  2. I cut the skin off and as much soft material without putting to much work into it , then i just put it boilng water with 10 mule team ,remove about once an hour and scrape anything loose off with a spoon . once its cleaned off ,i finish off with a soft bristle brush and some spray bottle oxy clean. then a couple days to let the peroxide sit , finally wash with oxyclean and you're done. Techniques seem to vary from person to person so you have a big window to not screw it up ,just be careful when boling that you dont lose the sinus bones or teeth.
  3. Nothing really strange ,we had just pulled onto some state land in angelica and a cow stepped in our way and stayed in front of the truck 90 percent of the way up the hill, every time it got to the side of the road i would try to drive around but it sped up to get back in front of us. If it had not been a seasonal/fire road we probably could have easily got by.
  4. So far I haven't made any mistakes ,especially now that I can plug the card into my phone to make sure the cameras are pointing where I want them to.
  5. Did you mess with the parallax adjustment to see if it cleared up?
  6. Im too lazy to google it ,what year did hunting become regulated by the government?
  7. I've been hunting for over 20 years and nothing I can do or think gets my heart to not beat like a crackheads heart on dollar day.
  8. Jeremy K


    Using a gun during archery season is the same as using your bow before oct. 1st ,they have set seasons that fall between designated dates.
  9. Jeremy K


    I just can't wrap my mind around why anything would need to change. Way more gun hunters move the deer around and give gun hunters a way better chance at getting a deer .
  10. Jeremy K


    Any idea what a hunting license cost there? I spending almost 100 bucks a year for all my tags .
  11. Jeremy K


    Did I use the wrong wording? I think the seasons are fine the way they are ,what would be the need to change anything. The majority of gun hunters only go out for opening weekend anyway.
  12. Jeremy K


    The way it is now is fine ,hunting season followed up by pray and spray season.
  13. Jeremy K

    peep sight

    Isn't the proper way to use a peep , to pick the size peep that lines up with the correct size sight ring for your draw length.
  14. The way my season has been going ,I'm just talking to myself but in deer language of grunts and bleets.
  15. What's with the tree umbrellas with the camo pattern on the top ? Do they think we're hiding from airplanes.
  16. Jeremy K

    peep sight

    I never realized people had trouble with peeps ,I just started using one and I can't imagine not using it anymore.
  17. Hope the front end of your car isn't to messed up Grow. Just kidding,nice deer.
  18. Not me ,I'm like the sturgeon ,I didn't bite anything.
  19. Jeremy K

    peep sight

    Are you using string silencers that go between the strings? If so you can slide those up and down to retorque the string to get you by.
  20. Did it let out the death roar that I've heard about?
  21. Why would you hunt by the moonlight !!? That's what spotlights are for...duh.
  22. Very cool ,I got my 1st when I was 14 hunting with my dad, 24 years later we still always hunt together.
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