We didn't really have time to look around yet ,we literally parked the truck, changed and headed out . I'm really hoping this year isn't like the rest ,the deer seem to vanish once the corn field gets cut every year and it looks like that is gonna happen again.
Just came back in ,sat for a couple hours until dark ,neither one of us saw anything ,pulled 2 cards from the trail cameras and both had no deer pics since last saturday . Argggg ,why do I bother with this crap!?
I never smile in pictures from hunting and fishing ,I guess it started way back when I first started hunting ,my dad told us not to smile in pictures with fish or game you just got.
On top of an awsome buck that was taken ,I talked to the guy who showed me the picture the OP posted ,his buddy pasted his face over the guys face in the OPs picture. We just had a great laugh ,I sent the guy the picture to send to his buddy saying "look this guy shot the same deer as you".
Hahaha ,the guy that was doing the material handling on my line showed me that picture yesterday and said it was his buddy playing a trick on his friends . The plot thickens... Dom Dom Dom .
You can go into a beauty salon and get the industrial strength peroxide that strip hair of all its color ,that's what I use ,finish off with some oxy clean and a soft bristle brush.
I also have a feeling the rut activity is behind what others are seeing ,I'll be out all weekend and the following weekend ,I have a feeling it's gonna ramp up real quick.