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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I cant imagine how much money they're spending to fly that helicopter around for a couple plants here and there
  2. I know a few people who had 2 plants removed from their years. They dont get in trouble or anything ,they simply show up and take them.
  3. Did you keep the bear fat? A recent joe rogan episode the guy he was interviewing brought him a jar of bear fat for cooking . He made it out to be the best thing ever for cooking with?
  4. Now to be honest ,maybe it wasnt a dope grower at all . Sunday I went to 3 stores before I could find the correct SD card for one of my cameras so I could head south and put them out. Now that I know I can just go in the woods and take someone else's and leave some cash ,I should have a good supply of SD cards from now on LOL. Of course theres a convenience charge.
  5. That's what I thought, I dont think tje growing thing is legal yet, I keep hearing stories of people around town getting a visit from the law to remove one or 2 plants from the back yard garden. What ever kind of scope they have on the helicopters is working well.
  6. I wonder why they're harvesting now? It's way too early.
  7. What part of you still can get sick ,you can still spread it ,you can still get hospitalized, you can still die are you hung up on?
  8. The vast majority of americans arnt volunteering to spend their weekend doing something that adds physical stress to their comfy lives like weekend camping . They need hunting and fishing sales.
  9. I'm getting the impression you didnt realize people got sick and died before this all started .
  10. Almost as insane as shutting down the whole world for a virus that has a 98.5 percent survival rate
  11. Except not in this in case.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/two-five-weak-immune-systems-144124377.html
  13. The guy is a joke ,shame on anyone who did their part of keeping that creep in power for so long.
  14. Evert news outlet ive seen said not to use the horse version.
  15. You can express your concerns to the club , tell them to mark the trail at a specific speed limit etc. tell the club if you find its being abused you'll shut it down. Clubs will take the time to apply extra signs to let people know its a section of trail that could potentially be lost if abused ,of course you will always get assholes ,every group has them ,cars ,bikes sleds.
  16. I've never heard of any stories of land owners being targeted for not allowing a trail. The club will start with surrounding neighbors to go around. It's usually not a problem for a club to keep land owners happy unless it's a shitty club.
  17. All the clubs I'm familiar with bend over backwards to make sure the land owners are happy.
  18. The land owner can not be sued if they let a club run the trail across their property . I want to say the club pays for insurance and it protects the land owner . Also for hunting ,if the snow gets deep the first place you'll see the deer is on the trail.
  19. Did anyone claim his dog yet?
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