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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Back in 1985-86 I was renting a house on Campbell Blvd in North Amherst and was amazed to see bucks still carrying their head gear in mid March. Lots of bucks and BIG too! After that it seemed like they started to drop pretty quick.
  2. You can send all the 6 month old venison/pork to me.......... Although I don't mix pork with my burger it is in the sausage I have made and perfectly fine even two years later.
  3. I used a vacuum sealer for the first time this year. Until then, all I've ever done is a wrapping with Saran Wrap then freezer paper. Well over 100 deer and a handful of elk & antelope and never had any problem with two year old venison, none at all. The only thing that ever had some freezer burn was some sausage links because of some air pockets. Trimmed then ate.............
  4. That there is quite a statement. You must be hand feeding that 4.5 YO buck in the backyard pen? If not confined, please explain when a 4.5 YO would ever be as easy to kill as a yearling? The rut? Well I'll say this; that would be about the only time that your odds would go up to kill that buck but for all the guys in the woods bowhunting the rut, you sure don't see many 4.5 YO bucks killed.
  5. A friend of mine is having a pretty good trapping season, as of yesterday he had 117 fox. One shy of his all time high.......I suspect he'll get another before the end of the season.
  6. Yea, I think that would work out ok.................................. I don't remember that stock, it that new? Who makes it??
  7. It should be no problem. If it has a little (or a lot!) of freezer burn just cut it off and salvage what is left.
  8. Maybe there is a little confusion here........I'm not talking opening day, Thanksgiving etc. How about the third week? Piece of cake to shoot a 1.5 old buck or a doe? How about that last weekend? Easy as pie huh?
  9. JHC is that a pretty simple statement. Of course it is possible, what do you think, that 3.5 year old buck just hunkers down on a little 10 acre piece and doesn't move off it? They certainly don't follow property lines. They're wild animals, you sure as hell aren't going to predict or keep them on a 10 or 200 acre piece. They can pass through anytime at all and you just have to bi the right place/right time. Don't kid yourself............
  10. Yes, a story to go along with those would be great.
  11. Dandy bucks Sam. Funny thing though, all of those clips but one were in the dark. That just kind of hammers home the point that those older bucks aren't dummies. But you know that..........................
  12. To be honest, my fingers are getting whip lash. Jumping all the hell over the place on this keyboard. I haven't typed such long winded post ever, especially without hanging a picture or two......... To all I might have offended in my views and posts, I'm sorry. Wanna see some pics?
  13. Peace Brother. I'm out unless someone brings me back in................................
  14. The buck I shot with the gun this year had a badly broken front leg, below the knee that was just flopping around all loosey goosey. It wasn't shot, it was probably broken in a jump or a fall or a car or.........who knows?? I bet it would have eventually just dried up and fell off, like your pic above. But who knows??
  15. Before you blame others, could it have been from a collision with a car? How about a coyote? How about a dog? Maybe it was a good friend down the road that took a shot with a bad angle? Are the "new guy or Vermonters/lease guys" bad people that would just go out and inflict an injury on a deer? Could be any of the options above and quite possibly just somebody that made a poor shot.
  16. Neat gun........do you have any pics you can post of it? I've never been too interested in the older guns. Ignorance of the styles/models etc has kept me looking the other way at a gun show or the range. They always seemed so big and clunky to me but the history sure is a plus. Of course I can see where others would be attracted at to them though.
  17. Did you check with customer service at Savage? The squeak squeak I hear coming from the wheel may just get some grease..............
  18. Who on God's Green Earth are you to question what anybody should or shouldn't shoot? Is there something really special about shooting a 2.5, 3.5 or older buck? Just bragging rites? How many mounts do you have/want? Lets say you get to a point where you don't need any more bucks mounted and hanging in your house, then what, quit hunting bucks altogether? Just antlerless hunting right? What about guys that can't afford to mount a big buck, maybe they'll just nail up the 140" horns to the side of the barn. Is that OK? Maybe a guy just wants to shoot a 4pt and stick the horns on the side of his barn, is there shame in that? What's wrong with a "Buck of A Lifetime"? You know, kill what you want (legally of course) when you want and then maybe once in a while you shoot a "Big Buck". That just might be the choice of many NYS hunters. One more thing, don't ever say about fork horns or doe "They're easy to kill". That is a slap in the face to many of the deer hunters of New York State that aren't as successful as you.
  19. Wait a second Sam, with the young bucks being passed the amount of older bucks should increase right? So there are more of them out there but they still don't get killed. That's the point in the fact (like Gman brought up) that they don't get killed by hunters very often.... I don't know where you are hunting but 300 acres with 10 guys is about the same as 3 guys hunting 100 acres. Not too many guys here would thumb their nose at that. You need to rethink your comment about seeing each other on stand too...... How many acres does it take to kill a mature buck?
  20. It is done in many more places than Amherst now. Cheektowaga, North Tonawanda, West Seneca??
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