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Everything posted by Zag

  1. Thunderstorms are rolling thru now and raining like mad. I hope it keeps the overnight deer activity to a minimum so their raring to go tomorrow morning while I'm using the xbow
  2. Fireball straight out of the bottle!!
  3. Hahaha no kidding, hopefully just big bucks
  4. Nope he wasn't out there yesterday he would be in full camo. Make me uneasy with strangers wandering around with weapons, I might grab a pair of walkie talkies.
  5. My iPhone can really zoom in and he's deff holding something, annoying and make me question letting my son head out their by himself. Should I just sum it up as most likely a one off and keep letting him do his thing back their?
  6. Pulled my cam card from my backyard just now and have what looks like a person carrying a xbow in my backyard. Kind of disturbing since I let my 9yr old back their by himself while he pretends to hunt out of his stand. It off on the far right of pic. Then I have some lady walking thru soon after
  7. I bailed, didn't see a bird. Had a drunk driver take out my mailbox before spinning out into my neighbors yd last night right after I got home from hunting, so I'm replacing that today weather permitting
  8. Never thought I'd say this on Nov 5th but I'm bored as hell, haven't even seen a squirrel
  9. U can bring him to my house, I think we're real close to each other
  10. Re-calibrate it, huh never knew either, is it somewhere in setting?
  11. Re-calibrate it, huh never knew either, is it somewhere in setting?
  12. Just had 8pt headed straight towards us then turned left and walked away, I threw the book of calls with no luck. We were in this stand a yr ago tomorrow when we shot our first buck
  13. That last rain really helped last weekend!
  14. I just had a large branch come off the oak tree behind me. As soon as it came down I heard a deer snort in the pine block. Dang it all
  15. Quiet here so far, busted one less than 100 yrds from stand, that's it, pulled card next to stand and have a bunch of decent bucks during daylight since I checked it wed.
  16. I'm a wind nut, just don't bring it up, u hunting out your way today?
  17. Aaron Judge reference, coming from a red Sox fan, I like it. Seriously tho go shoot something to make me jealous this am.
  18. Dead quiet outside here. I'm heading to my one stand on the backside of a block of pines next to the hard woods that produced some good t cam bucks the last 2 weeks. It's heating up, g luck all
  19. Could be a few things and probably from an injury. I had a doe yrs ago who had almost a basketball size one on her neck and front shoulder. I even though about trying to Lance it with an arrow.
  20. I don't think I use tt, should I??
  21. Thanks Larry I just emailed him and hoping I can have it by the weekend. I sure needed one on tonight's hunt.
  22. Just had a super wide short tine 8pt come just out of range. Boy he was wide
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