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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. good luck to him. tough call to make on shooting a bedded deer. we've had a few topics go many pages on this site on the subject. I wont throw stones, but it's a tough shot for sure. organs are much more compressed.
  2. just my base layers. My outer layers never see the anything outside of the woods and my tote. I normally don't stop anywhere and def never for gas even in base layers and separate footwear, but I was just running in to pick up an online order that would save me valuable time later. I then hang all my inner layers and spray them. I'm pretty anal about scent control.
  3. I'm coming off a 16 LT, so the RST is nice without stuff I dont need. I do wish I had the stereo upgrade, but that wasn't available on the lot with the z71 that i also wanted. instead i have the safety package which is nice i guess. i have the flip up armrest. I dont think it's small, just smaller. I took a wegmans bag and put all the stuff i had in there (swiffer duster, spotlight, ratchet straps, deer harness dragger etc) and it doesn't fit in the new one. you'll get use to the autostart i think. I hated it for a few days and now its just fine. You can buy a thing to bypass it for like $80 but also need to take off like the whole front dash to access it.
  4. this year has been harder than most it seems. I've had a lot of work travel and the days i've set aside for the woods have not delivered with either deer or weather. And the tired working father of 3 was really hoping to punch my buck tag before daylight savings lol
  5. sorry man. 2.5 days staring at trees has me a little foggy in the brain. i didn't even read the 2 pages so assumed there was something in here controversial. I will go back to looking out my home office window at the rain... and deep sigh a few more times.
  6. i have hunted neither species. I still cant imagine it's anything like the game most of North America hunts.
  7. there are volumes and volumes of ways to do this and everybody has their own favorite way. You'll learn tips and tricks with every deer and become proficient over time. I'll highlight a few of my favorite tips. bone the deer out while it's hanging (see video below) to separate the neck and to cut off the front legs use a good CLEAN pair of branch loppers. So much easier and quicker than a bone saw. Dedicate the loppers to this purpose. If you're without a lot of help, buy some big tupperwear that you can use to refrigerate your grind pile overnight. By the time you get the deer skinned and the steaks and loins cut and wrapped you'll be tired. Do your grind the next day and it wont seem like such a chore. Double grind and make sure your grinder pieces are in the freezer and cold before you start. I'm going to link to some products I've bought over the years that I use and have had a lot of success with. these lugs fit under your grinder and can be used to easily separate your grind trim and your steaks so dual purpose and less mess and cleaning buy 2 plus lids https://www.lemproducts.com/product/economy-meat-lug/meat-lugs these 30x18 cutting boards are huge and that's super helpful when you cut off a leg and want to toss it on the table for someone to start boning out https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C81T4R8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1 6 years and going strong. takes all the crap you throw at it like a champ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012KJBR0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I upgraded from a cheaper model 2 years ago to this bag sealer. Dont cheap out, buy one with the bag cutter and you'll thank me later https://www.foodsaver.com/vacuum-sealers/counter-top-vacuum-sealers/v5000-series/the-foodsaver-fm5460-2-in-1-food-preservation-system/FM5460-DTC.html#start=2 great little kit for the cost that adds some dedicated tools to the butchering and skinning process https://www.cabelas.com/product/Outdoor-Edge-reg-Game-Processor/747253.uts also if it's possible get a cheap harbor freight hoist installed in your processing spot. they're a bit of work to install safely, but real handy and nice to have. bonus for being able to clean the mower deck without taking it off. And here is the video that i think does a great job explaining the cuts of meat for a beginner.
  8. I've got the exact same truck in black, but a crew. You'll love it. Only thing I found I dislike so far is that the center cubby under the armrest isn't as big and there is no longer a sunglass holder. Otherwise the thing is awesome. My favorite new feature being the heated steering wheel (first thought it was a gimmick but now i love it) and the push button tailgate release.
  9. nothing sporting about hunting the big and slow sea cow. Probably the equivalent of hunting plains bison back in the day. Great for feeding lots of people (which is why we hunt), but would feel more like farming/grocery shopping than really hunting in its modern sense.
  10. stopped in lowes on the way home to pickup the toilet I ordered online that they didn't have in stock. Might be the only day I wasn't totally out of place in full camo. People wondering if I was dressed up in costume maybe? Girl behind the counter still made the tired old joke of "didn't see you coming". If she wasn't cute I might have had a snarky response as the hunting hasn't put me in a great mood...
  11. must be shot in the ass through the heart at 100 yards, then chest measured. Only then is one allowed to eat the nuts.
  12. Uneventful hunt minus the deer I bumped on the way in and some grunting in the brush behind me that never led to anything. Not feeling anything is going to change so getting down now as the rain starts. Back at it Saturday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Weather is cooperating this morning in 8f, but man is it warm. A light drizzle is coming in and bumped a deer on the way. Not sure if they’ll be moving before the front and I’m always leery of bow hunting with rain coming as blood trails are usually necessary on any less than perfect shot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. What a let down if all you had was a quick broadside and didn’t know Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Pretty cool experience on the walk in. At an intersection of the approach trail and logging road I always pause and peak to see if there was a deer and today there was. Go figure I forget my binos. Anyhow he’s at about 80 yards but I’m well hidden and can’t tell what he is. I carefully nock an arrow and get my release on. He crosses the road into the pines. There’s a run here that angles right past my stand. I have to decide if I should hurry up the stand which is about 10 yards away or stay on the ground and choose the later. Sure enough he comes up the run and we lock eyes at 10 yards. Just a young spike, a doe would have been drawn on for sure. Cool way to start the afternoon sit after a deerless morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Sorry man that sucks. What are the freaking chances!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Yeah I’m a bit overdressed. Hoping this front gets them moving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Day 1 of a planned 3 day vacation that is most likely changing to 1 day. Glad I’m local and my work schedule flexible. So far nothing stirring and the coyote howling not to far off early doesn’t exactly inspire optimism. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. this. layers of warmth and a good shell to block the wind. My ghillie suit for bow doesn't do sh!t for wind and a few hunts ago it was warm but the wind was whipping and I got chilly quick. Scent blocker and UA make some reasonably priced outer shells that aren't too bulky but contain good windstopper/rainblocker material. scentblocker will have some good sales around black friday and off season on their website.
  20. I cary mine, but all of our stands are in the hardwoods and have lanes cut. I'll range a few tress and objects to know which need my 35 pin and which are under and ok for my 20. That way when it's game time I'm good to go. I could only really see needing to range on the fly if you're hunting fields or open areas and even then it's good to jab a stick in the ground out in the field at 20 and 40 yards or whatever.
  21. this harness keeps my 10x42's tight to my chest. even when bending over or smashing through the brush they're snug. But there is the perfect amount of give that i can easily raise them with one hand while sitting int the stand or at the edge of the field. Coupled with my new binos I wish I'd done this years ago. No fumbling for stuff and very little movement. https://www.opticsplanet.com/vortex-binoculars-accessory-vtharness.html
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