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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. had wed-fr off and i think i'm going to throw in the towel on th and fr... i'm bummed. i can deal with light winds and rain but not that sh!t
  2. yeah probably came harsher than i meant it tot. I've done more boneheaded things than I can count, I just feel like that's an odd one.
  3. i should probably look this up before posting, but isn't bacon just the place on the pig where it comes from, and i think it's the belly? How does one get bacon from a deer?
  4. there's no guarantee for sure, but many game wardens who have been interviewed will admit that they reward honesty for honest mistakes. I think i've shared this story before but in MS, they have the logical 30 before and after shooting time laws. They also have Ars. It was about 20 minutes after and I was in a covered ravine so it was darker than it would be in a field. A big deer came out at about 70 yards and i saw rack but couldn't count and didn't have time. I touched off my muzzleloader and my heart was racing as I walked up on him. I was really nervous I might not have shot a legal buck. This public land also required a jawbone dropoff. Thankfully he was a beautiful mature 9, but I understand the feeling. Just the same I would have dragged an illegal deer out of there. Deciding whether to fess up my mistake to the warden or test my luck is a decision i never had to make. But there's no way i'd senselessly let a life go to waste in the woods.
  5. idk, no entry or exit hole and a gravel road. smells like roadkill to me! hahah kidding, kidding
  6. been there done that. we all have. The day my legs stop shaking when a nice buck is making its way into shooting range is the day i stop hunting. that's what it's all about. It just sucks that you will dwell on it forever. we spend so much time and money for that 30 seconds of showtime...
  7. It's kind of an interesting "what if". We all know that game laws are very hard to enforce right? So lets say a hunter finds said deer with ground shrinkage and just walks away. Hypothetically, he could argue he didn't find the deer at all and someone would have to prove he did. Not any different than a bad shot and lost deer. I can't remember the state or species, i want to say bear though. If you hit and wound but dont recover, you still punch your tag. That's really the only case where this would work. You're really just in trouble IF you try and harvest any bit of the deer (meat and or antlers) and are caught with it untagged. all hypothetical of course and even more important where states have ARs. But if I shot a spike real far away thinking it was a doe when i already punched my tag, you better believe i'm not letting that animal rot because of a man made law. i'll take my punishment. and confusing statements about construction site supervisors.
  8. thousands taxidermy Address: 4185 W Shore Manor Rd, Jamesville, NY 13078 Phone: (315) 469-6108
  9. so many things with buck fever. droping your bow arm, not bending at the waist when hunting elevated, but to miss by that much, my guess is just plain old buck fever man. shaky legs and didn't line up the peep correctly. If you haven't already done so, redress in all the same gear and equipment and shoot to make sure your hat isn't messing up your anchor point or your sleeves aren't hitting your cables or something.
  10. like i said, i didn't read the story. just looked back from the pic. but you're right if it was quartering hard from the ground that's about as good as it gets.
  11. you're having a hell of a morning haha. sometimes those are the best though as for some reason you end up getting lucky when all things say you shouldn't.
  12. speaking of distractions, to each his own but some of yall taking pics of deer left and right... you just dont know who might be around the corner behind them. I'm always up and ready in case. hunt how you want I guess
  13. being distracted on the phone, yes. Not having an arrow nocked though? that's bush league man.
  14. dead deer are dead deer. I'm about 5 pages back and I'm sure its explained, but that doesn't look like a boiler room shot either. again, dead deer are dead deer boys. congrats to you both.
  15. actually i feel this way too. I think most of us do. I absolutely love deer. I think they're majestic as well. I think most of us do, and that's why hunters do more for conservation than any other group. We just also find them delicious
  16. dont read the article. that's where bias is laid out. watch the video. but yeah, that's bad. Although the headline doesn't help the kids case either. Overwhelming support for the hunter online though, even in the most liberal of anti-hunting group think facebook pages. That kid is being taught that it's ok to swear and throw fits to other adults for exercising their legal rights.
  17. https://nypost.com/2019/10/25/long-island-man-foul-mouthed-kid-confront-hunter-for-killing-deer/amp/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I thought maybe it was the cell service, but even at home on WiFi I’ve noticed that tapatalk is killing my battery? Anybody else? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m a little glad we got some wind and rain. I have a bunch of vacation coming up and don’t want to be burned out. The anticipation is half the fun and Mother Nature made the choice for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Getting voided on one of our best stands. It’s early and I haven’t hunted much, but I just am not getting good deer vibes this year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. ditto. i wear a facecover with a mini brim so it doesn't get in the way but i get some shield from the sun
  22. it's not that my wife wouldn't be cool with it... done a bunch of messy fish and bird stuff in our kitchen... it's just that i spent a lot of time and effort to make my garage neat and tiddy and that's the place for this stuff in my opinion. If you're in an apartment i get it. if you can't process in your garage because it's full of junk, that's on you. i plan on getting one of these too for fish. will make cleanup 1000x easier and it just folds up and tucks away https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01D1SY93G/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A1F9L30F007RKH&psc=1
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