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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. buying used off gb is no different than buying used off ebay. buying new is just like amazon. Take the same approach you take for both and know what the ffl fees are and that's the only major difference.
  2. Where did you ever think AR's were to allow animals to live longer? what a weird thing for a hunter to say. AR's are strictly to provide more opportunities to harvest larger bodied and antlered deer. Never has anyone said they wanted AR's so deer could live longer... what a weird post.
  3. We have an explorer. It's not big enough with the dog [emoji17]. It's not even 2 years old... this guy wasn't exactly "planned".haha
  4. Bought my last 3 guns off gb. Just being patient for the right deal. All were new and from "stores". Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. A cell cam used to locate gets close to the drone idea of locating deer. Not exactly the same but depending on how many cams you're using I can see how it's viewed as unsporting. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. On 3/21 my wife gave birth to our 3rd son. On one hand, I'll have a lot of help dragging out deer. On the other I'll need to shoot several more to feed them... and probably buy some more land to hunt haha. Both momma and baby doing well.
  7. i treat my bird gun like archery. I self-impose a limit even if my gear is capable of longer. I understand some have issues with that and that's fine, but it's my preference. for birds it's 40 and under. I shoot hevi-13's 3.5" mag out of a Mossberg 835 with a pure gold choke and the pattern is mighty fine indeed.
  8. it's simple ROI for the non-business man I can explain. vehicles - not going away agriculture - not going away wind turbines - not going away tall buildings - not going away steel shot to replace lead? why not. there is no ROI on your 4 examples that make sense. There is pretty simple ROI for lead shot. Too many people just hate change. Heck I shoot hevi turkey loads because it actually performs better!
  9. just to be sure too, these are authentic rage heads? I know there are Chinese knockoffs out there.
  10. are we changing anyone's minds yet or just repeating ourselves?
  11. how did he not blame anyone for the snow? that's not his mo.
  12. It's sort of like global warming to me. We should be able to all agree that burning fossil fuels and air pollution aren't good. Like we can all agree that lead isn't great for any organic creature. Now I suppose the impacts of GW and lead can be debated, but if we know there are good alternatives to them and we know that it's really the right thing to do. Why the fuss? Heck, you really want to send a big F U to the middle east? Stop buying the only thing that keeps them relevant. Oh but the jobs Belo, all the oil jobs, all the coal jobs! Like the ever growing world hasn't had industry transitions before? railroads, steel. We move on.
  13. that's a good point too elmo. A mechanical is definitely not a good choice for stalking, and of course I hope all know it's also no good for the shoot through blinds. In summary. Deer are tough to kill. It amazes me sometimes what they can survive.
  14. I've shot all my deer with Rage's for the last 10 years, but never used the hypos. I've used the originals and chisel tips. I sometimes feel like with the right shot a field tip should still kill. of course you want to maximize potential. I also wonder sometimes if they become "loose" prior to shooting. I've looked at my knocked arrow on more than one occasion and seen one blade flopping freely.
  15. 1. even if he believed falcons and eagles were dying because of it? 2. right. just like asbestos. unfortunately we cannot control wild animals and what they eat off the ground.
  16. I last visited this thread on Tuesday and it's almost doubled in size. I bet I can point to at least 6 other lengthy threads on the same subject. kind of funny really.
  17. still made with lead? like what lol. I can't believe that lead being safe is even a discussion point in this thread. It's a freaking fact, not an opinion. You can argue that it's detrimental to birds of prey, but not the health impact on organic creatures.
  18. because that wasn't even a thing during his day geez man. You're focusing on the specifics and not the big picture. The earth used to be flat, there was no such thing as "planets" and evolution wasn't even a concept. But guess what, research and studies educated us. Just like lead ammo.
  19. after reading the last 2 replies to this post before you, I'm bowing out. Clearly any efforts to educate here will be lost. Sad really...
  20. that was point about age Curmudgeon. Sometimes I feel that people don't care because it wont "affect them". That's not how any conservationist or outdoorsman should ever think regardless of politics.
  21. With any rule or regulation in life you will always find exceptions. If we focus so much on a small percentage of outliers we will never make any progress. Case and point the small handful of people affected by the travel ban. There will be outliers, but by and large the point rule captures most age classes throughout the state pretty accurately.
  22. go eat some lead and tell me how you fair. I make my living in Environmental, Health and Safety. I literally spend all day on these topics and I'm paid for it. Simply handling lead without protection and good hygiene will eventually kill you. The only reason it's even a debate is because people hate change. Hunters more than anyone, I myself am a great example when it comes to crossbows. We burry our head in the sand because we've used the same shot for 40 years and are deathly afraid of trying something new that's better for our earth and it's creatures. I have half the mind to believe some of the pushback is by men in their 50's who know it doesn't matter what they do because it wont affect them.
  23. We love to bitch after the fact. Well here's your chance to either agree or disagree http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/34113.html#p69and101
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