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noodle one

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by noodle one

  1. Here comes the buck I have been waiting on. When I first spotted him the first thing I saw was his big white rack, he was at 30 yards and moving my way at a slow walk.. He had no idea I was there. This was the buck I was hoping to get a shot at. I had seen him two days earlier dogging a doe. She ran by me three times with him on her tail going a hunderd miles a hour or sew what to looked like at the time. I went back there yesterday (Tue.) hoping to get a better look at him. He never showed himself, but a big six came by that I passed on waiting for the big boy (15 yards) Anyother time I would have taken the six because he was that good. I take great pride in the way I bow hunt. I hunt on the ground not from a tree stand. I use all natual ground cover.I use no deer scents to bring deer in. I do use a cover scent and that is it.I have taken many buck using this setup. i always do the the same thing every time before leaving my truck in the morning to start my hunt. I always draw my bow two or three times before heading into the woods to make sure there are no problems and when I get to my spot I do the same and draw it two or three times (no problem). I am 69 years old and have been bow hunting for over 50 years and have taken one or two bucks every year as far back as I can remember. and today should have been no different, I am that sure of myself. I had been sitting for two hours waiting on this buck to show himself and here he was at 30 yards coming my way. I was watching him out of the corner of my eye walk by at 15 yards quartering away from me. the prefect shot setup. I alway hunt setting and take most of my shots while sitted and today would be no diffference. The buck is 17or 18 yards from me with nothing in the way. I started to draw and was 3/4 away in my draw is when it happened, I could not draw my bow. this has never happen before. I was so stiff that I could not draw my bow. I guess old age is catching up with me. I told myself to stand and draw,but that didn't help. I tried a half doz times and just could not draw. All this time the buck was there and not knowing what was going on. He started moving away slowing until he was no longer in sight. I sat there for five min after he was gone before I made a move. I got up and tried to draw my bow and it took me three or four time before I could draw it back I was so stiff. i have never, never had this happen before. I going to give it another try tomorrow , but this time I am taken some tubing with me to pull on it every 5 min. and hope I don't stiffen up. I hope they pass crossbows before next year, because if they don't I will still use one so I am not wasting my time.
  2. New York state and NY bow hunters be damed. If I wanted to hunt with a crossbow I would go out squirrel hunting and if a deer came along that I wanted I would shoot it and go back and get my bow. Also if it is on my own land I would post so tight that a mouse couldn't get in and hunt with a crossbow. You just keep to yourself and tell no one what you hunting with and than there is no one to turn you in. I have a close friend that does this on his land and gets a buck every year. He used to let anyone hunt if they stopped and asked , but not now. He posted all his land three years ago and New York state be damed..He told me that when NY opens up crossbow in bow season, than he will let people hunt.
  3. Is it just me or are there more leaves on the ground and bigger acorn this year? I have a good size lawn with a lot of oak and maple trees in my yard Every year I pick the leaves up two or three times and that is it. This year it has been an never ending job. Every other day I am out there picking the leaves up and I don't mean a few , but the lawn is covered and the oaks still have alot leaves still on. Also the the acorns to me are bigger and more abundance this year and all over my yard. I am seeing more deer in my yard than in the woods.
  4. Anyone own or have used a Cyclone lawn vac? I have been reading about them and am thinking about getting one. The only hold up is the fact that I will only need to use it once or twice a year. I have two acres of lawn with a lot of oak and maple and the leaves cover the ground in the fall and if I don't get them up they kill my lawn in the spring. It is a lot of money just to pick up leaves.
  5. When New York state outlaws treestand hunting, it will be a much safer for everyone. More people are hurt or die from treestands than by guns while hunting.
  6. If you believe that a person who owns a business of that size will just close the doors and walk away, than you are the bigger fool.None of his employee owe him anything,he is the one who owes them everything for making him very RICH. He made money on the backs of every employee and if he didn;t, he wasn't a very good businessman.
  7. I am retired and enjoying life hunting ,fishing and traveling. There is more to life than just making money,because life is to short. The first of Dec. I am heading to California for three weeks of steelhead fishing. Life has been very good for me and now I am enjoying it.
  8. I posted my post to let you know that I don't hunt out of a treestand or pop-up blind with my bow and 95% of time I hunt in natural blinds on the ground, the other 5% I use a camo cloth in open woods. Yes I am hunting with a bow and have taken many buck just to let you know that it can be done if you hunt the wind and have done your homework. So much for your assuming.
  9. If you can not see what the man was doing, than there is no reason for me to explain it for you,because you would never get it.
  10. You can't be much of a hunter if you have to hunt from a treestand to take a deer with a bow.I have hunted with a bow for the last 50 some years and have taken a buck every year and some years two,(NY and PA) For the last thirty some years I have hunted on the ground only using only natural blinds or a 4'x12' camo cloth. Years ago I found that taken deer out of a treestand to easy and went to hunting on the gound with a bow. I feel that taken a deer with a bow is far easier than taken one with a gun in gun season.
  11. You are my kind of hunter, I love when I find tree tops from fresh logging sites. I climb right in the middle of them and the deer have no idea that I am there. I also like to hunt on banks with the wind blowing across or in to me., they make for great back cover. I have never used a pop-up. Sometimes I carry a 4'x12' camo cloth fabric when hunting in open woods to set up between two trees to hind my movment when bow hunting. ,other than that I use all natural blinds
  12. You will find dead bucks laying in the woods that are to small to be legal AR bucks. People will shoot first and then look to see if it is a legal buck, and if not they will walk away. PA is having that problem now and ever since they started AR. Go to the PA hunting forums to found out yourself..
  13. If it is like in PA,a lot of people just walk away. You can read on the PA hunting forums about it all the time.
  14. nice fish, just seeing at picture is enough to get me pumped.
  15. Now with AR in most DMP zones I thinK it is about time to start thinking about outlawing treestand shooting so we find out who the true hunters are in NY state. If everyone has to hunt off the ground, it would save a lot of people from being hurt and or killed from treestand falls. Lets get the form letters started now. Think of all the people this would save and find the true hunters
  16. The sience majority of NY deer hunter have been left out to dry. The sad part is that it is not from organizations like PETA and others .it is coming from our own fraternity of selfish. selfcentered,and greedy NY so called deer hunters. A small group of people have cried so loud that they have gotten more DMZ areas put in AR . The advocates for AR have put a limit on others opportunities. The AR people think they are TV hunters , they think they are great hunters and tough luck to others who only want to deer hunt and harvest a deer. The hunting camp I belong to has 35 members with a doz. out of state hunters and we are lucky to see a deer, let alone a legal buck and that is in DMZ 40 , one of the new zones in AR. I have heard that some of the out of state hunters are giving up hunting in NY because of AR Most are saying it cost to much to sit in the woods knowing they will not see a legal buck and with no doe tags to boot, they are going to look else where. Some of people have been members for over 20 years. Thankyou advocates of AR ,you have gotten what you wanted by having fewer deer hunters in the woods so you can have the deer to yourselfs. If that is not selffish ,I don't know what you would call it. An other sad thing about AR is it is not good deer management and that is fact, don't believe me read up on it and find out for yourself. Another group of selfish greedy so called deer hunters are the NY Bowhunters coalition. They cry about everything. They don't want anyone in the woods in their season. They cried that the bow wasn't long enough, so NY gave them another two weeks and the NY Bowhunter turn around cried because NY wanted to have three days in their bow season to have a youth deer hunt. Come on you big cry babies. They cried about having crossbows during bow, they say that it is like carring a gun. Come on cry babies, I hunt with a bow and I can shoot my compound out to 40 yards as good or better than most crossbows. and as far as taking a deer it is like shooting ducks on a pond.
  17. Is anyone else waiting for the steelhead runs to start. I am not into salmon fishing ,but steelheading is my thing. I know the salmon river is low , but we should be getting rain soon and cooler weather and hopefully the salmon will start moving with the steelhead on there tails. Tight lines and good fishing to all.
  18. That picture dosn,t tell you anything. He could have got that on a high fence hunt. As far as voting for Rod and him, HELL NO,I can not vote for someone who wants to leave the poor and middle class behind and to only push for the rich.
  19. How can you say that I am a lowlife poacher. Every deer I have taged with my own tags and legal. I have not nor will I ever take an illegal deer. You don't know me and have no right to make a statement like that. I am 68 years old and have been hunting for 56 years and 52 years for deer . There was a time when a hunter in NY could take 5 bucks if he had the tags and could and find them.
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