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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Zem18

  1. I bought the one with Ralph and Vicki Ciancarillo (SP?) on the package. I had to order it as no one sold these locally and that was back in 2012. Ill still post up a picture later tonight when I get home. Ill scan my phone on lunch to see if I have a pic there too.
  2. Sadly I have purchased one of these and it is plastic but easy to assemble. It doesn't look natural but it isn't horrible and a much cleaner process. I also measured the inside spread before cutting the antlers off the deer so when I got them on the plastic skull, I was able to keep the actual spread and not "fudge" it. I'll take a picture later so you can see how it looks. The mounting bracket is the best thing about those kits.
  3. Very nice. Just like the game "Operation" slogan - It takes a very steady hand!!
  4. Zem18


    Loving that growler!!!
  5. Zem18


    Worked in the woodshop most of the day tinkering. Just realized it was 11pm. Time flies when you're relaxing and having fun. Night cap and then to bed.
  6. Nice shooting Burt and way to salvage the season as you put it. Tasty venison right there. Enjoy.
  7. Sounds like an awesome 6 hours and you earned your sea legs. Win win in my book!!
  8. Zem18


    If he posts a pic with him sipping that with his pinky out we are revoking his man card
  9. Ahh I wish I had these problems. Sadly I have no mounts, just a few Euros. Someday....
  10. +1 for the You Tube ^^^^^^ - You can find videos for everything on there Craigslist too - People selling kids bikes for $5 to $10 if you cant find anything decent in the trash
  11. Zem18


    AKA= Drowning his Sorrows - Sorry for your loss BIZ
  12. He has a collar as well with shock or tone. He has been using tone this year and it has gone well until today. My BIL is old school and thinks it's ok to just let the dog do what it wants at times which is fine if it's in sight but he drifted away from us as we were kicking brush and then he was gone. I keep my mouth shut except to praise him. All commands need to come from my BIL. Ill whistle here and there just to assist if I think he's going to bolt which usually sparks a response from BIL.
  13. Nice finds and glad u weren't hurt badly. BIL and I jumped two today with his dog, got one. Dog got away from us and chased a deer a long ways today. He came back on his own about 2 hours later. He is still young but can't resist those deer.
  14. I'd leave it original, it'll be worth more down the road. Ask Mike Wolfe from American Pickers.
  15. LMAO -nice. We had a decorating contest at work for Christmas. The final piece was the pink bunny suit from A Christmas Story and they asked me to wear it. I told them I had balls but not that big and chickened out. Kudos for having a set of brass ones!!
  16. Zem18


    Just got home from my neices 11th Birthday party. My BIL was trying to get me in trouble with the wife. This was my third and I didn't even have to get out of my chair, all delivered to me.
  17. Sorry to hear about the accident and am glad everyone is not seriously injured. Get well quickly.
  18. BBQ to me should be sweet yet tangy and Stubbs is neither. I had it once and tossed the rest of the jar as I was disappointed in the flavor. When I was in Memphis, TN, that was the best BBQ I've ever had with sweet and tangy sauce.
  19. I missed this post somehow. Fantastic work and I'd kill for a shop like that. Never shot a bird before but would be proud to display it on one of your mounts if I did.
  20. Just saw this post on Craigslist and thought of this post. http://binghamton.craigslist.org/spo/5951907508.html
  21. I'm liking the ideas everyone, keep them coming.
  22. Peanut butter on a burger? Never tried it. What's the reasoning?
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