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  • Hunting Location
    Columbia County
  • Hunting Gun
    Sauer 7MM
  • Bow
    Bear Anarchy

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  1. Also, looks like that typical classic yote stripe on its back if I'm seeing that correctly.
  2. Mostly Clinton and Stanford. I'd usually hear 10-15 shots opening morning. Heard about 10 all weekend.
  3. I hunt upper Dutchess as well. I run about 10 cameras and barely saw a buck most of the summer. Once the rut started, I started to get a few more bucks on camera but EHD definitely took its toll. I had several dead deer on the property down in the swamp land and heard similar stories from the neighbors. My bow buck was just passing through as I never had a picture of him all year.
  4. I had this family show up the other night. Not a Hi -Res picture. I had made a last second mock scrape with the bottom of my boot and the one kitten seemed to like it. This is in Dutchess County, right below Columbia County.
  5. I hunt in Dutchess. Its been super dry. Our pond is down about 1-2 ft. Last year I had a few dead deer rotting away in the swamp. I haven't seen any this summer yet but I haven't been up in a few weeks.
  6. Good news.. Might actually work to clean up some of the BS long term while still allowing the NRA to operate. https://apnews.com/article/business-new-york-lawsuits-manhattan-national-rifle-association-ab050b840a1930b7b316ac71741077e7
  7. Came across this article on a possible scientific method to prevent ticks from being able to transmit Lyme. Pretty interesting and awesome if it could actually be a viable solution. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10514911/Could-gene-edited-ticks-make-Lyme-disease-ailment-past.html
  8. My memory might be a bit hazy but I don't recall that Bass Pro even having a gun section. Probably due to location but I may be wrong. I was probably there at least 5 years ago.
  9. What platform do you guys use? I'm already in another league that uses ESPN. If you really end up needing a 10th man, let me know.
  10. Totally agree with everyone. I wouldn't mind if Showalter came out of the booth and took over. This team needs some old school butt kicking. Not making excuses but that called third strike on Odor was horrendous. I would totally go for a robo ump for balls and strikes. Just get the damn call right..
  11. I did just that. Sold it last week as I didn't want to get greedy but couldn't resist picking some up a little while ago at about $118. I wonder how this fed meeting is going to affect the afternoon. need to keep a close eye on it just in case there is change to make a quick play.
  12. I actually picked up 100 shares last week when it dipped below $53.
  13. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/charles-payne-explodes-on-wall-street-whining-over-skyrocketing-gamestop-stock-its-making-me-sick/ Should be interesting to see this play out. These stocks will need to have a major correction at some point with new winners and losers.
  14. I did Unit 47 last year for antelope with 4 points. I have 5 for elk.
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