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sits in trees

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. I still feel that anyone who supports crossbows is too lazy to learn to learn how to bowhunt. i feel anyone who does not support crossbows in NY state is stupid.
  2. the rules will be changed to include full inclusion of crossbows soon enough, they will continue working fine for decades to come and i guess you will be seeing yourself as the "LOSER" .
  3. yes, let people hunt the way they want to hunt, we have more than enough rule makers in our sport!
  4. Ulster county has 100s of thousands of acres of state land, i'm sure you can find some room...
  5. come on, now tell us you don't get any respect. or how you use prepartion H and the only thing it shrunk was your middle finger??? take my wife please...or i don't like cocaine i just like the way it smells, LOL
  6. my opinion is you need to grow up alittle, there thats my opinion
  7. With Mandatory AR's of 8 points or better!!!! Let's sneak antler restrictions in the next crossbow bill that pops up,Who's with me? This one would be good. Option is to do away with seperate mz seasons and have 2 seasons only: - ALL bows in bow - ALL guns in gun Really simple your very tonguey and cheeky today.....
  8. yea but your the one comparing crossbows to muzzle loaders, rifles and ICBMs etc. etc. your comparisons are ridiculous with huge gaps between the actual facts, when the truth is crossbows are archery equipment and are very similar to vert bows and thats why most states and every state that surrounds NY have already included them in thier "BOW SEASONs". but i guess all the folks in all those states are just poopy heads, oh damn there i go talking to you like a 4 year old again.
  9. You must not understand what "principle" means. If they wanted to put muzzleloaders into bowseason, would you object? I'm sure most would...because they are not archery equipment, don't belong in bowseason, etc. Same principle...different dividing line. Not difficult to comprehend. yes i would object to muzzle loaders being put into bow season, yes a weapon which propells a 300 grain "BULLET" at 2000 fps, uses "GUNPOWDER" and makes a "BIG BANG". excuse me for talking to you like a 4 year old but i'm just trying to point out the differences that make a "DIFFERENCE" between a crossbow and a muzzleloader to someone who thinks like a 4 year old. oh and i will save you the trouble of having to type your next response, hear...."WELL we already have small game hunters shooting shotguns during bow season :'( :'( , waaa, waaa, waaa! you guy's like Doc and Spiker have all gotten so lame and weak with your predictable arguments to why we shouldnt have crossbows in bow seaon that it has become pathetic.
  10. todays vert bows are getting very near the 400 fps mark. i can also have an abled body person shooting a vert bow and shooting and near missing apples at 45 yards in a few hours or so. shooting at a deer further than 20 yds is a hail Mary very much because of the noise.....but all you anti crossbow guy's who shoot crossbows already know that. and besides the furthest thing from reality is a TV reality show ;D
  11. Nawww......they make me laugh. I know how the NYCC works.....the idea that it is representative of the sportsmen's will is laughable . yea and don't they have commie roots or something to that effect?
  12. I've shot one. It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom. Nothing at all like shooting a bow. As for the rest of your post....... : Inaccurate (and I am being polite) on most every point, funny how all you anti crossbow guys have all shot a crossbow, a weapon you have all this distain for, huh ??? ?? truth is you never shot a crossbow and i'm certain you've never shot a slug shotgun to be able to make that statement.
  13. It goes both ways arrow, why is it that you or NYB should force your opinions on everyone and say who "needs" a crossbow and who doesnt? The dishonesty comes from your side of things constantly. For instance, who is saying crossbows and compounds are identical? Sure they are different, just not different enough to not be in the same season. That is what people are saying, but you try and twist it into something it isnt. You are just about one of the most perfect examples of why I, and many other bowhunters, are against x guns. You are practically their poster boy. You have no sense of honesty, or decency. You are poorly educated. You do not have the ability to comprehend other's points of views without trying to bully, and or character assassinate them, to make your point seem credible. You will probably have to use on online dictionary to even understand what I am saying to you now. You see, if you don't want to debate x guns, and would rather personally attack people...it's on..you sound like a little turd that watches too much MMA, and thinks his typing fingers can put someone in an armbar..lol. Sits in Trees..you are no better than your Siamese reject here. CulvertCreek...good luck, and I hope you, and your dad can get out there. Nothing can replace moments like that. i love it when anti hunters like you get all pouty like this :'( it boils down to this, i'm a hunter who wants to have the choice to hunt with a particular weapon especially on my own damn land, a weapon thats been proven time and time again will have no ill effect on your deer herd or your bow season. your an anti hunter because you wanna prevent me and other HUNTERS from hunting with or having the choice to one day maybe hunt with this weapon. so like it or not you are an anti HUNTER, go on with your pouting :'( :'( :'(
  14. This where we agree. My brush didn't paint this... More name calling will not dispute what you are about to see. Here is an AR lower, with a tactical scope. Here is the new PSE crossgun attachment...IT IS AN AR UPPER! And finally, the finished product. It uses the same trigger without any modification. So, in summation, can anyone here seriously say that this isn't half gun, half bow? It's an AR, with a bow on the end!...Hence the name X Bow? Or why not X Gun?... If I use "gun" as the primary indentifier, I'm a racist, elitest homophobe that hates hunting ala Gutfeld. If I use "bow" as the identifier, I am PC, and will be welcomed into the ranks of all those who wish to intrude upon the bowseason with a weapon that is clearly not "just" a bow. Separate season? All for it...as long as it cuts into the rifle season's time, not the early archery season. Disabled...all for it! For those that haven't seen this "Assault Weapon"...their words, not mine, so back off...here's a little video....400+ fps....not your grandpappie's X Gun. yea i can say for sure it's not half gun half bow, it's nothing near a gun never mind an AR rifle. you need to educate yourself before you go spewing off at the mouth my son copying and pasting pictures of a black crossbow can be done by any 12 yr old.maybe we should send you over to Afghanistan with a tach-15 in tow which you claim is soooo much like a gun, and we will see how long it takes for your misguided opinion to change on "how much a crossbow is like a gun", or better yet send you deer hunting and see how well you do hunting with a crossbow. have you ever shot a deer with any weapon??? i could post ballistic differances between "A Gun" and a Tach-15 but i think it's better if you yourself do the research my child
  15. hey guy's it's almost 9 a.m. on a wednesday, why arent you guy's at work?
  16. Wheel guns, flintlocks, and even smoothbore shotguns share a similar range. Should we allow these into bowseason, too? Obviously, there must be more to the decision than range alone. Blatant misinformation. Physics dictates that heavier projectiles, launched at equivalent (or higher) velocity, will maintain their velocity preferentially over lighter projectiles. your average crossbow arrow weights in at 425 grains, Excalibur crossbows even less, so what blatant misinformation other than your own are you refering to
  17. It hasn't happened to any significant level in Ohio.....growth in crossbows extends over vertical bows each year. and why don't you give us your reasoning for why thats soooo bad. last time i drove thru Ohio the sky was still blue and yea it was still up there and the numbers are still pretty close, it's only been in the last year or two that crossbows have slightly overtaken vert bow permits, and crossbows have been legal in Ohio for 30 years...
  18. You think about 1% is a small minority - around 2000 out of 200,000? I think in the science community this would be considered statistically insignificant LOL....membership is a small minority. But politically, NYB speaks for all 200,000 NY bowhunters....whether you like it or not. yea for now but the pressures on and the writing is on the walls for your happy little group and if you guy's don't change your opinions on things you will certainly be short lived, UUHH lets see you guy's have been around soooo long, what is it 1995 or something, hardly a fart in the chronological time frame of New Yorks long hunting tradition.
  19. yea it shows that they are in support of crossbows in NY, but the antis will of course twist it into some kinda fantasy about how corrupt that organization is or that the NY Conservation Council has Muslim extremist roots or something to that effect ;D
  20. I am not interested in more "participants." I am interested in more bowhunters. first of all may i ask who are you to decide who a bowhunter should be, what qualifications or reasoning will you be using to decide who is worthy of heading into the woods to hunt deer. and i'm sure you can tell me with all certainty that all the guy's who grab vertical bows and head out to the woods today are all Robin Hood's ehh right?and you somehow claim to be a hunter, yea i might buy that, but you are certainly not a hunter who cares about the future of our sport, "participants" are exactly what we need in the state of NY and if your not seeing that i don't know what to tell you.
  21. Ummmmm......the data proves the point I was making. Duh. DUUUUHH, proves that sky has fallin HUH?
  22. Are you sure it was 30%? ??? ?? State of Virgina pre and post crossbow numbers. 2003-2004 Vertical Archery licenses sold = 62072 2004-2005 Vertical Archery licenses sold = 61610 The first year for full inclusion. 2005-2006 Vertical Archery licenses sold = 54306 2006-2007 Vertical Archery licenses sold = 51647 2007-2008 Vertical Archery licenses sold = 48122 First year for full inclusion. 2005-2006 Crossbow licenses sold = 15320 2006-2007 Crossbow licenses sold = 20840 2007-2008 Crossbow licenses sold = 22243 It is estimated that about 7000 vertical hunters decided to try them out in the first year. And it is estimated that there are still about 10,000 using them to this day. Total number of Archery licenses sold both groups included. 2003-2004 = 62072 2004-2005 = 61610 2005-2006 = 69626 2006-2007 = 72487 2007-2008 = 70365 Harvest numbers from both bow groups for the same years. ......../Vertical/Crossbow/Total Harvested 2003-2004 16538 596 17134 2004-2005 16055 802 16857 2005-2006 17368 5005 22373 2006-2007 17160 7069 24229 2007-2008 17335 8549 25904 The 2005-06 season is when the crossbow was fully included. The numbers prior are crossbow harvests by disabled permit holders only. The 8549 deer harvested in the 2007-2008 season with a crossbow account for 3% of the total deer harvested in the state of Virginia. Total number of deer harvested from all weapons and seasons statewide in Virginia. 2003-2004 = 237,035 2004-2005 = 221,492 2005-2006 = 215,082 2006-2007 = 223,775 2007-2008 = 241,576 once again good hard FACT that the sky will not fall with the full inclusion of crossbows. it's been proven in every state that surrounds us yet the anti crossbow guys still just choose to ignore the facts. funny the antis are always the first that want you to produce fact and then when you do they just blow it off as some kind of flawed theory anyway?choosing to ignore fact makes one IGNORant
  23. this is the funniest thing i've read in any hunting forum in a long time....
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