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  • Birthday 07/13/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Shore LI , Spencer & Owego NY, Tioga co.
  • Interests
    Duck,deer,turkey hunting etc

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    South Shore LI,Owego & Spencer NY, Tioga Co.
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
    Elite Pulse,QAD rest,Gold Tip arrow,Rage 2 blade

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  1. It will be fun to chase spring gobblers on the Island with some good spots less than an hour from my house. I'm curious as to how DEC is going to manage it so it doesnt end up a giant S@%&T show
  2. I began using the On X app this season also....so far I like it alot
  3. finally upgraded my old vest and sprung for the Alps Outdoor Z Grand Slam vest. I'm not using it with the kickstand feature but really like all the pockets in all the right places and the cushion is super thick. Its a little on the heavy side and so far only used in Florida so I wont have a complete review till after the season is over. Contents... 5 rounds Hevi-13 #6 loads compass assorted mouth calls custom Matthews slate call Custom Matthews box call slate call I picked up in Texas last year dont know the name but great sounding call 3 strikers Leatherman multi tool Facemask , gloves Therma cell unit and refills crow call, owl call scotch pads, sand paper, chalk small browning flashlight headlamp pen , plastic zip ties ( for attaching tags to downed bird) back tag & tag holder 2 water bottles, protein / granola bars Rain gear if expecting and last but not least TP
  4. its the 10 or more straight days of rain during the season that we've been experiencing in recent years that hurts things more than the winter snows..
  5. people planning weddings, baby showers, parties etc on opening day of any season...Plus still HAVING to go to work during the months of Oct and Nov
  6. I say you take the hunter safety class and the bow class... Archery season you choose your weapon...crossbow,compound,recurve or long bow. 1 either sex tag for archery 1 either sex tag for rifle muzzleloader season stays as it is
  7. It's become my favorite 2 weeks of the year.. I'll pay the $15.00 although I agree..it should be covered with the bow tag
  8. Yes..crossbow season falls right on the best days to be in the woods for rutting bucks..A resident muzzleloader tag is only $15.00 are you out of state?
  9. Hey Bob I hope some of those Tioga co. leases are still available I'll be calling you soon
  10. Guided Turkey hunts in Tioga / Chemung Counties, NY Private land, lodging,meals, $750.00 3 day hunt Call Rob Sr.@ 516-322-3126 LI Firearms and Guide Service
  11. I sent a message...If they chose to go out with me my first question would be if they patterned that gun!..an old gun like that wouldn't have choke tubes but it could be choked full from the factory. If its not patterning well I have guns they could borrow that are proven turkey killers. I can also help out with a hunter safety course, license and turkey stamps.
  12. Had bucks chasing each other in Tioga County this week..nice bucks..lots of new sign
  13. Crossbow Specifications A legal crossbow consists of a bow and string, either compound or recurve, that launches a minimum 14-inch bolt or arrow, not including point, mounted upon a stock with a trigger that holds the string and limbs under tension until released. The trigger unit of such crossbow must have a working safety. Minimum limb width: 17 inches (outer tip of limbs, excluding wheels and cams, uncocked) Minimum peak draw weight: 100 pounds Maximum peak draw weight: 200 pounds. Minimum overall length: 24 inches from butt-stock to front of limbs.
  14. Weird that many hunters will pay big $$$$ to hunt a state that does allow baiting / feeding whatever...Or is just a coincidence?
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