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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Too bad for a kid, but the karma will kill you...stay safe out there friends....
  2. 42 pages..really...who will read this stuff...
  3. You know that for a fact? or just what you think? I have read the regs and saw nothing about. Would you be nice enough to point me at the link or chapter where this is explained? Thanks man
  4. 13BVET, keep my name on the list also, we could do some night sessions and get rid of the "problem" :-)
  5. Wonder Lake has some birds, they have now one less :-) Springtime is active, Fall not sure...
  6. bkln

    tough season

    Was? as in past tense, I thought it is still on...
  7. Westchester is bow only, I wonder if they have more or less traffic when the gun season started. Anyone from Westchester here?
  8. Holy Smokes, I'm getting that broadhead, congrats man!!!
  9. wow, man, that's a great buck, going to get mounted I assume?
  10. Good Point WNY, I will also start to experiment a bit, who knows, anything to get a buck :-)
  11. Nothing again this morning, not even a doe, heard few shots early. It is too damn warm, they ain't moving, the two does I saw yesterday there were bedded down during the day for hours.
  12. What are you still doing here??? :-) Go and get a deer! I'm right there with ya , lol
  13. You did the right thing, next time you see him, give him some "advise" :-)
  14. Saw two does and nothing else, heard only few shots, yeah, it was quiet in Hudson Valley
  15. Mornings and evenings, with the day so short now I'm pulling all day sometimes....in full rut, any day time :-)
  16. Do you guys use it? I read the regs and couldn't find anything that this is a NO NO like for turkey. FoxPro comes with doe bleat did you fellows got any success?
  17. 13BVET, I live in Wingdale 15 min out and have 3G tag, I will be driving through Millbrook this afternoon, do you wanna chat? if so where? SemperFi Mark
  18. Not for nothing brother, but where do you hunt that you see 17 deer a day? I have been out 12 times so far this year and only saw 4 deer on 3 occasions (and I missed :-(), seriously, what you see is a deer paradise.... Enjoy it.
  19. That's a second full moon after the equinox, so does this mean it will only get better from now on? http://www.charliealsheimer.com/ca/moon.html Interesting read
  20. Same here 13BVET (Happy Veteran's Day BTW :-)), seen the same 6 pointer twice within 3 days, just walking around with the doe, no shot opportunity, lately last 2 weeks I see total drop in activity in 3G, no does, nothing. I wonder when it will pick up, getting bored just sitting there...:-)
  21. Congrats Bro, now where is the vid? :-)
  22. Welcome Home from the Old Brooklyn guy :-) Dutchess is not bow only but also limited to shotgun for deer. Take a look at Catskills, not awfully far from the City and tons of public land to hunt on. Good luck bro!
  23. It's getting colder in the East :-) Rain stopped (well, just drizzling) and the forecast is mid 40's for 6 AM. I will be out there waiting....
  24. I'm a little bit surprised how many of you eat in the woods, normally 2-3 bottles of water will do for me for a long hours. If I'm pulling all day thing I just walk out for lunch, nature calls, etc. If I want to eat I go to the restaurant not into the woods, lol
  25. I was there over the weekend (Schroon Lake area) hot and humid, nothing was moving, I was massacred by mosquitos, it was way to early for hunting.....came up empty...of well, at least now I know not to step into the woods when the temps are above 60 degrees...
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