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  1. Was told nothing that goes into affect tomorrow is in place. No one has been hired for any training, background checks not in place. That way they can put you on hold indefinitely and stop the process claiming lack of funds or other asinine like excuse. Delay delay delay you got to admit that this a a great way of gun confiscation by making everybody a felon....that way we can't vote or run for office..... The courts are not going to do anything until somebody who is arrested and convicted appeals. That person is the aggrieved and then the court cases can begin. The lower courts have NO wish to say this is "unconstitutional" so it will drag on for at least 56 years...that is unless the Supreme Court has a backbone and stops this poke on the eye by NY...we are in for a world of hurt. MY Great Uncle told me all about this issue when either Stalin/ Nazis came into my ancestral village and issued new "safety laws" ( "It only affects the bad guy".... who was defined as anybody who disagreed with them." That was followed by re-education trips to Gulags (2 cousins),Nazis slave labor camps (1 Uncle and 3 cousins) and in the village lynching (boys 9 and 13 year old after being accused of terrorism) if you complained. Never thought it could happen here....but the virtue signaling, progressive, self loathing guilt plagued government officials are showing me just how wrong I was. Freedom Not Compliance
  2. Folks, This new law is filled with convoluted verbiage designed to make us all Felons and confiscate our guns.... so be real careful what you do. I just talked to the DEC folks and here are a few bits you need to understand to prevent you from being labeled a Felon and your guns confiscated. Here are only a few of the myriad of questions I asked that actually got an answer of some type. As per their interpretation: They are making any infraction of this law a CLASS E Felony Currently::: 1. When traveling and stopping for gas, groceries, Restroom break, etc., and exiting your vehicle. All shotguns/rifles MUST NOW be in a hard locked case hidden from view. Their is an exception if someone stays in the car while completing those tasks. However If that person is a child under 18 the guns MUST be in a secured and lock in a hard case or in a safe which is with a key, keypad or combination. NOTE::: Bio-metric locked cases are NOT mentioned and thus could be currently illegal. That includes your bedroom bio-metric pistol safe. (When I asked about this I was met with googled eye stupidity and a non answer SO BEWARE that the point is to get rid of all guns and violating this rule is all that's necessary to be arrested. If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns 2.When asked about driving from Farm to Farm to hunt I was told the need to be in a hard case and locked. If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns 3. When asked about driving on my farm with an unloaded but uncased firearm....I was met with "that's probably ok but Be careful, Albany wants to play "gotcha" and "If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns 4. Trespass laws have been changed to make it easier to become a felon. It is now considered illegal to go into any place that does not say CWP allowed. You must have permission from every landowner or you will be charged with a Class E Felony for trespassing (includes being lost if you have a firearm). If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns. So if you have issues with your neighbors make sure you know exactly where the property lines are. Advice get written permission from all the land owners before the season starts so you don't get caught up in a later squabble and be told "you never had my permission." These trespass laws will be used aggressively so be careful. 5. Open carry is always illegal but you could use pistol to hunt so it was tacitly allowed. NOW???? It could be read that your hunting pistol MUST be concealed..... The DEC person was perplexed about this and agreed that the concealed issue was "ambiguously vague" and in the future could be viewed as "must be concealed". SO just how do you take off the winter gear to access your firearm?? If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns 6. The DEC Flyer says, " The new law does not affect how LAWFULL hunting may occur in NEW YORK." Sure they change the rules and makes common practices now illegal. So if you you have ANY infraction you are NO Longer LAWFULLY Hunting. Thus you will be subject not only to that infraction but having committed it in possession of a firearm If Violated:::::This a FELONY requiring that the state confiscates all your guns FOLKS remember that the original "Seat Belt Laws" specifically stated the you could not be stopped for violating that law...Suddenly its become a pretense to pull you over and see just what you got in your vehicle. So no matter what they say now you is only whats to come and you KNOW where this is headed. Forget about the Camel getting its nose under the tent,with this law the camel is in and letting the whole herd in. If we don't stop this nonsense by voting (and yes your vote counts) we deserve the S#$%T storm that's coming BTW If convicted of violating this law we lose the ability to VOTE. Be careful and have a safe hunting season.
  3. Who aged it? deerage.com? Yes deerage.com.. Very easy to do I had an issue trying to pull the tooth so I sent in the tooth with a little jaw attached
  4. Whats the spot on the shoulder???? A very good question....when I dressed him there was NOTHING there just a regular fur coat. Must have been something on his coat that got washed off.
  5. Last year I asked you folks to age this deer. I got guesstimates from 3.5 - 7.5 I sent the tooth for aging and the results are finally in. 8.5 years old BTW the deer was taken in Otsego county in a soybean field with seed purchase via the NDA (QDMA) Program So much for all he neighbors saying "no deer can live more than 4 or 5 years in this area. Now if the deer would just stay out of the beans letting them grow and the beaver stop flooding the cornfield...it could be another good year. Stay safe and the licenses are already out this year their a washed out orange
  6. Another Question??? Since the Supreme Court ruled the Right to Self Defense is inherent ...if private property owners say "NO Guns" ,,,,do they have the liability and obligation to keep you safe on their property???
  7. So is my Concealed Carry Permit now legal in NYC?????
  8. Sounds like we need lots of guys here in New York to just quit hunting. Then the rest of us will kill big bucks like in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. Awesome I always thought hunting was a sport to be appreciated by all who enjoy such an endeavor? Now I see it’s about whose got the biggest set of “horns” irrespective of the consequences. Losing more hunters means less voters to ensure that we can hunt in NY. As soon as the “antis” realize our political power is gone…..Just what are you going to hunt with (a cell camera approved by PETA?) because the Rainbow Unicorn and Tree Huggers Coalition of Progressive insanity will make sure that ALL hunting will be stopped. This will be done to “save the environment” because “we need more empathy and compassion for all creatures!” "Just get guys to quit hunting""? What a brilliant idea to ensure the extinction of all hunting in NY. ….and if you don’t believe that, just look at what NY is already doing to hinder what instruments we can hunt with, where and when. How about we work on improving the habitat on private lands and access to both state and federal property to improve what we already have???…maybe we should be encouraging more youthful hunters who want enjoy the outdoors and the comradery of the hunt no matter how “BIG the “rack”. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
  9. Deer eat grass only incidentally. In the fields they are eating clover, goldenrod, and other broad-leaves, grass just gets in the way. They also eat the new shoots from the cut brush (dogwood, pokeweed, poison ivy, etc.) If you mow the field you keep up the growth. BTW IF you want the best out of the field mow only 1/3 every year. That way the amount of browse and cover is increased and with the Biden Fuel Surcharge,,,,it will be faster and cheaper. Whatever you do, don't waste your money on grass...they don't eat it.
  10. Mossberg 500 (series) I've used one for years (brand new $84 in 1977) I didn't buy the varichoke but barrels were$15 apiece so I bought 'em all including the 50cal black powder barrel (shoots fine out to 120 yds.) I've used for ducks and geese in all kinds of weather It took a swim with me in Barnegat Bay in Jersey...the water was shallow enough that it was an easy retrieve. Shook the water out and it still worked flawlessly I went home dissesembled of all the parts, washed the whole thing in hot soapy water and reoiled everything I still shoot it 40+ years later (first time everytime. It'll shoot 3" magnums and 2&3/4 shells in the same magazine. I like the top tang safety (ergonomically smarter, I'm a lefty so it's just easier. Also it kills everything dead.. I've taken deer, rabbits, pheasants fox, coyote, turkeys etc. I have 5 other shotguns (Fox s/s, Daley O/U, an 870, Browning auto and 2 others) and the Mossberg is by far the most reliable and deadly shotgun I've every used. You can't hurt it and it ALWAYS fires,if it didn't you can use it like a club. The only issue I ever had was a worn out magazine spring. Word of warming those 3 &1/2 in cannons sound nice until you actually HAVE TO SHOOT it a couple of times. Recoil is horrendous. My neighbor took shots at a turkey with it...got the turkey but broke his collarbone cause he was up against a tree. Whatever you get enjoy and be safe
  11. I called the co-op yesterday and they said: 1. The quarry isn't open yet so they don't have an exact price but figure $30/TON (I paid about $26 three years ago. Again . thank you Joe Biden) 2. I am sure a fuel surcharge (Biden again) will be added but the quarry (from Mass.) has not set a price on that 3. They were not going to loan the spreader until it warms up as the frozen clumps of lime really bother the spreader You can get smaller amount (like a dump instead of a tandem but the price is higher. (You need to do a cost analysis on price per ton based on the acres you want. I could have gone with 30 tons but buying the extra 10 tons brought the total cost/acre was worth it) BTW You need a tractor with a bucket or a lot of undocumented workers to shovel 40 tons into the spreader.
  12. This year its time for another soil sample but For me it's 80,000 lbs every 3-5 years (They drop it off, give me a spreader and in about 5 hrs its all done. I just power wash the spreader and they pick it up) Cuts the cost about to about $30/ton. (That's before the rise in diesel fuel thanks to Biden) Sure beats opening up 2000 bags and then spreading them.
  13. Belo wrote: most of what i've seen recommended is to spray, wait a few days, till, then spray again. Chances are you've unearthed some weed seeds after tilling Time for the second pass of a gylcosate is at least 14 days. That lag time allows for some of the exposed weed seeds to germinate so a glycosate will work. Depending on what you are trying to grow there are other herbicides that can be applied BEFORE any weed seeds appear (pre-emergent) saving you from the need for a second spraying. I do that with corn and beans. If you get a lot of rain you may need to spray in late June -mid July. Even that depends on just how clean (weed free) you want your fields to be. As long as what your planting develops a canopy over the weeds you will still get a crop. With soybeans I wait till late August and over seed the beans with cereal rye. As the beans drop their leaves the sunlight hitting the ground causes the rye to flourish and you'll have 2 of their favorite foods in the same field. In corn, the weeds offers both deer and small game more cover. They dawdle longer in that field., thus exposing themselves to you for a longer time during daylight hours. In late winter the animals appreciate that extra cover. In my area (4F) except for clover (boy do they hit that hard in the fall), the deer don't appreciate those "greens" everybody raves about. (In the winter I have pictures of deer walking through kale, turnips, etc, and tear up the bean field that is right next to it. (see attached and figure out what they prefer. So see what they both like and grows in you area..... and grow it. The deer need nutritious biomass all year long not just October thru December.
  14. This is my "Deer Palace" The view is spectacular. I have a high backed Desk chair on rollers, a desk, heat, solid rifle rests attached to each window,a urinal that goes into the ground, great WiFi reception (the height and wind makes hearing a challenge so it's just visual hunting. The stairway makes for easy, safe entry and exit. The stand is so airtight that I actually put in a CO detector in it. So far My shots have ranged from 15 yards to a bragging one shot kill at 389 yards. It's been up for 5 years and 12 bucks have been harvested off it. (Yes I let other people use it) I have a parking place at the stand's base. The deer literally ignore my parked Kubota 1100 utv and walk on by. Keep on improving your property and the stand will happen. Good luck and good hunting.
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