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biggamefish last won the day on October 15 2013

biggamefish had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Capital District

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  • Hunting Location
    Capital District
  • Bow
    Striker Fastback 50@29" / Martin Vision long bow 50@28

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  1. Chris if you dont sell this I might be interested. Let me know I am in the capital district area.
  2. I have done many deer also and never used a saw. I can see where one might come in handy at times though. It is just the way we are taught to do things. Everyone has a different method.
  3. Back in. Hopefully the deer got the memo. Forgot my camo top Have a coat but really don't want to put that on.
  4. 3 turkeys, squirrels. Nothing happening. The switch has to flip soon. Sat till 1200 or 1100 new time!!
  5. Nice steps, you can do anything you put your mind to.
  6. Yikes Glad I am not you!! Hope you and your family get well soon.
  7. Have you seen deer eating these? I have hickory trees where I hunt and never seen a deer stop for them. I always wonder if it was because the are so hard to chew on.
  8. @crappyice congrats and way to stick with it.
  9. The season is to short!! Cool seeing them though.
  10. Nice and warm out so I brought the kid out for a very calming sit!! Dontnthink we will see much with him beating on the side of the blind!!
  11. Anybody hear from fletch? Wonder how he is making out.
  12. Probably their older sister is keeping them busy elsewhere!!
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