I try to stay 100% trad. Successful 2 out of the last 3 years on does. Only time i switch to compound is like moog, bad weather, and then i hunt out of my brothers box blind. Not set up to use the recurve and need the distance of the compound.
weather looks like it may me getting a little better. For 7p Sat calls for a slight chance of rain/ wintery mix until the afternoon when it picks up to 60% chance.
Feeling better all ready as I hate sitting in a ground blind which was plan B with all this rain that I thought was coming.
I just bought the card reader from Moultrie, about the size of half a credit card for about $25.
Works easy enough with a simple app downloaded from the app store. easy to see videos and pics. Deletes real quick.
Thought it was turning out to be a good morning. Just got set up and heard one sounding off about 500 yards away in neighbors field. 8 to 10 gobbles then POW. Someone got lucky.
But at least they r gobbling
Getting ready to head out for day 2. Wonder how that atorm affected the birds last night. Probaby soaked.
Anyone have any rainy evening before a mornings hint advice?