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About agross

  • Birthday 05/30/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Huntington, New York

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Chenango, NY
  • Hunting Gun
    7mm wsm
  • Bow
    Parker Blackhawk and Martin x200 Recurve
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I try to stay 100% trad. Successful 2 out of the last 3 years on does. Only time i switch to compound is like moog, bad weather, and then i hunt out of my brothers box blind. Not set up to use the recurve and need the distance of the compound.
  2. On my way to Riverhead this morning from Huntington, saw 5 dead bucks along the way in the median starting at about exit 63.
  3. Thin neck. Looks like 2 and a 1/2
  4. Im going out for a few hours before turkey and football.
  5. Never claimed that but I have had a few missed shots due to the tree rocking and rolling.
  6. Congrats. Who cares if its not a monster buck. Shoot what ever trips your trigger yearling, doe or buck.
  7. weather looks like it may me getting a little better. For 7p Sat calls for a slight chance of rain/ wintery mix until the afternoon when it picks up to 60% chance. Feeling better all ready as I hate sitting in a ground blind which was plan B with all this rain that I thought was coming.
  8. Yup. Every few years a shitty opener makes some big boys get bigger.
  9. Saw that too. Sunday looks like snow for my area in 7P but still windy. Wish I had a field edge to sit on to not have to worry about falling branches.
  10. Just had 6 doe and a button buck eating in my plot for the last 25 min. Past on the button buck at 15 yds and missed a big doe at 25 with the recurve.
  11. I just bought the card reader from Moultrie, about the size of half a credit card for about $25. Works easy enough with a simple app downloaded from the app store. easy to see videos and pics. Deletes real quick.
  12. Thought it was turning out to be a good morning. Just got set up and heard one sounding off about 500 yards away in neighbors field. 8 to 10 gobbles then POW. Someone got lucky. But at least they r gobbling
  13. Getting ready to head out for day 2. Wonder how that atorm affected the birds last night. Probaby soaked. Anyone have any rainy evening before a mornings hint advice?
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