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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dinsdale

  1. Its like everything. You don't need a custom rifle to shoot either, and cheapo off the rack guns can shoot great. Perceived value? that's an individual decision.
  2. Insert Biz's buddy pic here>>>>>> That'll scare the _____ out of ya.Turn you into a cuomosexual.
  3. I like watching their live stream rod building sessions on You Tube. I've only done one but want to do another as travel rod.
  4. I ordered some molds from them and they came about 2 days longer than normal last week. They had an email that said as long as they had it, they were good but others supplying them might be delayed. Same thing with Lureparts.com
  5. I'm not stirring the pot, but I went to check on posts from a live cam that get put on twitter to see whats been around and the top trending right now is.... #cuomosexual I didn't even know that was a term.
  6. How many die in left unabated? Hint:Its not 200,000.
  7. Best Bond Girl name ever. Honor Blackman dead at 94, but not from CV19. Goldfinger; behind Thunderball, 2 best Bond movies.
  8. I just don't know on diet. But have had fallow in South Africa, New Zealand and Spain; tremendously different diets it would seem; but outstanding on the plate in all places. Just more tender then any whitetail I have ever had, including corn fed. No gamey taste either. But I know guys who have shot axis all over, Hawaii,South Pacific,Texas; they say same thing; it always great table fare. So theres something to the breed not always diet IMO.
  9. Good on kitchen spills. Running out of socks and no fresh leaves yet. More interesting note, check out South Africa military crack down on their 21 day national lockdown. Folks in jail and reports of shooting a few too. Interesting stuff.
  10. Anti malarial pills. Its what you take before travelling to high risk areas. Taken together is under the name Malarone. Same class of drugs being experimentally used for CV19, hence me finally being ahead of the hoarding curve, I struck out on paper towels and toilet paper.
  11. They're as dumb as she is....or more likely, shes Puerto Rican and the district is 50% PR. She won her district by a landslide, not even close. You could add all the independents and every republican and still not beat her total. Simple numbers? Active registered voters D 214,000 R 33,000 Other 70,000 She received 110,000 votes so even adding every single independent and republican she still wins. The real race was the primary where she beat the incumbent (57 to 43%) other then that it was a forgone conclusion that any democrat candidate would win that district. Numbers don't lie.
  12. Just about everywhere I have hunted , having a dog with you is just standard fare. You shoot and you let the dog track, even if you see it drop dead. Saves your ass if you get one you need to track. And you don't dilly dally around, dog waits for command and you hustle your behind to keep up, they'll bay up a wounded or poor hit. I've been lucky, but saved a trophy fee once. Here you need a license and a leash or it makes you a poacher.
  13. I love that Sauer 404 hes shooting on the Leica show he does. Love to have fallow deer that he often shoots, the cuts he does look so good. Ranks right up there with moose and caribou.
  14. Ha, I would never thought anyone on this forum knew of him, pretty popular for both hunting and cooking shows. I use his meatball recipe as it uses cheese for fat and not adding things like ground pork or beef fat. This guy right? Mike Robinson... this is a really good recipe and I've tried this with everything.And lemon zest!
  15. SOLD! I'll send shipping info. Squatch is live? Yes? Air holes in the box?
  16. Does this make me a hoarder? Good stuff too, right from CVS
  17. You know, these clear straightforward, based in reality posts, have no business on a forum. Please post non sense conspiracy theory gibberish.
  18. This state voted for Michael Dukakis.... And Reagan only won by a few percentage points over Jimmy Carter for a SECOND term! Jimmy Carter! The James Buchanan of the 20th century. LOL What a lost cause.
  19. OK I'm going to be a dick here, but listen to what the CEO actually says.......he says he'll "donate space for the manufacture of" and use his warehousing . He never says they will make the stuff. He also says he contacted Trump, but its easier just to blame Cuomo cause that gets folks to watch these you tube 2A dudes. I get it, it sells great for Remington......but wheres the actual letter; if your so offended by not getting an answer show me what you actually offered. If I'm wrong I'm happy to eat crow and be a moron. And I pulled that article out of this.... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/04/02/gov-andrew-cuomo-has-not-accepted-remingtons-offer-ppe-ventilators-n2566211 Sorry I just can't subject anyone to that 2a dude, 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back
  20. he doesn't have that power as a State only Feds have that. Trump used his ability to have GM make product but thats not the division of GM that makes cars. In addition behind closed doors they'll negotiate a price and that will be the $500 hammer kind. Thats how WW2 grew big corporations, look at the numbers. And I'm not a Cuomo supporter, but in every press conference he begs for NY companies at gov't expense to employ and make product. A former client of mine owns a fair sized garment business right in the city and was asked to change over to basic PPE production; the prick layed everyone off. He also tried to screw me on a final check ,what a giant azzhat. Was in on line article today.
  21. Sausage Maker....Buffalo NY #1 is for things like jerky and sausages that are going to get cooked and or smoked but at high enough temp to raise internal temp of meat to 165* #2 is time release for things like salami and pepperoni that dry aged and left at low temps
  22. I read that....scary stuff. On a related note those pills sell for $4 each here in the US via prescription only. I bought mine walking right into a pharmacy in Johannesburg, same exact maker and dosage; bottle of a hundred cost me 5 dollars US. Our health system is F-d up.
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