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Everything posted by Dinsdale

  1. Understand that DEP regs are specific to NY City owned properties, and are separate from NY State owned lands. Much information on DEP website. (And NY DEC too) Good luck with the new property!
  2. I'll really confuse those who are sheltered.... I have an English single shot hammer gun in 32 gauge.
  3. Theres a fair sized group of folks who video hunts now, especially those who are travelling. They do Australia/New Zealand/South America.....feb/march/april/may Africa....april to sept And Western US and Alaska.....sept to dec Cost is $200-300/day for camera and raw footage+expenses (food and lodging). Includes stills and drone often now. More often then not an outfitter will throw in living expense for some access to footage. Additional editing is typical $100/day for a finished production. They are often former guides/hunters and are very polished on tagging along not to get in the way and get good footage. Serious regret not taking up an offer for hunt in 2018.
  4. Doddering old Farts Matter. Sponsored by Preparation H and Depends.
  5. It all started when we started letting the wimmens wear pants.... And then that rock and roll came along..... What a bunch of doddering old farts. Change happens, you still woke up, and are posting on a social media platform; talk about ironic.
  6. Yaa, the "oh wait nevermind" means I get they weren't armed. You brought up 1960's protests and implied folks should be shot, not me; thats why I quoted it. In case anyone missed it, we as a society don't shoot thugs on sight; thats utter stupidity as dumb as the "protesters" who burn their own neighborhoods. ( the protesters is in quotes.....thats also sarcasm)
  7. Yaa.... Those armed college students at Kent State got what was coming to them. Oh, wait, nevermind.
  8. YES! Exactly....thank you..... But it does effect other countries and a few Americans (like me) and shouldn't even be a topic for USF&W. CITIES says its legal and this country should follow the law. All he had to do...." I'll trust MY appointed secretary of F&W to make the correct decision based on science and facts." But he just couldn't resist being the center of attention whore again and thats why it answers the title of the topic here..... Trumps stupidity.
  9. Birds are going nuts in the woods behind my place.....last 2 weeks most activity I've heard in a few years. Get out there!
  10. That board was disbanded due to court defeat as illegal......and most of his appointees in F&W resigned. 2017; https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/11/19/trump-calls-elephant-hunting-a-horror-show-and-suggests-hell-enforce-a-ban-on-trophy-imports/ And he has had USF&W enforced a ban on imports , against CITIES scientific findings, for several species . You can apply for import, but no one has ever received an actual permit , although there has been movement on lion importation. But the damage has been done financially and therefore environmentally at a critical time for many of the species involved.
  11. Called hunting in Africa a "horror show". That was beyond stupid and a knee jerk reaction without asking anyone with understanding of the issue except his good for nothing anti hunting daughter......
  12. Up, up and away for housing north of the city.....isn't it great! I plowed one time this winter and thats damn fine by me too!
  13. I don't agree with that.... Hitting a man sized target at distance WAS the standard. Now hitting tennis balls or smaller is; and that isn't any easier or all the records would be broken for all classes by amateurs; but they aren't. The guy isn't playing the bugle; the shooter is still pulling the trigger.
  14. Dinsdale


    I have a pair of Simms and they weren't anywhere near $700. You'd have to be a complete klutz and stupidly oblivious to your surroundings to screw them up. Ive been through thick stuff in Canada and over logs in my float tube with mine without a problem.
  15. Yaa, none of our recent PM's I've been notified about, I just happen to log in and there were a couple PM's from different members here, yours included.
  16. Thanks.....went there and it says 2 things, under messages it says" administrator has disabled this option from being toggled" But above says something about my" browser help documentation enabling notifications for this site". That might as well say figure out the orbit for a space station, cause that ain't happening....I turn the computer on, and turn the computer off.....end of my skill set.
  17. Stopped getting email about PM's here about 2 weeks ago... How do I fix that? Anyone? TIA
  18. Gotcha..... Thats going to be a fair heavy structure; thats good, its short to platform; and 6'6" sidewall is short too relative to say 8'. All thats adds up to less chance of toppling. So here's what I'd do and its JMO..... Dig down to your rock, and pour some piers about 16" square and inbed some these guys at the corners..... Theres a drawing how it goes into concrete. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Simpson-Strong-Tie-CBSQ-Galvanized-Standoff-Column-Base-for-6x6-Nominal-Lumber-with-SDS-Screws-CBSQ66-SDS2/100375030 Stack some 2x12 for forms; 16" square x22" high needs about 5 1/2 bags of 80lb concrete mix per hole. OR get some 16" sonotube and save a bag of mix..... https://www.homedepot.com/p/SAKRETE-16-in-x-48-in-Form-Tube-65475000/100669878 I'd take my SDS hammer drill and pin some 1/2" rebar into the rock for the footings especially if I was in an exposed location. Pro tip=====>Timberlock and Ledgerlock screws are your friend and worth the price when doing things like 6x6 posts and bracing.
  19. Wide stance at the bottom will help overcome some wind load. Heavy footings add weight at the base also going to help. How high is this going to be and height of side wall? Roof design? I build for a living, so I don't know anything either; I ask at Home Depot.
  20. First splay the legs, dig a larger diameter footing and pour with 1/2" anchor bolt. Use some 1/4 x 3" steel and bend for the anchor bolt and 2 carriage bolts through the legs. But make the straps like 2' high on the legs to keep the bolts out of the wet/snow and away from the end of the posts.
  21. Love to hear story about ibex on rock by moose's rump and the two chamois (standing and laying) in the center of the room.
  22. Probably SCI; they measure anything. Like a world record Bobwhite Quail if you pay them enough money.
  23. 6 months ago bought one from a shop in SC 445 new, no box, plus $45 shipping in a plano case (25 FFL fee my end). I dont ever impulse buy and keep very close tabs on guns I'm interested in. They had ad on Gun Broker and it was next to the rifle for sale in the ad (which I did not buy), and I emailed an inquiry.
  24. CZ not making that 550 series anymore and going to a pushfeed for 557. That 9.3x62 pretty classic for that gun and I think if pricing fair you'd be able to move that without too much problem, even if someone is just dreaming about using it. I think the American butt stock will help for sale over the hog back Euro version since everyone scopes a rifle these days. Those Barnes 250's zipping along will put down anything on this planet; I don't think heavier would gain anything.
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