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Everything posted by Dinsdale

  1. I can say there are some terrific views from Westkill from the ledges up on top, just there a few weeks ago. From Devils notch side it happens to be a favorite chunk of woods for me. Generally I dont cut a huge amount of tracks and sign. You'll work for an opportunity.
  2. I think it just depends on dealer and circumstances. In sept traded in a car for a small van for work. Knocked about 15% off asking, which was blue book. And more then expected for car. Now this was a $16k vehicle not 30 or 40 either and I wrote a check for the whole thing too. But was looking at something else around $27k and we were talking about 15% off when kicking numbers there too, and that was already under typical blue book/ internet search price.
  3. Took 2006 or 7 off after I came back from a month long trip in September and was plain hunted out for the year. Missed 2019 with medical issues on and off again during that fall. This year I was hiking in Catskills and cut a big track and spent a few hours working it. Bumped a nice buck with a doe and made a 1 mile loop to get the wind right and glassed them again in a bowl in rifle range. No gun and couldn't careless if I shot him. Just having fun. No remorse issue, just dont have the mojo at the moment. Actually have a cape buffalo hunt planned next fall and super excited for that trip. Have had as much fun with a camera as rifle, do what makes you happy.
  4. A pile of Blaser barrels and a single stock takes up hardly any room. Just sayin'. First thing you do with a gun safe, remove those racks and buy gun socks.
  5. Oniontown in Dutchess county? It's off Rt 22. Or are you talking about just about all of Ulster County?
  6. There are no wanton waste laws in NY, you can take all the meat and leave the rest behind legally.
  7. Agree, worked that area for about 5 years went out for lunch most Fridays. Most places are pretty good, but dinner service is better. Pizza place by the little market off the main drag is awful and a total pass anytime. Mexican place on 44 across from Troop K state police barracks is real good. La Peurta azul (sp) "blue door" 3 outstanding high end gun shops in area. Safari outfitters. British sporting arms. Orvis Sandanona. Pick your self up a H&H royal sidelock for 100K while the wife looks at antiques.
  8. This is just silly. I'm hiking again almost every weekend both days and using some of the busiest trailheads in the Catskills and along the AT. There are out of state plates from all over the country parking. Like they are all doing a quarenteen protocol.
  9. Diner across the street is decent, there's a steak place out town on rt44 headed to Amenia that can be good too.
  10. Good luck with new ground, updates will be fun to read.
  11. Up in my backyard, that's a great place.
  12. Guy who originally ran it moved down south. Charlie something? Dick Henry, the former region 3 biologist involved with the chapter, was trying to make a go of it, but that's last I knew.
  13. Queen recently announced that her annual address will contain language that will ask to ban any importing of hunting trophies into UK from anywhere in the world. Typically topics contained are driven by the Prime Minister, and his girl friend is big on the anti hunting scene. But so is Trumps daughter, and shes driven his stance against imports too, even though the one son is big into SCI.Although there has been a quiet shift in the past year in some cases; much is on the no go list with ridiculous reasoning by USFWS. Eric Clapton has also cashed in much of his collection, and that ran into the millions comfortably. 60k for two Purdeys, not all that much in English bespoke gun world. A Holland and Holland royal double rifle starts at 100K and nortn of 250 is easy to see. It's all about flavor of the day.
  14. This^^^^ I work in the trades, I have been on 11 job sites in the last month and last week where one day there were no less then 13 different crews on one big project and other then the guy who templates for stone counters not one mask or bottle of sanitizer anything on a job.
  15. Thanks, but you're no slouch on this topic either (and others) and can back it up.
  16. Nothing new in the industry either. Hornady has issues with their DGX, dangerous game expanding, falling apart; and has had to do a redesign. TSX bullets got a tweak early in their first commercial releases too. Shoot enough stuff long enough and you can get a head scratcher along the way. Shot a 2200lb eland (big critter)on the shoulder and had a 300gr Swift A frame disintegrate. Close, 60 yds with a 375. Next bullet broke not only the other shoulder, but the now offside wounded one when it spun around. Then put in a frontal and that one traversed all 8' of body length (took out heart). Same bullet batch, same loads, same gun, same distances. One unique failure. That same bullet lot number has shot a significant amount of game, and that is the only time I have had a true bullet failure and still have confidence in the brand and even have more of that lot number.
  17. If really interested go to Accurate Reloading forums and you will find hundreds of pages of in depth analysis by one of the guys who did all the testing for these going back years; multiple calibers (chamberings), multiple test media, and a whole pile of game. Many many reports of terminal ballistics across all their designs (they started out with solids for dangerous game). GS Custom make similar (lots of info and testing done on these and have shot enough to be impressed), as did North Fork(they're back in business) and Peregrine mono metals with driving bands. Thats nothing new.
  18. You should. I'm pretty sure throat erosion developing loads is the single biggest reason folks don't get a deer consistently.
  19. If you want to read real stories, and Capstick is entertaining as one can get but" borrowed" bits and pieces to turn a yarn, suggest starting with Ian Nyschens (pronounced 'nations') Months of the Sun (1000+ elephants), Jim Corbetts' 5 book set on man eaters in India, or even Buzz Charltons contemporary Tall Tales (He is a hoot, a more honest and genuine person to spend time with you cannot find). Don Heath has a few articles floating around the internet, both fun and informative, he was very involved in terminal ballistics on heavy game (cropped 2000+ elephant as head ranger, and huge fan of a 9.3x62 as an all around even with dangerous game, let small framed and young hunters take BIG bull elephant with a 30-06 with great result); Kai-Uwe Denker books are more serious on philosophy and the drive to hunt, but well written. I Have a copy of Capsticks' Death in the Tall Grass laying about if someone wants some fun reading I'll pass along if I can find it......
  20. First post and I want to thank you for understanding a $60 Tasco is not a good scope and $600 will put you into some terrific glass. How about some more info on ranges and typical shooting/hunting you are doing. A 1-4x20 is significantly different then a 4.5-14x50 or an illuminated 3-9x40.....
  21. Ithaca didnt really move like that though. They were in bankruptcy and were bought, sold, restarted, and moved at least 4 times, maybe 5, before they settled where they are now. One owner in Ohio couldn't make it work either before the current one.
  22. Dinsdale


    Nice views from the tent on the Zambezi. Nicer at dusk, can still smell the smoke. Back there next year anyone wants to tag along.
  23. +1, I've shot there several times as a guest of clients.
  24. Worked a stretch in that area and seen regular sightings of piebald deer. There and an area just north of the village of Millbrook in Dutchess.
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