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Everything posted by Jason118

  1. One in the backyard Sat~ chasing around the doe.
  2. Yeah my brother knew it was a once in a lifetime deer. Sent me a text right after saying he shot one of Santa's reindeer lol. Head was at taxidermist almost before the deer stopped breathing
  3. I actually looked up all you guys mentioned. I went with DLC infinity mp6. Couldn't really tell a diffrence from the covert and infinity models so I figured what the hell and bought him the little more expensive model. Seemed to have a lot for the money and pretty good reviews.
  4. Want to buy my father a new one for his birthday. Looking on line they seem to have come a long ways in the last few years or every one jumped on the band wagon. Looking in the $100 or under range but not limited 2 that amount if there is a big diffrence. Thanks!
  5. Just saw the 4 point with five doe. Still hanging on. To his crown
  6. My brother Scott shot this a few years ago late season. It's Nutzzz were all screwed up
  7. it happens , my brother shot this late season~ nuts were deformed
  8. Check this states proposal on AR http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2014/02/bad-bill-oklahomas-12-point-antler-restriction-causes-hunters-freak-out?src=SOC&dom=fb
  9. Close but no, just the other side of 441 on five mile line.
  10. If there was AR in place I would happily pay the fine
  11. I've read (tonight) that there is many factors all basically linked to the testosterone idea.Over abundance of doe , basically having them still going in heat, young bucks, good food and and all around a non stressed environment will keep antlers. Older ones seem to drop first, no does going into heat, scarce food sources etc etc. will lead to earlier sheds. Now I'm sure there can be found contradictions of this somewhere on the internet but In any case it was a interesting Sunday afternoon ;-)
  12. I thought that was odd also. My father swears he had one that already dropped trying to compete for a doe with another buck late season once on the farm. But the sept-March and the whole eye gland thing was very interesting
  13. Growalott~~~yes , it's kinda hard to describe the layout of the parcels and the funnel the natural lay of the land makes. Consideration also to a neighbor that's ok with a chance retrieval but would not have been cool with a stand in his back yard to be 500' away from the old peoples apartments. I'm not going to be that person that puts up a 20' stand 151' away from the kitchen window from a family
  14. Wow great information in that Vid!
  15. Growalot~~~mabie I should have added more detail in my first post on this.
  16. My line of thinking is the land funnels back to the creek, to their bedding area.Stand would be placed accordingly , not over some neighbors land. Every neighbor I've talked to would rather have them gone. On the off chance that a hit deer would decide to climb to high ground and die in a neighbors front yard of a non supporting neighbor is minimum at best but could happen. I wouldn't be able to ever get the old people little apartment complex to give me permission to put a stand up within 500' of them and now I don't need to. And given that there is almost a cliff between them and i a deer wouldn't travel up besides one that's hit. It's not like I'm talking about going in the back yard of a 200' by 200' piece of land and expecting the deer to fall over dead right there. We are talking about acres of permission altogether that couldn't be hunted under the 500' rule but now can be. Retreaval can be a problem anywhere and mabie slightly more in this situation.
  17. in this photo she is laying down just like she is being tended to. I pay attention to their movements, kinda like having a deer education class out the back door. Anyways I've never had one lay down before. Kept waiting for the magic to happen!
  18. some of our regular visitors
  19. I live in the village of penfield. Watched a spike and a six tend to a doe for a hr today. Found it surprising that both still had full racks and more surprising they were tending to her. We have many deer that show up (supporting the governors 150' rule) but only bucks when a doe is in heat. Every indication that she was. I had the iPhone switched to video for a hr waiting for the mount up, waiting for some deer porn! Lol. Anyone ever witness this in mid February before?? ~~~~~if some one can tell me how to post pics I'll post some
  20. I'm for this, my parents are not. They live a 1/8 of the mile in the woods, taken deer stands down that are to close to live stock or the house many times . a swamp runs behind there house, given we are just talking bow, after having a dog shot and idiots clearly trespassing on over posted land right down the driveway you can c their point. Ever have someone try to tell you your trespassing on you families land when the house is 75ft away on the hill? My poor mother heard every four letter word come out of her sons mouth that day.~~~~ On the other hand I live in the village of Penfield. I have 2 acres and my neighbor has 4 heavily wooded and on the other side I think 1acre. The creek backs and park backs up to the 4. I measured~ couldn't get 500' away from the little retirement apartments. Honestly I already have my stand positions picked out if it passes. I believe this is exactly what the law change is trying to accomplish. Will recovery be a issue? Mabie, Will this be the number one issue in my mind while taking a shot? You bet ya!!!
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