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Everything posted by nybuckboy

  1. I too seem to look forward to deer hunting the more I age and I'm 66. It can get frustrating not seeing deer but I still just like being part of the woods. I am very fortunate to be able to hunt on the land I live on after most of my life prior to 2014 having to deal with much of the bs that many face each and every year. After not seeing much on camera as well as on the hoof my season ended well with decent 8 with the bow during that cold snap and again on the second Saturday a nice 9 with the rifle. I too agree it's not always how many or how big a buck you kill it's just seeing them and watching them that keeps me getting up at 5am.
  2. Look at arial maps. Find the closest field that can feed in. Find a draw leading to the field. Get in their about noon and sit til dark. On your way in Mark the trees with with glow dots so you can get back in their in the early morning. Get on the leeward wind side setting up high so you can see the bottom of the draw as well as the opposite side top of the draw. Put in a whole day and eventually you will score a good mature buck.
  3. I have a Vinmori heated vest and bought a 10000 mah battery. Can use for 2 days. Awesome. Got one for my son and son in law. They love them. https://www.amazon.com/Vinmori-Electric-Lightweight-Waistcoat-Included/dp/B07WRCBNMB/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=80360624791&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArJjvBRACEiwA-Wiqq9Fljdzk_prCXcz6EtrzZXeCE-d5RHSm7q0IqbcS4RgQ2vZkYF-gEhoCYZkQAvD_BwE&hvadid=380049124933&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9005240&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11879179111000263185&hvtargid=kwd-570744263963&hydadcr=6590_9607327&keywords=vinmori+heated+vest&qid=1575420548&sr=8-4
  4. Got this guy Saturday at 10am. Never had him on camera.
  5. I thought it would be interesting to what dates and times we have killed bucks to compare some data. Myself 11/3 about 5pm; 11/7 at 6:50am; 11/12 at 9:15am; 11/16 about 4:30pm
  6. Now that’s hunting. Wish my legs could take it I’d go to the Catskills and give it a try.
  7. When you say you grunted it in... did you see it first and then grunted and it came to you OR did you do a blind grunt and this buck came to you?
  8. 2 weeks ago I had about 6 turkeys about 150 yds away feeding. I decided to bring out the bleat can in hopes of bringing in a buck. The turkeys took off running. Not sure I'll use one again. I'll use the True Talker.
  9. What’s your go to lure? Grunt tube, estrous, bleat, dominant buck, rattling, etc.
  10. I been using this vest the past week. I got one for my son and son in law too. I also bought a 10,000Mah battery so for less than $100 you are toasty. https://www.amazon.com/Vinmori-Electric-Washable-Adjustable-Charging/dp/B07WRCBNMB/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=vinmori&qid=1573000879&sr=8-1&th=1 Also a knit neck warmer
  11. I too used to use G5’s and like them but switched in 2017 to Rage. 2 deer dead great blood trails on both. One died inside 40 yds.
  12. Better to hunt Monday morning or afternoon with snow coming in late afternoon/evening?
  13. This weekend should be awesome anywhere in the state.
  14. I've been out 4 times since Oct 1 and have not seen a deer from a stand. Kicked 7 out one time and saw the same 3 resident does in the food plots but nothing from a stand. Anyone else skunked so far too?
  15. It should start ramping up tis weekend where you may start to see the older bucks on their feet during daylight.
  16. Deer Dander for me as a cover scent. Had does follow me to my stand. Never had it spook a deer.
  17. If I can climb on a 4 wheeler to get where I want to then I’ll hunt.
  18. Which will be the better week to take off? Nov 4-8 or 11-15
  19. Stick with it for sure. If you’ve got doe you’ll have bucks - period!
  20. A good chiropractor! Preferably one trained in the Palmer school method. DO NOT let them touch you w/o an X-ray first. I have the same problem and my C helps me. A general physician won’t be able to do anything
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