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Everything posted by Bballhunter11

  1. Would probably be funnier if it wasnt true hahaha the question is how do we change this ordeal that we have got ourselves into in this state.
  2. I dont know about you guys but i deer hunt haha. If its close enough and i have a tag in my pocket then its going down or im finding a hunting partner with tags haha.
  3. I use goat tuff glue and i fletch several dozen arrows a year. One guy i was shooting with at a 3-d shoot shot through a target and the vane ripped before it came off the shaft and he said that has happened before when shooting my arrows
  4. I hunt in Madison county also and last weekend my brother and i saw several small bucks chasing does. and on sunday i had a small buck come in like he was looking for a doe, probably me bleating and that was the end of him he is now in the freezer. I also am still getting bucks on my trail cams pretty regular. So I think the rut is going to get better around here but thats just from what i am seeing in my area.
  5. If your looking for a good lever action round what about the 308 marlin express, supposed to be a good round without the downsides of the lever action rounds.
  6. Not quite sure what u mean that the 7-08 drop is ballisitcally terrible the 7mm bullet has the best aerodynamics and muzzle energy retention of any bullet. The 7-08 shoot flatter than an 06 and carries more energy past 250 yards. Dont get me wrong i own an 06 and my father owns a 7-08 and love my 06 but ballistically the 7-08 is a better round.
  7. I use under armour cold gear and like it alot. Doesnt add any bulk if you need to add another layer and allows free movement in the stand. Kind of pricey but when you look at the other things people buy it doesnt seem that bad hahaha
  8. I agree 30-06 is a great round i have had one for years and have infact killed whitetail, moose, woodchucks and soon to be bear with it. It dropped the moose within 40 yards where she was standing and traveled 5-6 feet through her body. As far as causing more than desired damage to deer size game i believe that is in the shooter/ bullet combo. I shot 4 deer with mine last year under 70 yards and one at 5 and never got a pass through or major damage to the meat using winchester ammo. But i have seen a 7-08 in the past with remington Core-lokt absolutely destroy a deer, we have since changed the ammo como and had less wasted meat. I believe a 7mm-08 is a very adequate round for game bigger than whitetail also such as black bear and elk and with less recoil and ammunition is becoming very popular.
  9. For whitetail i would say you cant beat a 7mm-08, light recoil and heavy take down also you can use it for many other big game animals if you ever get the chance without having to change rifle setups.
  10. I collected tons of red oak acorns this year and was thinking about starting around half in Rootmaker containers and make a comparison against the normal growers and maybe expand from there. I was wondering if anyone has used these containers before and what size they would recommended for the acorns. They come in 18, 32 and 60 tray varieties and would probably be in the trays for 1-2 months.
  11. I have seen a fair amount of deer but only 1 4pt buck. My brother saw 4 8pts this weekend and all of them came into him rattling and stayed around looking for what was making all the noise. We just set up 3 mock scrapes tonight, one where he saw the 8pts and two others where i have been seeing tons of scraping activity and have 4 different 8 pts on cam. Can't wait until this weekend its gonna be great.
  12. I make my own arrows and sell a couple dozen a year to people i know. Also make/ repair some wooden stands and made my own camera arm this year. Also made my own gun cabinet, bow rack and gun rack for camp. Carpenter by trade so it makes sense haha
  13. Safari club scores are higher than P&Y and B&C thats why he used it haha. No deductions and more additions to the score.
  14. Try watching the field ans stream video on youtube about these cans. The sound produced by the bleat can is actually an alarm bleat not an estrus bleat that video goes into it further.
  15. Thanks for the info. I got the same email but when i checked the DEC site it only said there were only extra permits for 1C 3M, 3R, 3S, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, 9A, 9F just curious why this info would be different?
  16. I have been out on the weekends and 1 other day and have seen a fair amount of does and yearlings only one 4pt so far but my brother spotted a real nice 8 near one of my stands. Like you said the weather is not helping at all i am probably going to wait until the weekend to hunt this week because its so bad. I have seen tons of rubs and scrapes most of them very fresh and my cams tell me the big boys are still around just not when the sun is up haha. After this week hopefully things will cool down and i think that would really heat things up.
  17. Hahaha very true WNY im sure it was not on purpose but why is everyone so quick to point the finger instead of look in the mirror. You are very right and thats the scary part.
  18. Remington has made a website in response to CNBC's "Expert" who by the looks has never handled a gun in his life or does not correctly know how to handle one. Probably a same assumption considering where the accusations are coming from. I personally use 2 model 700s an older one in 30-06 that i bought used and another in 7-08 that i bought new. Have had nothing but good things to say about both of them and i agree that some of the accidents are probably due to modifications. I read one story about a small child being fatally shot as his mother was unloading her gun and the first thought that came to my mind was why was it pointed at her own child any way? Yes maybe the gun did just discharge but if she knew what she was doing shouldn't it just of scared everyone and continued from there. Just how i was taught maybe but people are always ready to point to something else when a problem arises. Guns should not be in the hands of someone who is not completely confident with them when there are more people than necessary around.
  19. Alot of the brookfield state land is solid woods either hardwoods or pine stands. Probably some swamp in it but i dont think that is the majority.
  20. I have found about 7 scrapes and probably 20 rubs and have a camera on 2 scrapes. 1 which is very active and i will be hunting opening day if the weather cooperates. This scrape has produced multiple 8 points and videos of bucks chasing each other and does as of last week. I hunt in brookfield in madison county.
  21. Found 3 scrapes in madison county last night where i hunt. All in central area looking good for the fall
  22. O yes been watching them since may and have hours of video of them can't wait until i can arrow one of those two.
  23. 8Pt and 11 Pt running together, about 15 yards from my stand where they are standing now
  24. Just checked the trail cams yesterday and got two 8 pts that are hard horned now.
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