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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Bballhunter11

  1. Sounds like you have been on some GREAT trips Pygmy. If you are hunting with great guys sometimes u dont even mind not getting something one year if other people are. I know what you mean when u said both you and your buddy shot bull moose and had plenty to do for a while. I have shot a moose in New Hampshire and can only imagine that yours in Alaska were twice the size. Alaska is amazing country
  2. I agree with you whole heartedly Pygmy, hit the migration and you can have your pick in the parking lot of the lodge haha. 3 friends of mine and i went on a DIY hunt in Quebec in 2004 in late winter. Long story short we were not in the migration, we rode snowmobiles from sun up to sun down for days without spotting anything and on the last day we saw 1 lone caribou and one of my friends dropped it. Can be an easy hunt but this one was anything but easy
  3. That thing is unreal amazing trophy, just another reason i only go for black bear haha
  4. Here is an idea lets make the people focus on BS issues so we (the politicians) dont have to do our jobs and actually resolve the big issues that are shutting our state and country down. This is deflection at its best and people do nothing about it
  5. Yea i was going to go out to illinois this winter for deer until i saw the price of the non resident tag and i said no thanks.
  6. Great video fieldarcher. If your area has a major pop problem i support you using bait to take more deer and especially since u some of them thats great. Did you guys forget what politicians do when hunters cannot control over population? They say hunting cannot control the population so there is no use for it and cancel seasons and call in sharp shooters to kill tons of deer. I support using bait in over populated areas like NJ. What i do agree with you guys on baiting is the "professionals" using cmere deer on shows to bait deer, that i hate.
  7. Bullet type more than weight matters more on the 165 vs 180 either will drop a black bear without a problem with adequate penetration
  8. We just mainly work on habitat improvement here. Second year planting food plots on our 100 acres last year and had pics of 5+ 8 points in our plots. Already started the process of making a new plot for next year and expanding another. Also do extensive TSI because it doubles as cutting firewood haha. Places we thinned trees out of 3-4 years ago are thick with vegetation now and deer love them. A lot of big deer have been taken on our property over the years without more rules than NY already gives us.
  9. Very nice fisher. They are starting to become pretty populated here now
  10. I have used 180 grain on many deer and it dropped all of them right in there tracks and i didnt feel it caused massive amounts of wasted damage compared to other rounds i have seen. I think 180 grains is a great multipurpose round
  11. I have a Remington 700 in 30-06. I liked shooting 180 grain winchester silvertips and they performed pretty well but they stopped making them. So now i shoot 180 grain Nosler accubonds. I like 180 grains because i can shoot anything from woodchucks to elk without changing my ammo and it shoots better out my rifle than 150 grain.
  12. Corn is good for winter feed but doesnt provide any food in the spring and winter months. if you want something you can plant in the spring and provide food for the deer from june to december i would recommend a mixture of forage and ag soybeans. Very low maintenance compared to other food plots. Disadvantage is you have to plant every year but is probably easier than mowing 5 or 6 times a year.
  13. Love to play basketball and hunt and my basketball number was 11 and i use this sn on other forums
  14. Hunted in a rifle area for a couple years now. Just lets me use both and adds a little variety to the seasons makes is more interesting deciding what i am heading out with in the morning
  15. Would be happy to help just need to know your goals. Are u looking for something to hunt over and what times of the year? Or are u just looking to improve the habitat in your area with food plots? Would you be able to mow the plot? Weed killer isnt always necessary.
  16. Check Ebay for something to compare prices with. I would see if local hunting clubs were interested in buying first then put them on the internet. You could also just type selling caribou mounts into google and see what pops up.
  17. Will be taking first spring bear in Quebec this may. Cubs come out of the den with there mother Geno and are about the same size as a coon, if the mother gets shot the cub will likely die. Mothers with cubs are not legal to shoot in some areas. Cubs are always near mothers so hard to mistake.
  18. I have some experience with Yamahas and Hondas both outstanding machines. Would avoid arctic cat though
  19. Last nights show was ok. Couldn't expect much for the first show but i would love to try some of the challenges they get to do those are pretty sweet. Hopefully it gets better from here
  20. Started cutting when the snow was down. Cut out a spot for a new food plot but havent cut since the snow started piling up to far to walk and carry everything haha. Once snow starts to melt ill be back cutting again.
  21. Never even heard of them. Link????
  22. I agree VJP, another story for you a person who works in fort stanwix was doing a presentation at a school in CNY. This person does tons of these presentations every year at schools. He was walking across the parking lot with a replica firearm from the Rev war and a school official comes running out of another building waving and screaming at him. The guy explained who he was and what was going on the school official still would not let enter the building with his "firearm" and threatened to call the police. The person was forced to do the presentation without the prop and the official felt he had done a great job, complete idiot
  23. How have i never heard of this? http://buckscore.com/ this program is supposed to score any trail cam pic you get very closely for only 10 bucks. Im surprised no one on here has brought this up before or has it.
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