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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Caveman

  1. I know what you're saying Pygmy. I think a concern that people have though is less about idiots lobbing tons of lead at once--I almost fell victim to this moronic behavior my first year hunting and I don't want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't hit the deck--I think for the general public the concern is the increased effective distance of a rifle. If you aren't sure of your backstop, or shoot uphill at a target, there is a greater danger to the people some distance away washing their cars. Obviously it's improbable that the round will miss every tree and potential backstop between your target and the victim, but it does happen occasionally. When it does, you can bet the media keys in on the "high-powered rifle" that was used. Obviously that can still happen with a shotgun, and idiots are idiots no matter what's in their hands. But idiots + a round that's lethal at 1000 yards + a heavily populated and/or flat county = people get nervous.
  2. I think the saddest part about the whole debate is that it would be an almost non-issue to the general public (and therefore the lawmakers) if every hunter put responsibility and safety first. I, and the people I hunt with, have passed on plenty of deer that we wanted to take because the shot was not 100% safe for some reason. Too many people get excited at the sight of a deer and all the gun safety rules go out the window. Obviously there would still be the occassional accident. There's no way to be 100% safe. And obviously there would still be a small fringe element that is irrationally frightened by a rifle in a way that they're not by a shotgun. But I feel like it would be less of an uphill battle if more people just used their heads. That being said, congrats to Albany County. You couldn't have passed this law during the three years that I lived there and hunted Berne with a muzzleloader during gun season?
  3. State Parks often have special rules so I would not be surprised to hear that. My question was specific to state forests and WMA's so there's the difference. I asked my cousin, a Lt. in the NYS Forest Rangers, and emailed the Region 9 office to double check. I would shoot off a quick email to your regional headquarters and print off their response and carry it with you.
  4. To the contrary, I got an email from the DEC when I asked that said target shooting is always allowed on state land as long as you don't harm living trees or break any other state or local laws relating to discharging a firearm (i.e. shooting near buildings or over roads). Edit: also forgot you can't litter such as shooting clay pidgeons or glass bottles, etc.
  5. I think while he makes good points when he debates, and you can't accuse him of not being outspoken, he does it in such a way that regardless of what he's actually saying he alienates a lot of people who are undecided. I think you can make the points he makes in a more diplomatic way and accomplish a lot more in terms of public opinion. Whether we like it or not, that's what's going to determine the future of gun/hunting rights. That being said, Stranglehold is about the only song of his I can listen to.
  6. I don't dispute that. Nor do I dispute that the original post is an awful idea. I just think it needs to be admitted that the same can be said about either party. Once you really look at it, there's no real difference between the two.
  7. That's a damn good 9 holes, Bubba. Extrapolate and that's a +8 round. Me and my 27 handicap are jealous.
  8. It probably knew it only had a few short years before it would be on your dinner table. Decided to go out on its terms.
  9. Sorry to resurrect this thread after 6 months but what was your impression of the tonawanda? I'm in Amherst and always looking for nearby places to check out.
  10. Censorship would be telling you that you can't post your opinions. What people are suggesting is a way to opt out of having threads that don't interest them filling up the recent posts list. Two very different things.
  11. I don't even mean stopping at political posts. Provided it's actually possible, why not allow users to select what forums and sub-forums they want to see new posts from? What would be so bad about people being able to customize their experience on the forum, Bubba?
  12. I have to agree with this for the most part. I joined this forum at the very beginning, when it was first created. I only have a few posts here. Why? Almost every thread in this forum turns into a few members bashing each other. And typically it goes beyond just a friendly debate, it gets downright nasty. Of course, political discussions tend to invite this type of atmosphere, but it's not confined to politics. Just about about anything gets the ball rolling. Crossbows, food plots, antler restrictions, QDM, rifle or shotgun, rifle-caliber "pistols," fenced hunting reserves, the list goes on and on. Of course, not everyone is guilty of this. I'm sure if you really look at it it's the same handful of members again and again. However, it gives the impression of this forum as a whole as a very negative place. If anything is going to scare away lurking newbs, it's the fact that this entire forum comes across as Grow very accurately put it, like a high-school cafeteria. As to the original discussion, would there be a way that you could opt out of having the political threads in the new posts section. That way people can choose for themselves.
  13. Stripped bare Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  14. Basically I'm shooting a 2004 PSE nova that was only 250 brand new and set up. It was my first bow and served its purpose but if I can upgrade to a top end bow for a good price i'd like to. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  15. 2008 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  16. I may have an opportunity to buy a Matthews switchback xt for 400 bucks. The guy says it's never been shot (not sure about that but we'll see), and it's not set up. What do you guys think of that deal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  17. Just got settled in for the night sit. I took a six point in the early season from this spot 2 years ago. A field, woods, and swamp all come together. But it's fairly easily accessible and I can see 15 yards away where someone cleared the leaves to sit by a tree recently so let's hope it's not burnt out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  18. Heard three shots so far where I am Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  19. Finally on stand. Morning full of mishaps. Overslept. Nearly was killed by an owl that wanted the field mouse next to me, grouse roosted five feet above my head and I forgot he was there (nearly messed myself when he took off again). But, all in the past. Hoping to see some deer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  20. Since people here are reporting some chasing already is anyone using any scent tactics or drag lines? If so, what are you using? Also, what's the danger to using inappropriate scents too early?
  21. Congrats, you're going to remember this experience you whole hunting career. I got my first and only with a bow two seasons ago and I can still walk you through every detail of the experience.
  22. I knew these existed but I've never actually seen one in person. I can only speak for Catt Co. but it seems like more people alter their signs to make them less welcoming than anything. "Posted: No Trespassing" no longer suffices and I see "Keep Out!" added in Sharpie instead. I can understand though, I'd be frustrated too if I paid the taxes and kept up my land and someone else helped themselves.
  23. There's always the hype of "curiosity scents" to consider too. Some people claim that early season, before the deer have been running for their lives, unfamiliar scents (not human scent though) will actually attract deer. I've never seen it in action but I think the only way I would have an unenjoyable day in the woods would be if I didn't have coffee in the morning and suffered one of my crippling withdrawal headaches so it's a moot point for me.
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