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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by turkeyfeathers

  1. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEV7ibautT5jQAcGkPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByODJtaWUzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1407965979/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bowhunting.net%2fartman%2fpublish%2fatskodeersee.shtml/RK=0/RS=1TLGn2crZJFUJ1tP6KPcBwBqQGg- Link to what deer see. I did once hear deer can't see pink very well so break out those pink clothes gents
  2. Hope you don't gut shoot em and it's warm out. Curious why you wouldn't field dress them?
  3. Grow, Don't leave. You offer a lot of informative insight and knowledge that others appreciate and can use, me included. Don't let a few bad apples ruin it. Everywhere in life we encounter D bags. Don't let em get you down.
  4. Welcome. Which area(s) do you hunt ?
  5. Ha, was in Corning yesterday and what a neat stretch of water, Cohocton river I believe. Can't believe the floodline markers of '72. Crazy. Yes, it had black legs. Thanks for defining the difference.
  6. So the last 4 days I've spotted what I believe to be an egret. Size of a great blue heron but white. Is this what I'm seeing ? It's in Como Lake in Lancaster if anyone in the area wants to check it out. Have noticed one here and there over the years. Cell phone pic was bunk or I'd post pic.
  7. I go in when it's dark and if i don't pull the trigger I come out when it's dark, Carry an orange vest and hat in my backpack. If i decide to take a slow walk midday or drop something I throw on the pumpkin wear. Sitting in my tree stand I wear camo.
  8. Jeesh, guess my wife tries to tell me something by saying "go hunting, I don't mind, and hunt for as long as you'd like"
  9. I drive about and hour and in climber or ladder stand before sun up. Usually dark til dark unless I pull the trigger. Usually hunt the first 4-5 days of season this way.
  10. Just had a Cabela's credit card holder who got in early yesterday say he bought one of their specials that was listed as $20 cheaper today. And zero .22 ammo
  11. Get the one I mentioned. Keep in mind the longer the food takes to cook the more beer you drink waiting
  12. Had this last week. Wild turkey( the monarch bird I've been hunting for years) rubbed with Bearman dry rub, was marinated in oj and Italian dressing then wrapped in bacon over pecan chips on the smoker. Nice Belgian beer to go with it
  13. Do you have a smoker? I basically never cooked until getting a smoker last year for Father's Day. Now I'm using it weekly. Smoked trout for BLT's , venison (chope or steaks) cut into bite sized pieces, dry rubbed, dab of cream cheese and wrapped in bacon, banana peppers stuffed with cream cheese and cheddar cheese mix, dry rubbed wild turkey breast marinated in oj and italian dressing wrapped in bacon, beer can chicken, wings etc. For those of you who don't have a smoker, you need one,lol. Lowes has a Master Forge (dark green ) and identical to Weber ($300) for $60. That and a chimney to start coals is all you need. Thought I was getting in over my head but its a cinch. Nothing better than something coming off the smoker IMO
  14. Opossum....SMH ! Really got elephant. I do have an extremely good memory though.........oh wait, what was I saying and did I eat lunch yet ?
  15. Had I bowhunt I'm sure I'd go about all the precautionary measures. I trap and am extremely careful of scent for canines. Again, my apologies .
  16. Sorry if my post came across as bashing, wasn't intended as such. Just what I do.
  17. He'd score high enough that nobody on here would pass on him. Simply a guess/ 130ish-140ish
  18. Assuming Angel is a dog and not a family member?! Try wrapping her up in a blanket or towel , should relieve a little anxiety . Vet can prescribe meds for this too. Our golden used to freak out around the 4th of July and had to dope him up. Definitely a good year for raised beds for the veggies. Spring came late and summer leaving early. Heard it's supposed to be a bad winter. Reverse Global Warming IMO
  19. Lunching it now :venison goulash with some good bread and butter
  20. $9.50 lol, Still don't know how I didn't get a manager position with my experience . Interview went extremely well. Boggles me
  21. So my mom turns 88 today and my soon to be 90 year old dad (both in great health and have wits about them) got up at o'dark thirty to go get breakfast for her. Then he preceded to go to the store and gather things to load a surprise picnic basket with. Cake included. They drove to Niagara on the lake for a birthday picnic. They just called, they were releasing helium birthday balloons over the lake. Rain held off for them. Just had to share as I'm blessed to still have them around.
  22. I think a lot of scent control has to do with if you're bow or gun hunting. Big difference. Now i don't bow hunt but i also don't get crazy about scent control either. I wear what I'm going to hunt in minus maybe the warmest layer (hour drive) I'll wear my rubber boots to pump gas in the morning. I play the wind and set up where the least activity has the wind blowing my scent that way. I smoke in the woods and have shot deer holding a cigarette in my mouth or dropped it to the ground from my stand. I get a few thermals and the wind swirls where i hunt so that sometimes screws me i'm sure. I will spray down with cover up spray after having a smoke. I kill nice deer so I'm not overly concerned about what I do. I thought recent testing negated scent control clothing to be 100 % proven ?! I do however try to avoid walking on deer trails and play the wind while walking around not to blow into places I think deer may be
  23. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28605.html#Black
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