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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I was waiting for the "show me pics and prove me wrong" comment. Just not from you lol
  2. I get what you are trying to say. Idk your political alignment, but I don't think the same sentiments would be said about Trump if there was a picture of him smiling and drinking coffee. Just my opinion (and I know what they say about opinions and a**holes lol). Im sure if we all go back and look at every one of Trumps speeches and pictures taken of him since the virus has hit the US we could find stuff of him smiling and laughing. I'm sure I'll be labeled as some "King Andy Fanboy" but this isn't something that should be on the radar. Smiling and drinking coffee when every person does that daily isn't something to point out as an "look at this, he doesn't care" moment.
  3. I get people dont like him but you are really trying to nit pick of your upset that he is drinking dunkin donuts and smiling. Thats why im not sure if you are trolling or serious. Dunkin donuts, like every food establishment, is open. You either go to drive thru or you can walk in and walk out with your order. And smiling is a normal human emotion. Im just not equating smiling and drinking coffee to the severity of the situation.
  4. I cant tell if this is a joke or not. So ill respond like you’re serious. DD is take out, like every other food establishment in the state.
  5. The debt? I was against bailouts when Obama did it so if I was to be fair I should be against adding to it now. Im not in favor of the federal government propping up corporations, but these circumstances are very unique. All businesses are affected by something they cant control. I think we have shot our shots and I hope the stimulus package works. I trust trump when it comes to running the country like a business. Im confident that when this virus goes away and we return back to normal we will be fine. But there is no timetable on it.
  6. Liberal Tactics 101 on display. I had to reply to this thread because you were dodging the other one after you posted your lies and fake news
  7. I read today Rhode Island is pulling over cars with NY plates and putting the occupants in 90 day quarantine per the Governors Executive Order. He doesn't want people from the city coming to their 2nd homes and bringing the virus with them. ACLU is really upset about that, but he's doing it You used the words “him” and “he”. Both used to describe a male. You also stated that there was an executive order of a 90 day quarantine. These are your facts that you shared. Can you cite your source? Why are you spreading fake news?
  8. Funny how people tell you to “read” and you need to open your eyes when they post fake news. Interesting.....
  9. Ratt. Did you take your own advice and pay attention to the 90 day quarantine by the male mayor of rhode island too that you “read” about?
  10. Great memories of eating them during summers in Italy. We would go to the market and my grandmother would fry them up.
  11. But you weren’t hunting..... so does it even count?
  12. I saw an aerial pic of two counties. One county beach was cleared (duval county) and the neighboring county was jammed with people (st johns county if im correct). Ridiculous! The governor should have just shut it all down, not leave it up to the locality.
  13. And if you don’t believe me ask rattler. He can verify this.
  14. Did you guys hear that the governor of rhode island is quarantining new yorkers for 90 days who enter his state!!! He is inching towards martial law.
  15. I think that people are seeing Cuomo give the facts and stick to them. He lays out the facts of the virus and what he is trying to do in order to deal with it the best he can. Ive listened to his addresses and I feel that its fact based and not opinion based. Im not talking about the safe act and other disagreements with him. Agree or not? I like trump but even dr fauci has had to come out and set the record straight on certain things he has said that weren't scientifically backed. That kinda rubs me the wrong way. This comment isn’t directed at you, but a question I’ve been asking myself. Trump has came out and bashed a depleted system that lacks ventilators, masks, etc. well we have had 3 years to fix that. Why havent we? I dont think anyone had the foresight that this was going to happen like it did otherwise we would have been better prepared. Im not a huge fan of the politicizing of this.
  16. An aristocrat I see. Fellas. We got a 1%er here!!!! Lol Damn. Hills farmstead is rated the top brewery in the world and your taking them down like its coors light. You cross over to Vermont to grab their stuff? Enjoy!
  17. 14 day self quarantine and the governor is a female. Can you cite your source of information https://health.ri.gov/covid/
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