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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. If trump knew we were in short supply of ventilators, why didn't he stock up in the last 3 years?
  2. Nyc votes democrat no matter what. Slap a D next to a name and they won. So why would he try to win them over when he already won them. Wouldn’t he try to win over places that don’t typically vote dem? Idk. Maybe im crazy
  3. I put the first episode on and couldn’t get i to it. Ill try and force a few down before i call it quits. Ive been re-watching meat eater on netflix. I love that show
  4. I have an unhealthy obsession with football and fantasy football.
  5. Great news! Im not from the area but I am a salt potato aficionado lol. On a serious note. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized the importance of supporting local mom and pop shops even if it means spending an extra buck. Also, Thank you for verifying!
  6. Well then their facebook page has been hacked because they have updating it daily. So which one of us is correct???? Can another member check their facebook page to verify my post. That would be much appreciated to hear it from someone else.
  7. Did you do your research on this matter? We are in dire times and FACTS are crucial. I might try and make an online/long distance purchase from Mayhoods to try and support my brothers from Central New York as much as I can. I hope everyone does the same. God bless capitalism!!!
  8. Mayhoods is open for business!! Lets go support our local sporting good shops! Say no to big box stores like Walmart as much as you can when it comes to sporting goods. God Bless Mayhoods!
  9. Mayhoods is open for curbside pickup.
  10. Imagine what would be said if upstate was ravaged by this and nyc wasn't. And NYC hoarded their equipment leaving the rest of state to fend for themselves. i totally agree with your assessment of the situation. There is no master plan to sabotage upstate. The need right now is in nyc and it needs to be addressed. When the need shifts to upstate it will be addressed as well. The notion that King Andy is only catering to his constituents is far from true. He doesnt need to win the democrat vote in Nyc. Nyc will vote blue no matter what.
  11. I agree. At some point a decision will be made where the economy needs to be put back to work. I think once we get our hospitals geared up and a vaccine/medicine is in place we can get rolling again. The daily news had article that showed predictions of when the peak would hit in every state. NY peak should be next week. Hopefully it plateaus and then starts declining. Its on the individual to do the right thing to curb this as well. Time will tell
  12. We already bit the bullet on shutting down businesses, etc. I dont think we are going to be half pregnant on this matter. Economy already took a hit. So we dove in head first with the shelter in place to really try and curb this. To back out before we have seen it through would be foolish. We either could have kept america running as usual or do what we are doing. And we did the right thing imo. Also, as far as telling the government what to do. I resonate with that statement. Maybe not to your levels tho. But we aren’t scientists and dr’s. We are taking the advice of professionals. Just cause you read something somewhere or you have the arrogance to buck the system at every cost doesn't mean it’s right. Dr. Fauci seems to be pretty level headed and gives factual advice. America isnt a rogue nation where people do whatever they want. Law and order rules and that is why we are the best Lastly. I think Donald Trump cares more about the economy more than anyone can think. So for him to essentially shut it down and take a huge hit, means there is something behind this that we should take seriously. If he willing to sacrifice probably his greatest achievement as president then you have to believe this is for real and take the advice given.
  13. I saw with my own two eyes a parking lot filled with 20+ cars at a church in south florida. I can only assume they were all inside.
  14. Thats good. Im sure you read (and im sure you’re not as careless) but a couple passed by self treating.
  15. X2. I hope im never in a situation that comes to that. But i feel like once you draw, thats it.
  16. J Wakefield- Shower In The Brewhouse
  17. Have they given the drug out? I haven't heard too much on that as of late
  18. I dont know if I clarified my comment. The church I saw with cars in it was in Florida. Not that it makes any difference where it was located. Still so reckless.
  19. I saw a church with about 20+ cars in the lot. I don’t even have a response for this.
  20. I love chinese food. Specifically boneless spareribs. Perfectly cooked boneless spareribs are my kryptonite.
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