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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Tripping Animals Brewing Co. Ever Haze
  2. Except when your breath gets trapped in a mask. Lol
  3. I can understand the frustration. What the hell is the answer then? People have been told over and over to practice social distancing. And some people just cant abide by it and then crap like this happens. It seems like Detroit is the issue. But if you single out Detroit then your opening up whole other can of worms. Idk what the answer is.
  4. I can understand the frustration. What the hell is the answer then? People have been told over and over to practice social distancing. And some people just cant abide by it and then crap like this happens. It seems like Detroit is the issue. But if you single out Detroit then your opening up whole other can of worms. Idk what the answer is.
  5. Mid afternoon triple ipa!!!!!
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1182711 This is just one article I found on the matter. It laid out the restrictions. If I’m missing something let me know. The restrictions sound the same as NY as well as the majority of the country. I didnt see anything specific about seeing other people, but I was under the assumption that we shouldn’t be going out and gathering with people. We can’t change who we live with under the same roof but for myself, and from what others have said on the forum, nobody is going out to be with other people. Parents, grandparents, adult children, etc.
  7. Sounds like it’s the same as everywhere else. Yes or no?
  8. Mayhoods is open for business. Has anyone been by there to support them?
  9. Now i have to do your homework for you? If you cant prove me wrong then.... you are wrong. Back to bizzness as usual. Ill let ratt do all the ankle biting.
  10. Thats good on you. But if you want to dish it you got to be able to take. Back to the old vid of chris cuomo. If you’re taking a video of him and trying to poke the bear then you cant become the victim when he strikes back. I like when trump bites back. So good for both of them. My bad on the snowflake thing. I was trying to make a point that wasn't made or didn't need to be made. I guess my point was what i said. Dont go seeking attention by provoking and then when someone strikes back they get called violent. If you dont want to be in that situation dont put yourself in it.
  11. Two different responses. 1- He should be kinda worried when his own party is speaking out. He says what he wants and hasn't had much blowback from his side. Given the current situation of the country, to not have party members in lock step could be concerning. 2- Him shooting off is fine. In some aspects I like that he gives it back. Sometimes I’d rather him be a little more presidential acting, but then again he has stayed true to who he is. If you want to dish it you should be able to take it. In regards to that good for him.
  12. Gun stores are closed? I was under the impression they were doing curbside pickup, plus you can get deliveries. One of our members was just talking about their ammo delivery they just received.
  13. Violent streak? Dont be a snowflake. If someone says something to you and you say something back whats the issue? I apologize in advance for invading your safe space. Please dont report me to the mods.
  14. You said that they would ignore the complaint if they were getting favors. Those are your words. Prove to me that they are getting favors for ignoring it. It was reported that they didn't put much credence into the situation. I trust that the LEO are doing their jobs to the highest degree. If you do not think they are then give me some proof. Until then I trust the pd.
  15. If you can prove to me that these LEO are corrupt, I will accept that. Until then I trust the LEO of America. Prove me wrong in this situation.
  16. Have you not seen Biz’s friend? Pretty sure that man is on the offensive at all times....
  17. Also from what I read, It sounded like law-enforcement officers wouldn’t give this guy the time of day. Are we not believing and supporting our law enforcement officers now either?
  18. I dont think so. Why? daily caller wont open on my phone fyi
  19. There you go. We are all American but don't tell me that if someone was coming up to you when you are out and calling you names, let alone insulting your heritage you wouldn't be pissed. you would stand up for yourself. The guy who was being a prick should have gotten what he was asking for. He was a sissy and did it while he was filming in a public place knowing damn well cuomo couldnt do shit. Id place a large bet that he wouldn’t have said peep had they been alone in an alley. Im not some kind of safe space guy but it irks me to hear the fredo stuff cause we all know what the insinuation means. Im sure you would tell your kids to stand up for themselves if someone was calling them micks.
  20. Italian and Austrian. Im an Italian citizen as well. So you have no knowledge of where your ancestors are from? When you’re saying fredo you know what you’re doing I would be pissed if someone said that to me.
  21. This is fake news. This never happened. The guy who alleged this is a liberal. And the guy who reposted this on the forum is a liberal. Stop spreading your liberal fake news. “This is not the end of this”. Hahahahhaha. Who even talks like that?
  22. Beat Culture Brewery- Vamoose Hazy DIPA Me likey....!!!!!
  23. Yeah. I worked there for one winter and froze my butt off outside lol.
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