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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Yes, but we are not mortally affected by it. But keeping those who contracted the virus away from anyone who would be compromised would be the greatest challenge.
  2. Off topic, but referencing your scope comment. I have become spoiled with scopes, and in return have become a poor shot with iron sights. Never dawned in me until i was target shooting with iron sights and was very poor. One of my goals is to get back to basics and fine tune my iron sight skills.
  3. I agree that everyone should be acting like they have it and do what has been recommended to us. But thats not the reality. I think people would really take it serious if they knew they had the virus. Then it really sinks in. Idk. There are so many sides to it. But i do think increased testing is only a positive
  4. Moho. You bringing the hubblel telescope and a can of spray paint to zoom in?
  5. This is positive. We are testing more and able to really identify who has it what steps need to be taken. Thats how I’m taking the increases. It’s important to know who has it and specifically tell them what to do.
  6. Had a similiar convo. You cant wake up and eat cheetos and mcdonalds all day, drink soda, etc and then wonder why your immune system isn’t working properly. I think thats where you were going with this post. If the unhealthiest areas were hit harder than the healthier. Yeah or no?
  7. Very big. Outside of that, im not sure how else this issue can be addressed outside of the shutdowns we are dealing with. Hospitals are just not ready for the amount of people they will be forced to deal with at once according to the information we have been given. Lets hope and pray.
  8. I’ve been having discussions with friends. In my opinion, for whatever it’s worth, once the hospitals are equipped to handle the cases AND cloriquine* is proven to be effective I think we will start easing back to normalcy.
  9. Looks like the mods already deleted "The Catch 2". I dont think anyone was really posting them to be vulgar, even though the pics are of a freakin eggplant, but it probably spiraled a little out of control. And I also dont think the people who didn't care for them are the snowflake pc culture either. It is what it is. Not the biggest of deals imo.
  10. I actually got to say you are right. I posted a "pic" so Im not free of charge. Although I think the "pics" are hilarious, kids do visit the site. ChrisW for the win. Im gonna try and delete the obj pic and won't add anymore of that. Its good to be put in check sometimes.
  11. And????? Does it live up to the hype???
  12. We been seeing them on the property i hunt the last few years. 4s
  13. Id love to a side by side taste test of the same beer but one brewed in the rock and one from bk. I wonder if they are identical?
  14. My bank account been busy lol.
  15. Any of you guys on untapped?
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