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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. You are pissing straight fire lately!
  2. Tripping Animals Brewing Co. Los Tres Compadres They are delivering absolute bangers!!!
  3. Rattler and Cuomo stand side by side in agreement of reopening NYS!! (do you like my sensationalized headline lol) https://www.newsmax.com/politics/coronavirus-cuomo-newyork-opening/2020/04/21/id/964037/
  4. Didnt see that when i searched it. My buddy has sent me some wild stuff Virginia has been passing/trying to pass recently.
  5. Here is the bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5717 i didnt see anything in it regarding a tax on guns and ammo. Can anyone cite their info?
  6. Tripping Animals Brewing Co All For Down Under
  7. Gonna buy a ticket. What happens if nobody has the number drawn that day? I just skimmed the webpage so maybe i read over it.
  8. Possibly. But once we started with quarantining here, I think we had to see it through. No sense in quarantining for two weeks, then flipping to herd immunity, to find out it didn't work and have to go back to a quarantine. We chose one and stuck with it.
  9. Its also different to isolate in country of 10 million people compared to 365+ million we have here. Im interested to see how it all plays out.
  10. So the post is FALSE. Thank you to rattler for posting the governors agenda. He was not in the city. His outfits do not match. It is clearly an old picture that the pizzeria just posted on their facebook page for free publicity. Yet we were made to believe he is not adhering to social distancing. Nothing more than fake news.
  11. Different ties and color shirts if my eyes are correct
  12. Was this taken on 4/17? And was King Andy in nyc eating uncle pauls pizza? Please tell us the FACTS.
  13. Thank you. I was searching around this morning but couldn't find it.
  14. Very unfortunate news. Im sure they will both make a full recovery. Hence why everyone should try and do whats right for others. Im sure your daughter being a healthcare worker was doing all she could to try and prevent catching it and spreading it. But someone else's carelessness exposed her to it. Very unfortunate.
  15. I dont dispute that he comes to nyc every so often. i want to know about that specific photo. Anyone with info on where his briefing was held please inform me. Was he in nyc on 4/17 or not?
  16. I dont dispute that he comes to nyc every so often. i want to know about that specific photo. Anyone with info on where his briefing was held please inform me. Was he in nyc on 4/17 or not?
  17. I thought he held his daily briefings in Albany? Was he in nyc yesterday?
  18. Yeah. If you are not practicing the correct habits with the mask it wont work properly. Thats true about anything. Same with gloves I saw a guy light up a cigarette after leaving costco with gloves on. It defeats the whole purpose of wearing them. But on the contrary if used correctly it works to your advantage, as well as others The herd immunity isn’t a crazy idea. Sweden is doing that right now Its business as usual over there with some minor tweaks. It will be interesting to see how that works out for them. I hope it doesn't backfire.
  19. No. The Dr’s and scientists are. He is doing nothing more than relaying the scientific information to us.
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