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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Or if you want to look at the stars you can go to any other park in the whole state. From the hudson valley to the catskills up thru the adirondacks. Just stay away from the handful of state parks on long island. I avoid long island as much as i can.
  2. I do not trap but based off the little i know about trapping, do you think the reason we dont have a 24/7/365 season is because the dec keeps trappers in mind? Prime fur is in the winter months where people who do trap for money get the most bang for their buck. Thats why i always assumed we dont have a year round season.
  3. You need be very concerned. At this point an attack is not if, but when. I would stay armed at all times when in the wilderness of long island. Pistol is a must. Maybe staying with a group walking to and from stands in a outward facing circle so all angles are covered. Self preservation is first. All else comes second.
  4. 49ers loyalist since birth. Been there through the good and the bad. From Montana and Young to Cody Pickett and JT O’Sullivan. This is our year!!!!!!
  5. I didn't want to come out and flat say it in fear of the blowback I might have received. But you took the words out of my mouth.
  6. @aboa13 eq did a stout release today. And some other bangers. You get the goods or it doesnt phase you anymore lol
  7. I dont particularly care for stouts but this is ok.
  8. I read this comment and immediately thought of this lol https://youtu.be/0RWk8p7AUUg
  9. I had the neon rainbow yesterday. I thought it was pretty good
  10. How was this? It got a very high rating. I think i read it was the best mass produced neipa.
  11. The only things the browns need to do is hire rex ryan and sign antonio brown. That is must watch tv!
  12. NINERS!!!! We had some dry years after the harbaugh tenure. Good to see us back! Niners vs Chiefs
  13. I really like them as well. Looks wise (never owned one). But I have heard that they are very sensitive.
  14. Add the rfk bridge to that. Triborough or bust!
  15. I read a couple books. I liked this one the best as far as my personal needs. I was a weekend warrior. I felt like this book was excellent. I went to some navhda trainings but i didnt have the time to commit. But if you have the time to spend I would definitely join a chapter.
  16. I had a gsp from strong lines and he was ready to go right out of the box. The only thing i had to do was train him with commands. Sit, come, fetch, etc. Finding a dog with good proven hunting lines is what’s important. Not that a backyard breeding cant make a great dog, but having a proven track record lets you know what you are getting. Any shortcomings from my dog was more to do with me than it had to do with him. If you want a dog that chases fur and feather id suggest contacting a navhda chapter and see what breedings they might know about.
  17. Took a walk around and kicked up a hen pheasant today.......but I fumbled and couldn’t click my safety off. Still a good time. And boy do i miss my dog lol
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