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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Barrier Brewing collab with Vitamin Sea Brewing- Uncharted Waters This is a banger!!
  2. Aside from fantasy football podcasts during the season i like ben shapiro
  3. I remember exactly where i was when team USA beat Iceland in the junior goodwill games. I dont think anybody had us winning that game.
  4. Close but no cigar my friend lol. This is the 5th. The 6th has a different style can and my friend didn't crack it. But if the 6th is as good as this you are in for a real gem. Toast!
  5. J Wakefield Boss Tycoon
  6. Other Half 5th Anniversary
  7. And im transporting some bangers back north!
  8. Miami Brewing Co. (from left to right) Lychee Vice IPA Floripa Little Havana Cafe con Leche Key West Lime Mead
  9. J Wakefield- Making Whoopie
  10. Treehouse- Juice machine 3sons- southern hospitality
  11. Im gonna mark it down. As long as nothing pops up i should be in.
  12. Are all the trees/plants going to survive in the northeast climate? Wouldnt they die come winter?
  13. Isnt that pap or vjp? I remember this pic.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/5-year-old-boy-dies-after-attack-from-familys-pitbull/2307425/%3famp
  15. Ehhhh. Not my favorite from OH
  16. Equilibrium 1-Governing Forces 2-Energy Equals 3-Players 2, The Return To Players
  17. Interesting. I guess the taxes arent that low. And im considering anything upstate north of putnam/southern dutchess.
  18. Just curious. What are your taxes upstate? I was under the impression that taxes were significantly lower upstate. But by the sounds of it they must be pretty high.
  19. I had a pitbull at the dog park almost kill my old dog when he was puppy. Grabbed him by the face and started giving him the death shake. Lucking there was a guy standing close when it happened and was able to stop it. My dog has nasty gashes all over his muzzle. But luckily the owner clarified that they were “just playing”.
  20. Ahh hancock ny. The home of the infamous islamberg and the jihadi bike ride that was flooded with patriots. When thousands of patriots can flood the streets and cant shut down a jihadi training complex but a few twitter fingers can cancel a coyote hunt.
  21. Its one of my go to beers.
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