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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. Everything is relative.... one mans good hunting is another mans bad hunting.. a long drag to some is a short drag to others... for example 1.5 mile drag is a cake walk in my book.. try 3-4 miles... a good tip for state land is to hunt more remote spots.. where most hunters won't go.. if you have easy access to a piece of state land you can count on it being heavily hunted. Most guys don't like to be far from their truck. the larger the piece of state land the better I like it.. that way i can get in far enough to avoid most hunters. This is where all the deer go that disappear after opening day. I know guys that continue to go back to the same piece of state land year in and year out with the same complaints about too many hunters... if I go to a spot that turns out to look like a pumpkin farm of orange jackets.. i will leave and cross that spot off my list of places to hunt.. if you use your head its really quite simple and you'll have a lot less disappointments
  2. I'm curious if adk will come back to answer that one..
  3. Concealed carry is the way to go... couldn't get that in Madison County 25 years ago.. I have to get mine changed.
  4. easier to sneak up on a tom turkey in the fall than in the spring. And easier to sneak up on a jake than a big tom...
  5. Everyone likes different things... but there still are basic guidelines to help hunters be more successful.. I personally like thinking outside the box and doing things the hard way.. makes it much more fun for me. I don't want a big buck to just walk out in front of me as I get out of my truck on my way into the woods.. where is the fun in that???
  6. Wow ddin't take long for some guys to go for the throat here as well.. should have just started a thread on Ted... Kid you have a ton of growing up to do.. if calling Ted Nugent "great" is the worst of it.. you'll do ok in life... me, I like your style. Just remember Steve warned you about what might happen if you were gonna take a stance on Ted's "greatness".. you'll grow and learn.
  7. Every general fact has a few exceptions... like "a big buck always travels into the wind".. that isn't 100% true either, but for the most part its a good rule to go by. If you keep sneaking up on turkeys as a way to hunt them.. I promise you they will win more often than you..
  8. Yeah he didn't just talk crap.. he actually did it!!
  9. Ted has been sponsored by 2 bow companies, Oneida and Martin. Hes been with Martin for quite some time now. Just sayin. He'd still have been with Oneida if they didn't go out of business in NY
  10. Nobody is saying he is God... just that he is a huge advocate for hunting and gun rights... he might not be the guy I'd hang with on a regular basis but ya gotta love his stance on hunting and gun ownership...like i said before.. he at least walks the walk
  11. well its your paper kid..hopefully the teacher will think he's great too.. and gives you a good mark..we'll see.
  12. Being a good hunter doesn't make him great.. and the term good hunter is relative at best.. what I consider a good hunter and what you consider a good hunter I am sure are two different things... he might be a good hunter to you but not to a lot of others.. I do love his "in your face" attitude though... but "great"?... like I said .. maybe to you, but not to everyone. Like Steve said.. be careful.. if you're gonna defend your point, you might not like the backlash..
  13. I like Ted's NON politically correct attitude.. he says what he means and means what he says.. he is one of the few that walks the walk... having said that.. i agree that even though I like his style I would not vote for a "face" but rather an image as well.. we have hunters in NY taking stances against other hunters.. over season lengths.. thats not much of an image
  14. Its the same old ME ME ME mentality without looking at the whole picture.. a good example would be: farmers won't let people hunt there land , then they wonder why there is a deer problem... if they let a certain amount of hunters keep the herd down naturally year after year they could keep populations in check without nuisance permits. seems it would be better to be proactive than reactive if my livelyhood was at stake.
  15. I made offered that same question in a thread during the hunting season.. I could do it easily.. oops by the way there are 800,000 deer hunters in NY almost 200,000 bowhunters
  16. If the permits were issued because of an over abundance of deer I could see it.. but if a normal herd inhabits an area the a landowner decides to plant.. then that is part of the risk that he faces when planting there.
  17. Yes, you have to wonder why a company like Parker would waste all that R&D money and marketing cash on something that has no value. That didn't make any sense Doc (as usual) It has a lot of value in that it is easier to cock the crossbow.. I asked because i don't see the advantage as it pretains to making it any easier to kill an animal with it.. it just saves some muscle cocking a crossbow that is cocked long before you see any deer... if you have ever cocked a crossbow by hand you would see the value... might have a huge value to a disabled hunter
  18. Someone please explain the difference it would make whether you cocked your bow manually before you went in the woods or automatically before you went in the woods.. cocked is cocked.. just eliminates a little elbow grease is all..
  19. you see fellas, this is truly why nothing gets done ... no hunters can agree on anything...the DEC must get sick of asking the public what they think... somehow , someway there is always someone that thinks they are being slighted... :
  20. Don't stop now.. this is just starting to get interesting!!
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