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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. I would rather have that unknown guy in orange wandering around my neighborhood than some of the people I know, who happen to wear very correct and in-style hunting uniforms.
  2. The opposite of here. Everything is gone! Occasionally one walks by but all the early fall action has moved elsewhere, maybe to all that corn next door.
  3. Napping has always been a favorite thing of mine, especially when the warm sun is on me. It is always great to wake up with a deer in front of you. Otherwise, I am content to watch whatever is happening. I don't carry electronics. If I get cold, I still hunt for a while.
  4. I should think my screen name needs no elaboration. I tend to be an ironic misanthrope. First name is Tom
  5. Wooly - Great journal and photos. If a hunter didn't feel conflicted at times, I would wonder about them. Tom
  6. That part of the Pyrenees is covered with hunting blinds. They are hunting wood pigeons, which are considerably bigger than a rock dove/pigeon.
  7. Site problems this morning. I did not proof read my tablet - always a mistake - but my attempt to edit the post gave the result above.
  8. Vortex use TTSX bullets. We have used versions of Barnes Triple Shok in 30-06, .270, .243 AND .308 with no copper fouling at all. Actually, I have heard more complaints about fouling from the soft lead in jacketed bullets. Given personal experience, discussions on this site and customer reviews, I think your experience is an abberation. 4.6 out of 5 rating at Cabelas http://www.cabelas.com/product/Barnes-VOR-TX-Rifle-Ammunition/847308.uts So, if someone else hasn't grabbed them, I am interested.
  9. Vortex use TTSX bullets. We have used versions of Barnes Triple Shok in 30-06, .270, .243 AND .308 with no copper fouling at all. Actually, I have heard more complaints about fouling from the soft lead in jacketed bullets. Given never personal experience, discussions on this site and customer reviews, I think your experience is an abberation. 4.6 out of 5 rating at Cabelas http://www.cabelas.com/product/Barnes-VOR-TX-Rifle-Ammunition/847308.uts So, if someone else hasn't grabbed them, I am interested. As per Buckmaster, how much?
  10. Cut one open and take a macro photo. I'm not about to guess. Too little information.
  11. If you are willing to spend a few bucks for premium ammo, Federal Trophy Copper or Barnes Triple Shok are great rounds -incredibly effective and lead free. No concerns about lead in your meat or gut piles.
  12. Thanks Al - Your data reinforces the problems with non-lead .22.
  13. Maybe I'm an outlier here but I think that trying to manipulate the gene pool for big antlers is weird, self-serving in an odd way, and contrary to natural selection.
  14. New species: grey fox. Note the dark line on the tail and the light feet.
  15. I'm wondering if the apparent length of his body is distorted by the camera. I have a lot of photos of moving animals that are distorted. That said, it is one weird animal.
  16. Here's a challenge, try to get one of these on your camera. They are much rarer than Bald Eagles. About 5% of the eagles we get at winter camera traps are goldens. They are migrating right now and will peak around mid-November. I saw 5 yesterday at the Franklin Mountain Hawkwatch. It is the best place in NY to see golden eagles and now is the time - http://hawkcount.org/siteinfo.php?rsite=361 or http://doas.us/research/franklin-mountain-hawkwatch/ . The folks in the eastern half of the state are more likely to get goldens this time of year because they will not fly over Lake Ontario. It creates a golden eagle shadow. They pass the lake's eastern edge and then head S or SW. They are likely to be passing through western NY on their way north but not expected west of Ithaca or Elmira in the fall. This photo of a spring migrant was taken as I was wrapping up camera trapping at the end of winter. I cleaned up the trap site and dumped a bunch of skeletons on the bone yard - the same place as my photos at the top of the thread.
  17. I always figured 40% of live weight boned out. You should have had 200# for sure. Elk meat is really good. Bummer. Maybe time for a new butcher. I don't think it has gone to trial. There has been nothing in the papers recently. I'm guessing he won't have as many customers bringing him deer this year.
  18. Contamination of whole cuts is not much of a concern as the outside where it is contaminated is where the meat is at the highest temperature when cooked. The problem comes from ground meat that is not cooked completely through (the aforementioned 165 F I assume is safe). It's the same with beef. If you like a rare, or medium rare burger, you might have a concern. The potent strains of E-coli are in all local ungulates. You want to kill that stuff. My wife makes a great burger by combining ground venison with salsa. If I had any concern about contamination, I would cook them completely through.
  19. The scraps from the lamb butchering disappeared quickly but the site is still getting occasional visitors. This fisher looks slender, not like the big males we sometimes get. I'm guessing female, or this year's young.
  20. .22 is definitely a challenge that needs to be solved. I haven't tried these copper rounds but the tin I bought was terrible.
  21. My wife talked to him in school. My understanding is, they are going up to look at it. If it were me, I would wait for maggots to finish cleaning the skull before touching it. It is really rank. It should get removed as those antlers will not do the haybine any good. There were 2 eagles and 5 ravens when I got there this morning. I couldn't remove any meat as it has all liquefied. Decomposition is bad which makes sense considering the warmth and it has been out there 2 weeks. She took him some non-lead literature. I am certain to talk to the father at some point soon.
  22. It turns out the deer was shot with a rifle during the youth hunt. This morning I will chop any remaining meat away from the wound and bury it to get whatever lead remains out of there. The kid who shot it was upset. He assumed that because they couldn't find a blood trail, he had missed.
  23. Out with the Misses on a beautiful late fall afternoon, we started flushing eagles near the property line. There were also a handful of ravens about. The sixth eagle came off the ground in a low spot. Investigating, we found a dead 4 point buck that has been scavenged for several days. It was appx 150 yards from a pop-up blind on the neighbors. The deer and blind are in a new hay seeding - beautiful forage. There was a bachelor group of 8 there until late September. Given the condition of the carcass, the large opening above the shoulders appears to be from an arrow shot too high. I suspect the animal didn't leave much of a blood trail. I will avoid jumping to conclusions right now but it was in clear sight of the blind. I think I know who owns the blind. I'll ask if he lost a deer. Actually, I should ask if he shot at a deer. He may not have thought he hit it.
  24. Anyone who wants to learn about this issue should read the attached paper examining the peer reviewed published science. LeadHealth and Environmental Risks from Lead-based 2016 eco health.pdf
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