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46rkl last won the day on November 7 2021

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  • Hunting Location
    8H Livingston
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 Savage 25-06
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    PSE Embark
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Snack time in the stand. My lovely wife makes great molasses cookies! Hoping the action picks up this last hour of daylight. Can’t see less than nothing.
  2. 46rkl


    I feel very fortunate (fingers crossed) that in all my years of hunting 8H, I have had no tick problems. Now when I go down by Canaseraga, that’s a different story. The deer you kill down there are crawling with ticks and if you venture into the wrong spots, you will be too.
  3. The fog was so thick in 8H! I could hear grunting but couldn’t see 25 yards. Too bad as there seemed to be a lot of movement. I did have a coyote trot past at about 15 yards. This pic is from last December but still an interesting standoff shot.
  4. 8H and 8N. Went to my town clerks office and took no time at all. Guy ahead of me mentioned that he had been to Sportsman’s Warehouse in Henrietta and their system was down, then Walmart in Geneseo and they ran out of paper. I always go local and have never had a problem.
  5. First sit in this stand this year and it’s been a fun morning. Nine doe in the field behind me being harassed by a nice eight. A three point and a button buck right in front of me. Not sure why the farmer left the first 40 yards of this bean field unplanted but I imagine it has something to do with the fact that I have a stand here. He’s not the friendliest person and didn’t like when a nice eight walked out of his field right in front of me. His son watched me take it and then came over to complain that I shot “his deer”. Just makes me laugh.
  6. I missed the first few days of deer season but honestly, I had a good excuse. Wyoming Antelope hunt with three friends. First time for all of us and we had a great time. Saw lots of antelope, made a lot of stalks, failed on a lot of stalks but in the end we all scored. Three of us within a half mile of each other in a 30 minute time span. Just a great trip.
  7. A young friend scored well on opening morning. Bigger than anything I’ve ever arrowed.
  8. Well done. Nothing more rewarding than passing it on.
  9. 1990 Old Town. Gotta love it. I have one also. Same model, same year. I’ve replaced the seats and we still use it regularly. Great for fishing. Still love the kayaks for recreational paddling but the canoe is the platform for fishing. Good luck with taking the kids out in it. My wife and I had my three year old son out on Minerva Lake in the Adirondacks and he was having fun splashing the water paddling with a spatula. Dropped the spatula and before I could react, he bailed over the side after it. Best grab I ever made, snagged him by the life jacket and hauled him back in. He was smiling and laughing while my wife was near hysterical. All in all, a canoe is definitely the way to go with a family.
  10. So, if state parks are off limits to concealed carry doesn’t that mean anyone who lives in the Adirondack or Catskills parks have no recourse to be able to carry past their homes?
  11. 46rkl


    A local beer from Rising Storm, about two miles from my place. Nice hazy IPA with a great hop bite. I’m a fan after a good day of yard work.
  12. A very good day in the garden. Still have the second tomato patch to harvest.
  13. Todays harvest has been consistent over the last couple of weeks. I installed a drip irrigation system this year and it has made a huge difference.
  14. Best of luck at the mri. If you do end up with having hip replacement please remember that the surgery is extensive but results in remarkable difference in mobility as well as pain relief. I had a hip replacement at 40 and a knee replacement at 44. Without a doubt the key to successful recovery is physical therapy and patience. You will be up and walking in a day or two but don’t think that means you’re ready to get back to all that work that needs to be done. Think long term. Patience and discipline will get you back to a good place. Hell, I’ve been skiing, hiking and hunting all over the country in the twenty four years since my hip. I say this with all good intentions, don’t be a hero.
  15. Ah yes, Jarts. We used to use them as a form of chicken. One guy would stand a bit away while another would throw the frickin’ thing as high as he could into the air. The aim was to move yourself under it and stand still while it plummeted out of orbit and see how close you could put yourself under it without getting impaled. Honestly, only a few foot injuries and one single stab in the shoulder. Those things really had some weight and momentum behind them. Dumb, crazy and juvenile. What’d you expect?
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