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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Where did I degrade, state faust was wrong, or otherwise really interfere with this thread? I never made a single derogatory comment. Did I? I made an observation, and offered to sell him tree steps. I did nothing wrong. You took the time to just hop on me, so I retaliated.
  2. No Buckmaster, not at you directly. But, if people want to keep using the speed limit thing, then the D&D thing is relevant as well. Just sayin............
  3. Well, then so is drinking and driving. How many of you have had 4 or 5 drinks at the local watering hole then drove? Thinking/saying "I'm fine!" When in reality, after 2, you are legally considered intoxicated.
  4. Probably what he wears to bed every night.
  5. Why does everyone bring speed limits into these debates? The bottom line is this: Asking in a 'more or less' style, "What's the worst that happen if I break the law?" questions get old. If you have the will or want to break the law, do it. By all means, do it. What you do with your life is your decision. But advertising it? Yeah, that's frikin smart! Kind of like the thread I read when I was first roaming here and hadn't joined about the bullet proof vest. "Cmon! The line has to be drawn somewhere. Tolerance is one thing. Enabling is another.
  6. Maybe. I see You Tube vids all the time where dudes who just spend a night in the woods to test a $300 tent get the tent for free. Same with knives, backpacks.....
  7. Wasn't sure if this one was general chat or general hunting chat..Seeing it's about hunting, I decided to post it here. So, we are at my g/f's parents for dinner. The topic of hunting comes up....WOW! It was a theater of pain. I laughed, I almost cried, and I got pi$$d. I guess being around here has changed how I look at hunting a bit. In a good way, I think. The g/f's mom tells me about a guy who's wife visits her craft store. He went to AK to kill a trophy Grizzly. He did. The word "trophy" sends my g/f and another friend of her parents into a debate. The g/f states she doesn't think it right to kill an animal just to get the rack, or the whole animal mounted, you only kill what you plan to eat! Her mom leaves the room, and her dad says many of the guys he works with that hunt only kill bucks with big racks. Fellow members, it was like a thread straight outta here ( j/k ). Opinions were flying, voices were getting loud. Then my g/f's parents friend says he's never hunted. AUFKM? Really? I jumped in. I said while I agree that a hunter should only kill what they eat, the man that shot that Griz may have been on a once in a lifetime hunt, so he wasn't really wrong. As far as the rack thing, some folks hunt that way, and as long as they aren't cutting off the head and leaving the body to rot, that is their right as hunters, and hopefully they donate the rest. Then I set the never hunted dude right on who hunters really are what we stand for. After a half hour, he says he didn't know about how much real hunters put in to the sport over all. He left ( not because of the convo, because he was not having dinner with us ). I hope I got through to him. My g/f says on the ride home she had never seen me tell anyone "how it is" when talking about hunting, and she was shocked that I stayed calm and just let the facts speak for themselves. My reply was this, which is going in my siggy as soon as I finish this post: "Stupidity is a plague! Knowledge is the damn cure!" ( only I didn't sad damn........... )
  8. This one has been very entertaining. Please faust, don't stop asking questions. I am looking forward to more. I like to shake my head, rolls my eyes, and stare in disbelief....It is good to keep the human mind in wonder thinking: "Really? Did they just ask that?" EDIT: Oh, and I am selling a stand with some screw in steps. Wanna just buy the steps?
  9. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope everyone had a great meal, were thankful for something, and hopefully, shot a deer.
  10. Deer should go to the youngster. IMO.
  11. Heard stories, seen pics, but never a video clip. Would be something to shoot what you thought was a nice buck, get ready to gut it and get a surprise.
  12. I have seen 2. The 2 were both in the same area, I was in my teens and camping at Taylor Pond in the upper ADK's. One was running down the road and bolted off. We were headed to Union Falls for night fishing. The other was on the hiking trail around the lake a few years later. It was on the opposite side of the lake from where I was. Not in hunting season though.
  13. I don't know about the velvet. My guess is over time it will rot away and fall off. It's not real velvet. It's like the coating on a sumac. Just thought it was interesting, and trying to get right how a horned whitetail doe could amass 9 pts.
  14. The best pic would be this man handing you the rack, that would be awesome!
  15. Edited, the link wasn't showing........................................
  16. My g/f was on FB, and showed me this vid. Was a 9 pt doe? She was lucky for a few years I would say... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153025024402176&fref=nf
  17. That's cool grow. I hope the man is doing better.
  18. I do not remember anyone but you suggesting Salmon as a dinner Biz. LOL
  19. Well, "Buffalo" are a sacred creature in NY. They should be protected. All other grid-iron creatures bearing the name NY should be exiled to Siberia for where they can graze until the bright light comes for them. Unless said "Buffalo" move to Canada. Then, I say, Open season! Now that that's out of the way...... I was also under the impression that once a game type animal got off a farm, it was fair game after 4 days. Now, when ostriches get loose...................That's a big frikin turkey fellas!
  20. I always have at least two bottles of mild hot sauce when camping. I keep it tame though, Tabasco regular and habanero. Been told too many times I make some food way too hot. Anyone wanting hotter is welcome to bring it. I don't use Dave's or any of the stuff with crossbones, and if I sign a release form when I buy it, I leave it home. LOL
  21. LOL. I don't know about a fan. But, you do have ideas that I agree with. Like the ladder thing from another thread .You have your moments Law, I give you that. Now lets quit the warm and fuzzy $chit. ______________________________________________________ Paula, ++1, ya can't have a deer camp without some alcohol. Beer is my choice, I don't drink liquor anymore. But to each their own. ______________________________________________________ I thought of two other good meals for dinner. Chicken with rice and peas or carrots, or beef with rice and corn.
  22. No choice but to at least skin and get the meat off the bone. Then the cooler maybe. No garage or shed, so can't let a deer hang in my yard, I live in the city. My area someone would either steal the deer or make a huge fuss. The snow will make for good hunting. I just hope we only get the 3 to 5 in my area. 5 to 10 and the neighbors will probably call the cops on me for running my snowblower at 4 AM on Thanks Giving. LOL
  23. OK! Before this turns into yet another p match...........I stated this would be early seasons. Law has some good points. And Lawd knowz, I am not a fan of his. The next time he KISS me, I am reporting him for sexual harassment. I like the idea of propane. That time of year we/I will be hunting long hours. Sunrise will be around 5:30 am, and sunset will be around 8 pm ( this is APPX times! not etched in stone. so please keep your thongs untangled! ). So the time for sleep will be scarce. I get the propane thing. Even with premade meals, it will be quick to heat up. So, we can eat, have a beer or two, get some sleep and hunt the next day. Now, the Starbucks? Really? Really? Camping? Deer camp? Where the men are supposed to be men and the women kill the deer? For me, I will stick to Folders Instant. Wow, even I just got lost in the mayhem that's taking over this thread. I think I need to start droppin a few before I post in here....................
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