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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I may have only gotten back into hunting last year, but I still hiked, fished, camped, and just walked the woods. I am not talking a camp ground, I am talking doing those things on just wooded state land. I have never seen or heard of anyone seeing a wild boar/pig. Not like signs of a wild pig wouldn't stand out in NY. Maybe I need to dig deeper into this site, I don't remember reading anything about them here. Maybe someone has them on a trail cam? I am not sure anyone posted this link, but here ya go: http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/70843.html As for Texas? I remember about 3 or 4 years ago DISC Channel had a doc about them. Not on a hunting channel, DISC, and the farmers, locals, and even some guides were on there saying they were a huge issue. Ripping and eating up food plots, ripping up grazing land......... Like I said, and it seems people who WTH they are talking about, and live and hunt in NY agree with me.....But, I digress.....Too many people seem to know everything and have all the answers. So I will bid a due to this thread and bail on the pi$$in match. Cause ya know what, my dog is just a dog, and doesn't need to be bigger then everyone else's.
  2. Not a wolf. If we have wolves here, you won't see them in the burbs. Maybe, maybe in the upper Daks where the woods are vast and they can roam and hunt un-disturbed. IF!!! We have them here. Postin the "my sister-in-laws, brothers, cousins, uncle, knows a guy who's nephews aunts mom, on here sisters side, met a guy who knows a woman who was told by her brothers buddies, friend, who knows a cousin, who was killed by a chipmunk.....", dun work. Rumors are like toilet paper, meant to get buried of flushed. The spot I hunt in the NZ has at least one pack of coyotes. Everyone in the area knows they are there, they make themselves known. One of the neighbors behind my buddies parents place has a couple of horses, two summers ago they had a doe and two fawns coming right into the area with the horses and just bedding down and hanging out. One of the fawns went missing, and on the first night of camp in August, we heard the other fawn taken by the coyotes. Last summer on a trip, we heard them about 100 yds from our camp at about 7:30 pm on the first night. The second night we heard them from the same exact spot, but at about 1 am. We all know they are in there, but the dude trapping for my buddies dad hasn't trapped one yet. Foxes and smaller animals he's getting, but, seems the 'yotes avoid the traps. You would hear wolves if nothing else. You would know they were in the area.
  3. Good ideas Dom. I was leaning more towards the food though. Making sure everyone is happy with food and gets a full belly.
  4. Try using a spoon next deer. Seriously, super glue and your right as rain. Just watch for infection.
  5. I was leaving that question to someone else.................
  6. DirtTime


    Wasn't being mean. Sorry if you took it that way. Part of the first link said PDF, but was just a pic. I personally would not eat meat from a deer that that many tumors/growths. I would have it tested. I am sure a lot of hunters would eat it. Then two years later wonder why they have three knees and 16 b4ll$.
  7. I wish everyone a great hunt and a gas busting dinner. I plan to sit the morning on public land, hoping the cold and possible snow will keep the 30 hunters per acre indoors. If the deer come, and I get the shot, it is what it is.
  8. You have others ways to the stand/blind/sit area? As long as the wind is in your favor there is no reason to not hunt the spot.
  9. So here's a question.............. How many had to physically take the HEC? I was 14, and to show them I could use and handle a firearm safely. They made us shoot a .22 . Same with my bow course, I had to physically be there. I am not sure how long the "Online Course" has been in effect. But, there are some things you should not be allowed to do online. A HEC or BEC are two of them.
  10. DirtTime


    That link is not a PDF. It opens to an image......Hmmm................
  11. This just doesn't set right in my gut. The puzzle isn't missing pieces, it's two puzzles in one box. Like mentioned: He's wearing slippers in some of the pics. He looks right at the camera, twice. How many of you walk into a field or the woods wearing slippers unless you were withing a few yards of your home? He knows the land. He even walks right past it at night! Not many thief's have that amount of sack. Like I said, you have a picture of a possible suspect, yet you clearly have not called the police. Why? That, and I sure ass hell hope you are bow hunting! Having a cam looking at a house? Ground blinds? I really hope you have no plans on using a firearm in that area.
  12. OK, let me say this before anyone takes my head off, I am asking questions, not making a judgment. I was unaware that you could book a bore hunt in NY. They aren't even native here are they? So it would be a fenced hunt? I do know they are a very destructive animal, and breed worse then rabbits ( that was a wise crack, not a statement ). So, if let loose they would populate an area/s pretty fast. Read a story last year that even coyotes don't mess with them as a general rule. While I have no qualms about NY having more game to hunt, I am not sure this would be a good game animal to have roaming around. But, yeah, if they did get into the environment, NY would offer us another tag charge and limit the number we can kill.
  13. 5 to 7 hunters in a 2 mile stretch isn't bad. That's 5 to 7 hunters in appx 1200 acres. Now 5 to 7 in a two acre area.....That's pressure. LOL
  14. Seeing Wally World just dropped the price on this stand to $80, I guess I have to drop this one to $65. Will still include the extra steps, but not including the extra straps.
  15. Seeing I just got my wheels back, told the g/f I am hunting Turkey Day morning. Her reply was "Great, that's when you'll get a deer and miss dinner." I don't have one issue missing a bird dinner in lue of having to skin and butcher a deer. LOL Anyone else hunting the holiday?
  16. Never used a single pin, I did have a cross-hair site on a bow once, wasn't fond of it. I like having a green pin for 15, a yellow for 25, and the red for 30. Red meaning no wind, perfect shot, and the top of my comfort zone. My bow is older so it's not as flat as the newer bows. So multi pin works best.
  17. Will be long hunting days, early Sept. and mid Oct. . Not sure how many like oatmeal. Good idea. Spaghetti is a good idea as well. Make up sauce in advance. Same with stew. I would have to guess if I cook the dinners in advance my buddy should be able to start heating it up around 7:30 pm or so, and I am sure he can boil noodles for pasta.. As for water, we are only about 3/4 of a mile from my buddies house, so he can ride out to get water during the day. So water shouldn't be an issue. Ice?....If the weather is like this year, we will need ice. That could be an issue I guess. I just don't want to be trekking to the local store every day. Other members in the group want to, have at it. LOL. I plan in being in my blinds or my stand all day. Coffee, is an issue. I can't have caffeine, so my coffee is just that I love the flavor. We always use instant, I know it's not the same, but......I digress..... Talked to my buddy this morning and he said we should just do Mountain House Meals, everyone bring their own. That way people eat what they like. Same with libations. I will meet the other dude for the first time tomorrow. A little concern on that one. I have some natural ground blinds set up, and really won't be happy if he uses them. But, not my land and I am not paying to hunt it, so I am not gonna be worked up about it. As for eat what we kill? Not many rabbits or squirrels on the land. Yote's get them. Turkey won't be open yet. So we have to take food and water. Think I might do a test camp for spring turkey. That will be more of a camping trip though. Only hunt until noon, then use the rest of the day getting a really big stockpile of wood.
  18. Sorry WNY is dealing with this. Real wrath of God type stuff. Hope people are staying safe.
  19. I think Biz is hunt/flirting with you grow. I see a double blind in the future. J/K.
  20. Well, I have 2 questions? Maybe 3. Who owns the house in the pics? Do they own the land as well? The guy in the pic doesn't act like he's doing anything wrong. Slippers in a field bottom? Sorry, I don;t think think this man was in the wrong. Looks more like he was looking over a spot on his land, and trying to figure out who was hunting it. If, your $hit was stolen, you have a frikin pic of a potential suspect! Why didn't you call the cops?
  21. I really hope you bought it dinner first.........................
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