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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. You never answered my question. Leads me to have to think YOU are in the woods as well. Yeah, that's the way to deal with it. Do you even realize, Now, if those people read then and get a flat, you may be liable as this is a threat. There you have it! NO more to say!
  2. Not one dealer in my area carries them. I would have to buy to try. The vids and reviews are solid. If i bought, I would buy a vertical. I really was just curious. They seem to be right up there with the competition, but not much advertising.
  3. Be super NICE! Follow through on what you tell them you will do! All year, not just the hunting season. Don't knock on the door wearing your face paint from a hunt. That might just make them think you been on the land already without permission. Take a day and knock, not after or before a hunt. Offer to tell them any days and times you will be hunting. Make sure you give them you vehicle make and model, plate number, and a phone number they can reach you at anytime. This may sound stupid, but all this might help give them piece of mind. You want them to feel comfy allowing you to hunt the land. OH! Also ask if anyone else is hunting the land if you get permission. Get names and explain, you want to keep everything peaceful. Might save you time on having to ask what to do about poachers.
  4. Um........I haven't. Always found a way to actually attach it to the tree. Those strap on tree steps work great for this one. Never been a fan of just hanging gear from a branch. Not too safe, and you can always figure out some way to keep things from dropping out.
  5. Off in stand or ground. Back in about 1994 or so, I learned a trick to keep the quiver still in wind. I picked up a small y fork to hold the top ( bottom when in the tree ) of the quiver, and attach a small length of para cord to the fork. Then I use a small bungee and secure the section where the quiver would attach to the bow around the tree. Helps keep the wind from blowing it all over the place, yet keeps it right where I need it to be.
  6. Wow. That house is close. Nice deer. I don't think I could ever hunt looking over someones back yard unless it was mine though.
  7. Like mentioned before, deer don't really see color. Not like we do anyway. They see ultraviolet very well though. So got some UV killer for one of my vests, some spray on clothing paint, and broke up the the over all 'blob' of the vest. After an incident this morning, I will never take off my orange vest when sitting on the ground again. There used to be a rule, "Be sure of your background/drop in hunting.". I think they need to remove hunting small game with a shotgun from the Albany Pine Bush. At least during the deer season.
  8. NO! I mean maybe stop looking at other states and start looking at our own. It's not a silly question. NY is always under fire. We are the example/exception to prove a false set of rules. I get the post, but maybe we need to focus on what's wrong in NY, and try to get it right, and not worry about other states. Worrying about the neighbors lawn won't make your grass grow.
  9. WTFC's? It's Maine. This is a NYS hunting site...... We have enough to deal with. Keep it home and maybe Cuomo won't win again next year.
  10. Nice. Oh, and to the OP, there actually is an entire area for this, the board is called "New York Hunting Regions", and all the WMU's are listed.
  11. Private land or the Albany Pine bush? Only hit areas 1,2,3 and 4 near Crossgates. I am mainly hitting 9 8, and 10. Haven't see near that amount of sign in any of them. ( near the tracks I have seen a few deer. and in 4. I know a few people hunting the permit only on the Rensselaer side area are seeing more though. _______________________________________________________________________ Went blind into the Charleston State Forest, have to be careful as small game in on, and in that area you hear gun shots all day long. AM on Monday I saw deer walking the brushline away from one of the ponds into a bedding area. Haven't been out that way for evening.
  12. Snap a screen shot of the page. See if it adds up in the end.
  13. This is factual upon the stats they want us to know.
  14. Anyone in here have experience? I know they didn't push much in the ad world, and didn't start spending money to make people know they made bows until this year. I know I made a topic like this before, but I am asking a specific question on a specific product this time. From what little reviews and research I can find on the web they seem like solid bows, but due to not putting a lot into ad campaigns they were able to keep the prises down on a good product. Any thoughts from you fine people?
  15. He's got the money. Money = God in our hedonistic world. That's not religious comment either. It's just the way it is. I am on a very fixed budget, but I donate any money I can to help preserve hunting and our right to bear arms. I am not on welfare, I have a back, hip and nerve disability, so money is tight. Money wins the fight. Maybe some should drop a few bucks to the people they want in office campaigns. Instead of paying $2000 for glass, or the latest Smart Phone, spend $1000 and donate the other $1000 to the NRA or other organizations trying to help out. Voting isn't enough. Sorry, again this is just my personal opinion, and not meant to cause an argument!
  16. I have read this a couple times now. So, I have a couple questions.... Are you in your house when you see the lights in the fields? If so, then they are breaking the law, So keep an eye out for the same area, and if it continues, set up in the dark and take a pic of the plate number on the vehicle and make a report. If!!! You are not in your house when it happens, then what are you doing in the woods after dark? Just strolling for some midnight air?
  17. Always wear orange! Don't mess with others peoples things. Even tape, no matter how old it looks. Keep a keen eye out for other hunters. If they are there first, move along. Try not to ask to many questions to the other hunters. They might get irritated and feel you may want to "Steal" their spot.
  18. Never heard this. I don't agree with that at all. While dragging a deer all sorts of things get in that cavity. We have always rinsed it out, to get rid of the dirt and blood that was in there. I wouldn't use pond water though. EDIT! This is just my opinion. I don't want any part of making this yet another pissin' match. Congrats on the deer.
  19. Guess I was wrong. Better to be safe then sorry, in my book anyway. Thanks for the help.
  20. Thanks......... As per a call to DEC, I was informed, just as I though, there are no areas in 5 where taking a doe is legal except with a ML. No bow, not even in the early season. But hey, he may have lied to me.
  21. Also maybe hit up the local markets for donations. Put up a flyer asking for people to help out. Canned goods, meat, potatoes, veggies..etc..
  22. I keep up with the laws and regs for NY. I am heading into the NZ tomorrow morning for a hunt. Private land ( finally! ). After finishing up the details with my buddy, he asks me, "Can you kill a doe here with your bow?". I said not as far as I know, why? He replied, "My father thinks you can. You can take them here with a muzzle loader. Why not a bow?", I still replied that I think bow is still an antlered deer having to have at least one 3" horn. I may be off here, but in the NZ for NY, isn't a bow it treated like a firearm as far as killing a doe? Hence, you have to follow the same regs. I just spent an hour looking this up on the DEC site. This is the regs: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28605.html I find nothing that says I can take a doe with my bow in 5J. Am I wrong, or am I missing something here?
  23. G/f just told me on her way to work this morning she saw a doe on the side of the road on 155 just past the APB sign. I was in for an AM sit, but took Morris RD., never saw it. Guess they are moving more in there now as I have seen deer the last two mornings out. GL to everyone still hunting the area.
  24. I'ma be sending you a PM about this one. Right now, I am going to bed to get ready for the morning hunt.
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