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DirtTime last won the day on September 3 2024

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About DirtTime

  • Birthday January 1

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    Being Outside

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  1. Why did you kill a deer and just leave it to rot? This is the sort of thing hunters as a whole shouldn't be OK with and certainly not post it like a badge of honor for the world to see. When the world sees this sort of shit they think we all do this crap making it easier to keep chipping away at our privilag to hunt and even as fuel to take our guns.
  2. Lets see if I can post. Last day of the regular season. Fresh snow and a lot of fresh tracks in our spot in the Dacks.
  3. It's hard to promote hunting in NY. They make it to hard for us to buy the items needed. When you need a background check for a ML there's a problem. I was talking to an acquaintance last Summer who said he's no longer hunting in NY because of all of the latest gun laws. He's not alone, not only are hunters going elsewhere to buy ammo they are going elsewhere to hunt. Thought being they will no longer support a state that doesn't support them. Right or wrong I see the validity in those who feel that way. In my area of the lower ADK's there were a fair amount of hunters out for the regular season on public land. There's also a good population of pheasants in the area so archery season was a PITA because of the guys hunting birds emptying their shotguns at flying birds. This was the first season I can remember in my life I left the woods during a bow hunt because of not feeling safe to be out there with other hunters.
  4. I shouldn't have to, the owner should be updating the back end so the forum works without having to jump through hoops and roll in rocks, but I tried a few browsers on my phone and it still freezes. This is just Chrome and Brave with Duck Duck Go as the engine. It locks up like that with Chrome, Firefox, Duck Duck Go and Brave. Old certificates error at times when trying on the PC. I don't have time to fight with outdated forum software.
  5. Was out trying to fill the bear tag this past Sunday. No bears were seen but I did manage to walk about three miles in a 150 acre property due to zig zagging all over the place.
  6. It's just on my phones, and it's now been two different phones. When I try to reply to threads it shows the "Saving" meaning posting message and never posts. I made this thread on my phone and it took like 15 tries. I was trying to make a post while hunting last Spring and it started doing it. I got frustrated and gave up. The other day I figured I'd see if things had changed since getting a new phone and provider and it was the same. It just freezes and won't let me post. It's also getting slower and slower on the PC's. It makes it hard to want to come here.
  7. Started last May trying to post I in live from the woods turkey. The forum freezes on saving and won't post.
  8. There are some real scum bags out there. Back before we moved I had an area on public land that someone kept kicking down my brush blinds. It was only two of them that looked over a field and faced each other so I had options to play the wind. I have a good idea who it was but never had proof enough to do anything.
  9. I was skimming through a few weeks ago and checked the members online list. There had been 16 new members in the course of that 24 hours. So someone is playing games because either those are fake accounts just to keep up with some sort of requirement for the ads, the place has been hacked, or new members can now join. I personally think it's the former because new members have been joining for a long time, even when they needed approval, so I think someone is playing games.
  10. Just get the form for being disabled and have your doctor sign it. I hear an ingrown toenail is sufficient to get the slip to use the crossbow all during the archery season.
  11. I'm not saying it's aliens, but........................
  12. If I remember right, you can't buy ammo anywhere if you have a delay waiting. I know some guys still waiting since last Summer. I don't even bother because I flat out refuse to allow myself to be forced into an illegal and veiled registry.
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