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rob-c last won the day on March 27 2020

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About rob-c

  • Birthday 12/19/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Steuben county
  • Interests
    Archery, handguns and hunting with them. Reloading , tuning bows, atv riding and cars

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    steuben county
  • Hunting Gun
    ruger super redhawk 44 mag
  • Bow

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  1. I store / keep ours out in our shed 24-7. Only other stuff is camping gear in the shed . Hunting Boots are put on at lease and taken off before getting in truck .
  2. So when it does coasting down a hill is it when you hit the brakes or just random ?
  3. So it only does it when letting off the throttle ? I see in your initial post you said anytime but seems it was when you let off . Can you feel it in like the handle bars etc. when it does it ? Or try this , hold your right leg/ calf right on your cvt cover ( black cover ) and get it to do it and see if you can feel the clunk with your leg.
  4. I clicked on it , and it says video is private .
  5. Im on both as I'm on several forums . I don't have a beef with anyone on either sight . Your comment got me wondering so i just looked at sight activity and its very unfortunate looking at the stats . 579 guests is sad , they could be members If the owner would take some responsibility in his sight .
  6. If they are the correct spine for your draw weight and length , yes.
  7. It would be nice, but they wont . I also had had my prints done before i went for my PP when i was a mechanic for the school bus garage.
  8. Im in steuben county also its one of the easiest county's to get your full carry. Myself , wife and son got ours awhile ago . I believe you still have to get 3 character references , but now you have to take a pistol course also and I've heard they fill up fast . Go to the steuben county clerks office in Bath and they will sell you the pistol permit application. $10 if i remember right . The finger prints is the big expense , like $110 i think.
  9. Funny how you were called out and you post a gun thread 9 hours ago but only a few have posted and or given you a like. But the other thread is up to 3 pages now .
  10. Very nice, my dad gave me my granddads 300 savage many years ago . Wife and i were out shooting the rifles Monday actually. I reload for mine so i have a bit of ammo on hand to shoot and enjoy.
  11. Wife and i finished up a 6 week 3-d league at local club , I've been trying to get out a few days a week to shoot in the yard . Im going to get a bit more serous starting next week though .
  12. Wife and I use aluminum for indoor spots, I have thought about setting my back up bow with them to hunt.
  13. Corning fish and game club, they had elected a president several years ago that had a distain for archery for some reason . Ran off all the long time archers , I guess they finally realized how much money they were loosing and elected a new president. He / they have been trying to get the archery going again, but a lot of the regulars will not come back .
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