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Everything posted by phade

  1. Unless they've changed something, the wide view is often a gimmick...they just cut the top off the photo in layman terms. There's no widening of the angle. Just use it in regular.
  2. Aye Aye Aye. instead of beating a dead horse, it's beating a dead deer!
  3. Interesting thread and the difference of opinions is wide. The ranks will collapse within first before any outside influence is even a remote factor.
  4. And everyone is going to buy too much because nobody wants to pay $10 for a single box or two. I'll be buying as many as I can to avoid that fee.
  5. My grandfather hunted a bit as a kid but never got into it. He never told me why until only a few years ago. He had one heck of a good dog though. Problem was, he was a bad shot. He said one day after missing the same pheasant three times jumped each time, the dog looked at him and ran home. He said he quit hunting right then and there as a teen.
  6. 200 yards is a poke. I'm sure it'll shoot OK at 100-150. From there, you'll need to test out your setup and tweak as need be. Nothing wrong with them accuracy wise and the longer 300 gr should help downfield.
  7. The walk of shame happens to everyone at some point. Actually, most times, the walk of shame causes me to refocus and correct any sloppiness in my tactics or shooting or any other aspect of hunting. There's a reason for the saying "you learn more in your losses than you do in your victories." Then, as Doc noted, there are times where you just have to shake your head. I missed a buck once one who ducked so feverishly and aggressively, there were main beam and tine imprints in the snow. I can still see the slow motion duck in my head if I close my eyes. Not a thing you can do in those situations.
  8. I don't have photos of any of them. They're not hard to envision though. Many years back, one show actually had a spot on building them, pretty much the same way I was taught. It has to be online somewhere. Not all pallets are square, but most run the same width. You essentially make a box, using the longer-sided pallets for the walls and take out the tallest pallet board before setting the roof, or you take four 2x4s cut to height, slide them down the pallet in each corner and rest/nail the roof on it. They all you do is cut vegetation and insert into the pallet for cover. Cutting the vegetation when green makes them last longer. I usually tried to find pines to cut for the roof (heck all sides if pines are actually nearby)...kept water out better and wind proofed a bit.
  9. You need to save up some coin and grab a Black 60. You'll love that cam...I enjoy the MP6 Blacks, but they are to me, more of a legit trail cam. With your plots, the Black 60 would be awesome. Another cam to keep an eye on is the supposed new Moultrie P150 in black flash. Moultrie seems to have the market cornered on this type of cam for plots, unless someone comes out with a variant. Very specific use, but for plots, could be really neat.
  10. Pallet blinds are freaking awesome. When I lived in Virginia, we used several of them for turkey hunting and some deer hunting. I have no idea why they are not insanely popular. They are usually cheap (pick up pallets at places that don't use or want them), easy to construct, and you incorporate native vegetation. Nobody's going to steal it, either. Ours even had full sides and roofs.
  11. People say I am biased because I am on Covert's pro-staff. Any advice I'd offer you would be best suited through PM.
  12. Every cam has it's strength and weaknesses. Sometimes cheap cams are necessary (ie theft, bear damage, or say being set to a specific spot with a low expected ROI, or on new ground where you don't know the conditions). Cheap cams are great then.
  13. Is that the black body cam with the blackout screen? It's not a true black flash, but seems like a nice cheap cam. I know a place selling it for $44 plus shipping right now. Was toying with getting one, but...only problem is, every time I've ever bought a WGI cam, it HAS to go back to the manufacturer for replacement at some point. I believe I had 1 WGI make it past year 1 without failure, but having it fail on year-two. I bought-in big into their cams several years ago thinking I could carpet bomb my grounds with these cams, but I learned pretty quick that there's a balance between price performance and reliability. It seems in large their business model hasn't changed, nor has their reliability. Hopefully you get one that lasts a couple years. If I could get three years out of a $100 cam, I'm loving life.
  14. A camo down vest to layer, some liner socks for wicking, and some gift cards to Dick's/TSC/Herb Philipsons. Not too shabby.
  15. what cam? since you are talking about mms cams, transmission rates fall in cold temps if the juice isnt there to power them. nothing really wrong with leaving them out. many people just dont like to do that though.
  16. I flooded out again...makes second time in six mos. had a premonition saturday and moved everything up and out and what a good decision. I have to figure out why this is happening. its like flash flood...water in fast and water out fast. this time I caught it about 4 inches and within that hour it was a foot before I got the pumps up and running. sump pumps were cycling but float was sticking on one. replaced that bugger today. if 8/10 hp of water moving power doesnt work now...im screwed, lol.
  17. hey, congrats. I dont think you were poaching...smartphones are stupid sometimes.
  18. And, that's 200k per episode for ALL of the family. That's not individual. It's a far cry from what other people in that industry with lesser followings earn. They are bringing in the serious cash through merch.
  19. It's that time where some people pull cams for the winter. A friendly reminder when doing so is to bring them in and leave their casings open for several days in a dry well ventilated area. Outside of problems occurring right away, the most common cam failures are the stories where "it worked fine all season long and when I brought it out of storage it wouldn't fire up." Most if not all of these are the result of trapping moisture in the cam and leaving it be for months before use again. Look, it's a cold, wet, time of year with high moisture content in the air. You may think it's not a big deal, but it is. You turn the cam off outside in the snow, then maybe pull the card and batteries one last time as you get home, seal it up and leave it be. Think of it as bringing in a cold thin piece of metal inside and you can ever so slightly see the condensation film build and then slowly dissipate. Sort of like fog on your windshield in winter, that build up from the inside, and the only cure is to crank up the defroster to heat and dry air. Same thing is happening in your cams....moisture. So, before you close them up for the season, lay them out for several days on your table or something near an area where air moves and its dry. This will help reduce the amount of times you are greeted with a DOA cam in the spring or summer when you put them out again.
  20. Can't an ADL work? Walmart sells them in the 400s new...if you do that and get a 100 bill back from an unfired barrel, that puts you into the 300s. I got my 243 ADL for $330 there on Black Friday.
  21. Yeah - when you said what your 100-200 drop was, I shocked. Not doubting you as you've shot it, but it's much better than anything I've heard of before in that combo. When you said you wanted 300 yd performance I was envisioning a big holdover that would make shooting game in the field conditions challenging to say the least for most east cost hunters who don't have the ability to be life-long shooters at 300 yds or more. Adding to that what you need to take down an elk, it's a lot to bite off. Once you hit that 250 yd mark, MZ performance starts to drop (as far as hunting situations go and hunter skill). It takes a lot to bring down bigger animal like an elk and you want room for error when it comes to energy and expansion. Thinking the 300 gr PT Gold or similar variant in Barnes will be a smart move. Plus, you could dial it back in slightly and still keep it a great load for whitetails here. That thing would be a hammer on deer here, even with a light charge.
  22. That's insane on the 1-200 drop...only 8 inches at 70 gr of BH209? That's impressive. Most I've seen ballpark in the 10-12" with more gr.
  23. Here's some decent info on the PT Gold and long range shooting. Easy read. http://harvestermlhunter.blogspot.com/2009/11/should-i-shoot-hunt-with-260-or-300.html
  24. Phew at those distances....definitely look at the polymer tipped sabots. I know conicals have a following, but that's long-range bombing with today's greatest MZ rifles. The one I couldn't think of from Harvester was the PT Gold - that's designed for long-range accuracy and seems to be very popular with those who tends to push limits on distance with the MZ. Be sure to try both red regular and the crush rib sabots with your rifle and the BH209.
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