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Everything posted by Santamour123

  1. Basicaly if it holds more than 6 shots and is a semi. It needs to be a rimfire to hunt.
  2. I agree SHHHHHH 4 seasons. There are no deer and what you see are small!!!! Oh ya and that 6 hr drag, been there done that. LOL
  3. I have killed many deer with a bow (30+) I have only had 1 drop within 10yards. keepiong a deer on 1 acres? Probably not going to happen. This is why: A bow relize on hemeraging which the aminal needs to run out of blood. Unlike a firearm which is aided by hydrostatic shock. Which in a sence is a shock wave almost frying the insides of the body. Not happening with a cut!!!
  4. I shoot Bowtech. But my cousin bought a used parker wildfire package for $300 this september. I'll say it is a smooth drawing bow. And shoots quite well. He has already got 3 robinhoods with it.
  5. I do shoot running deer. If I feel that it is time to pull the trigger 90% of the time I have the deer. However it is all practice. I have hunted coyotes with hounds for years. You do not get a standing shot. I always hunted with a rifle or 22 mag. My practice is more than most. However Yes I do miss now and then. Due to human error or a branch or such.
  6. Use it, store it or what ever. We all know how it works. If you complain you can count out any chance at a gun as a gift again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. You can not blame this on a process. It is like blaming the gun. Fact of the matter is. it is plain stupidity on the part of the hunter!!! End of story.
  8. My thoughts are to get rid of rifle during the rut #1. Then place an AR on the state. But, for those who are worried about killing deer. You have the option to use your tag on a doe. That would make your so called buck tag good for ( a buck that meets the requirments or a doe)
  9. Simmons Aetec Master Series 2.8-10 x 40 NIB never fired on a rifle bought last winter $100
  10. Does nay one know the date that nuisance permits are done. (winter). Why I ask is this, They are antlerless only but some buck drop in late December. and also If they are supposed to help a farmer deal with crop damage. But. by allowing them to shoot deer in the winter they are shooting some yarded deer. These deer have nothing to do with their crops.
  11. Not for hunting. He feeds "Turkeys, and other small Criters"
  12. I read this. Buy the sounds of it Us northern boyz are outlaws. LOL I believe it was about 75% in the aderoundack region.
  13. Ya but, our buyer still referse to anything not dried and stretched as "green"
  14. With the 240 don't try to push with 150gr. the 240 is realy a pistol bullet. It is fairly volital. If you like the XTP and want to push them alittle more, I suggest moving to the 300gr.
  15. 10/22 is great. When you get bored off it. There are endless posibilities foe upgrades.
  16. Season is now over in the North. But, I had a guy that works for me com into work tonight and say he has a 10 point chacing does at his feeder tonight.
  17. We all know a full growndog can kill a deer. I have ran cats for a few years with hounds. And I will tell you that a cat even after beinghit will pound the hell out of a dog. We never got to the point were they will kill a dog . But, we did not wait that long. But. I can definatly see it happen. A 50 lb cat could esily take down a deer.
  18. Don't waste the fur. There are plently of buyers that will buy them green ( whole animal)
  19. A piece of black electrical tape works as well as any store bought barrel cover.
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