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Everything posted by wolc123

  1. I agree, and by sheer coincidence, the fish were the “spoiler” for da bears in 85. If the Bills get past them Sunday, and Allen stays healthy, it should be a coast to a Super Bowl win.
  2. I hope you get your target doe crappy. I know that we have one fella here, who believes that the world revolves around antlers, and doesn’t buy it that mature doe are tougher to kill than bucks. I am quite certain that he is mistaken. Our Maker designed the females of all species to be harder to kill than the males. I see that play out with deer every season. Last Saturday’s morning hunt at my place was a perfect example of that. That hunt came 4 days after my “Pearl-Harbor” surprise attack kill of the lead doe back there. On my walk in, while it was still dark, two bucks were upwind in the corn. They heard me approach, and bolted out of there into some heavy cover, when I was about 50 yards away. After I set up in my pop up blind, and maybe 1/2 hour after sunrise, I saw a mature doe way out on the far side of our farm, well over 200 yards away and upwind. She was extremely skittish, and kept lifting her head and looking my way. There was no doubt that she recognized danger, and was not going to fall easily. It was like Midway for the Jap’s and the American carriers then, when it came to my chances of killing her. She had read my code book. The closest she got all morning, was about 175 yards, feeding on clover broadside for just a few seconds. I may have got her with my scoped ML or bolt action slug gun, but wouldn’t have had a prayer with the open-sighted smoothbore I had that day. Now contrast that with the bucks that I had just scared out of the corn. Just after that doe went away, I heard antlers ticking directly downwind, on a side where I had the blind window zipped up. I had an open stick of Evercalm on that side for scent cover. The larger of those two bucks (most likely one of the two that I had flushed out of the corn earlier) then approached my blind and may even have licked it. I took that picture of him at 20 yards, after he turned and walked away. Killing him would have been easier than shooting a duck in a barrel with a skatter gun, and he was at least a 2.4 year old. You talk about dumb and clueless, that sure was a picture of it. There have been a few times, in late gun or ML season, when I have seen groups of deer containing one or more does, and a mature buck. The buck has always been last, often far back, and struggling to keep pace with the does. The does seem to move like lightning in comparison. Which one do you think the pack of coyotes or wild dogs is going to catch ? The mature bucks loose strength and speed throughout the rut, while the does continue to get stronger and faster. This is not a coincidence, and helps prove the existence of an all-knowing divine creator, The Lord our God. I am very glad that He made deer with one purpose in mind - TO FEED US. He also ensured that this food supply would last forever, by deliberately making the females harder to kill than the males. You and I know that, but it appears that we have at least one here who hasn’t a clue. It’s up to us to keep giving him (and others) an education.
  3. these two were in my backyard (a long way back) last Tuesday.
  4. They are damn good replicas for sure, a lot better than the little one in front of my barn with half the paint wore off. I need to see if I can get our “artist” daughter to touch it up for me some day.
  5. Maybe the designated big pen hunt will be close to you and he will invite you to the post-hunt party. There will be plenty of food, if he invites me. I could bring along some fresh smallmouth bass fillets, if he does it later in the early ML week, and maybe even some fresh doe tenderloin. As previously stated, I’d rather skip the big pen hunt, but I am always in for a party with good food, especially when I can provide it. My freezer is very well stocked right now, and the fall meat harvest has only just begun.
  6. I am glad that chef and fsw are close to an agreement. I’d prefer not to give up a morning of free range ML deer hunting and bass fishing, to get a crack at a high-fence bb or “junk-rack”. I am still willing to pitch in on my previously described terms , if their deal falls thru. If it’s a go with them, and it happens while I am up in the neighborhood, I’ll swing by at lunch time (if fsw will allow it) so we can make it an official huntingny gtg. I will bring along some bb neck-roast / Ruby-red crockpot stew. I hope FSW invites Belo to that after-hunt lunch party, since he started this whole thing, and would surely enjoy the bb stew.
  7. Those are actually concrete timber logs, not firewood, at the Marinette logging museum. It was closed when I got there, so I couldn’t get inside of the buildings. This concrete horse display is out front. The museum was only open this year between Memorial Day and Labor Day. There is 10 full cords of wood on that mud boat, per the sign in front. Those horses look like Clydesdales, which are better suited for pulling beer wagons. They are full size. I have a scaled down one in front of my barn at home. My dad and grandfather used to use a team Percherons for pulling out logs (those are the ones that are black and turn gray when they get old). Horses do significantly less damage to the forrest floor than tractors, when the ground is not frozen or dry. I used to have a tricycle-front tractor, which was easier on the forrest floor than wide-front tractors, but not quite as gentle on them as the horses.
  8. Is this “enough nads” for you ?Take it or leave it, because it is my final offer. I will hunt in your fence from 1/2 hour till sunrise until noon on the day you select, between October 15 and 21. Just pm me the date, if you accept my offer. I will bring my waders, so the water won’t bother me. I have killed several mature bucks, and a button or two, in and around swamps.
  9. I will step in for chef, for a day during early NZ ML this year, so long as FSW let’s me use his .243, when he’s holding my cash, and if the cost for the bb comes in at under $250. He’s only 22 minutes from where I will be staying that week. I will stick with broadside lung shots on either buck. Those are my terms and I’m sticking to them. I’ll take out his “cull” big buck, and/or let him designate which 3-month old I can take home with me for “camp meat”. I’ll leave both sets of nuts if he wants them.
  10. I lost your number Tacs, with my old smart phone. I’m trying to take better care of this one. Good Bill’s game last night, except for the injury’s. I said a few prayers for the guys who were injured. It was different, watching that game in a bar full of unfocused cheeseheads. I think it’s going to be GB and Buffalo in the super bowl this year, and Buffalo will win. Remember that you heard it here first. If I see Biz tomorrow in Chicago, I’ll see what he thinks of that.
  11. Would you take cash ? How much for those little bastards ?
  12. It’s not, it was all just a joke. This is what happens in the brief lull between actual deer hunting in NY. Four Seasons would probably eat a plate full of high-fence button buck balls before he let chef on his ranch. I bet their livers would be even more tender if he nutted them.
  13. I am flying United, but won’t be time for the club. Maybe time for a $25 shot of Yeager ? I’ll pm you my departure gate number on Wed and we could meet at the closest airport terminal bar.
  14. I’ll be up on the NW corner, on the wmu 6c/6f border. 6f is open again for does this year, same as it was last year, for the first time in many years. There’s about 6.5 million acres of park between us, so I shouldn’t spook any down your way. Someday, I’d like to kill a deer from a tent camp, but it’s tough to give up the accommodations at my in-laws place. My mother in law’s cooking is phenomenal, and my father in law loves hauling the deer carcasses out for me. They are also depending on me to help get their place ready for winter.
  15. Are you flying into O’Hare this time ? My layover on return this Wed will be about 1:00-2:00 pm , if all goes well with the rest of the work out here in WI. We could maybe do a late lunch at the airport, if the timing works out. It looked like there were lots of fancy places to eat at that airport.
  16. At least we have a 13 day break from deer hunting in upstate NY right now, so I can get some other work done, like hauling in enough firewood for winter:
  17. Does chef need to pack a lunch or are meals included ? It sounds like he might be a fussy eater. How much time are you giving him inside the fence to complete the mission ? Can he keep any of the meat or the antlers if he succeeds ?
  18. Cool, I have an uncle who has been up on Oak Island in the Atlantic, off Canada, looking for the Holy Grail since the early 1970’s. I think all those who were up there longer have now passed away. I always get a kick out of the British guy, with the metal detector on that show: “ooh, top pocket find”.
  19. Just landed, will be off to GB in a couple minutes. Flight out of Buffalo got delayed 30 min, so no time for breakfast in Chicago. I will have to go for an extra large lunch in GB. The mood there should be good after the pummeling the packers just gave the bears.
  20. I didn’t see any deer on my last early antlerless hunt at my parents last night. I did succeed on my primary mission over there: Brought them a bushel of fresh picked Silver Queen sweetcorn and help process and freeze it. I also garbage picked a decent looking 18 speed Asian mountain bike on the way over there. I aired up the tires and WD/40’d the chain and shifters and everything seems to work on it. After I get home from the work trip that I am on now, I’ll use that to check my coon traps back in the sweetcorn, give the Durango a break, and get some “free” workouts. No more deer hunting for me until early NZ ML opens on Saturday October 15.
  21. I am in Buffalo and about to get on plane to Chicago right now, then off to upper Wisconsin 3 days for work. Glad to have gotten a few hours of rest. I think I have enough venison in the freezer for a year (first doe made 17 packs of grind and 4 packs of backstrap), but I’ll start working on the next (3) tags up in the northern zone on the October 15 ML opener. A little “extra” meat vacuum-sealed in the freezer, never goes to waste.
  22. I will go back for two more 9F’s on November 1. I will hit Walmart, because Runnings wasn’t able to figure out how to take a $ 10 donation for the venison coalition when I picked up my first two this year. Walmart was able to do that for me last year, when I went back for the 2 extra tags. Here is proof that it can be done: The key words are: “Support Venison Donation”. That money is used to pay for processing deer that hunters donate to participating processors. Ordinarily, there is no charge for those extra tags.
  23. No deer seen tonight. I quit 15 minutes before sunset, because I didn’t feel like dealing with another deer carcass tonight, after staying up till midnight butchering a doe last night. Also, I have to take an early flight for work in the morning and needed some time to pack for that. There was a little mishap on my walk out. I had to shoot the pellet gun to unload it and a chipmunk showed up at the wrong place and the wrong time. I wanted to use its tail for making fishing jigs. The .177 pellet looked like it passed thru behind the shoulder and a little high, from about 20 yards away. That temporarily stunned it. Right after I took this picture, it awoke suddenly and scampered into the rock wall, never to be seen again. No tail for me. I guess I should have reloaded and stuck my muzzle in its eye looking for a blink like I ALWAYS do with deer when I walk up to them. I thought I could skip that step with a chipmunk. I re-learned the same lesson that a buddy learned when he dropped a small antlered buck with a high back hit at my place a few years ago. He used his trigger finger to text me that he “had one down”. Too bad he didn’t use it on his trigger instead. That buck got up and got away, never to be seen again.
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