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Everything posted by Gencountyzeek

  1. I use the only matched set of sheds ive ever found, a nice heavy 8pt. Other than the rattling bag or that weird disc thing rattler, just as bulky as any others ive seen.
  2. Pheasants in the morning hopefully deer in the evening. Goodluck out there, beautiful day to be outdoors.
  3. Thats my dads 3rd son lol. 10 years old now, he has definitely slowed a little from years past but he did a great job today.
  4. My dad got 2 and i got 1 at harwood lake this a.m. i missed one, and didnt shoot a hen due to miscommunication with my dad. My son followed along and loved it. Duke did a great job, flushed a total of 9 birds just cant control the way they take off.
  5. Will be heading to harwood lake early Saturday morning as my father and i were drawn to hunt there. Will post up some pics of our success.
  6. Finally made the time to sight in my tikka tac a1 that got a new bushnell xrs 2 on it today. Very happy with the scope. Also very happy it shot 140gr federal fusion under .75". If something ventures into my field during gun ill probably grab this behemoth.
  7. Well the season continues to be a exciting one. But another miss unfortunately. First stop was in warsaw. Walk back to my gun after setting the call out, hit the first yote vocal sound and literally instantly theres eyes at the end of the field, and here it comes. This yote was coming in quick, getting downwind of the call. When it was probably 125ish yards out i tried barking at it to stop it, nope kept coming. Hindsight i shouldve muted the call. When it got to 85-100 yards i made the choice to take the shot on the move because it was getting to were if he kept coming id have no shot do to a house. Shot felt good, but it took off and i sent 1 more to make sure it would remember me...there is a power line cut about a 1/8th mile in the direction he ran so we packed up and moved there. We were told it was mowed, well it was but only 10 yards wide. Still tried. Set the call and started calling. Within 5 minutes i had a pack sounding off and a single yote closer. I didnt like the setup due to wind and were i assumed they would go to get downwind, so we packed up and went back to the original field setup further down towards the woods. About 8-10 mins in the woods lit up with yips and barks. We went back and forth for another 5 mins then silence for 10min. Called it and packed up. Next stop in attica. Walking into the field and a pack lights up across the road. Setup and call and i got 1 to come across the road, unfortunately he was directly down wind of us. He gave a few barks and yips and he was gone. Probably 20 mins in had howls way off but no one showed up. Packup and head to corfu. Stopped at the spot i missed the yote the other day. Get out of the truck and theres a yote barking and yipping on the other side of the hill from us, close. We sneak up and i set the call out. I piss him off and pick up eyes Probably 400+ yards out. And then he just sat there, id call, he would call...a few mins later a pack goes off across the street. After about 20 mins of this single yote barking and yipping, he apparently woke someone up behind him because all we see is white lights shining around up towards the hill. Well that ruined that. So we head down the road a little and across the street. Set and and start calling, within the first 2 mins the pack sounds off. Well i went back and fourth with them, then a single dog for an hour. No one wanted to leave the woods. It wad 330am at that point and we left that 1 dog yipping. Fun night, sighting in a rifle shortly, goin to take the yote gun out just to make sure its my crappy shooting and not the gun.
  8. Headed out tonight most likely. May hit up some new spots. Wind looks like it should die down, gonna be a good one i hope.
  9. Ordered a new tool to add to the tool box today. Cant wait to get it, definitely gonna help find them while scanning.
  10. All settled in here in 8g. I have a buddy of mine here today i was in the marines with. Hope he gets some action his way, he doesnt get to hunt much hope he atleast sees some deer. Weather could be nicer to us.
  11. It was tearing left, we went from my drop away to a whisker biscuit. He tried everything. When we called bowtech tech help everything they suggested had already been tried.
  12. So, i posted a month ago about ordering a new left hand bowrech bow from smiths great outdoors in batavia. Well like most things with the postal service it took longer than expected. For the wait they gave me 50 extra bucks for my trade in. While i was there we went thru the dighting in and then paper tuning process. Well we couldnt get it to paper tune. I was there for 2 hrs as we went thru everything imaginable. We had bowtech on the line making suggestions (we already tried them all). Well they told me they had thier left hand shooting bow tech coming in later and he would look it over to make sure everything we tried was correct. If he couldnt get it to paper tune properly it was going back. They felt really bad about all this obviously. I assumed we would just rig up the bow i was trading in and id be on my way. Nope they said i could come in today and they would give me a new bowtech realm sr6, thats a top of the line new bowtech model btw, and i could use it for the remaider of deer season. If i want to keep it in the end i just pay the difference between the two and id get this one at dealer cost. Well i have the realm now and its a sweet shooting bow, all paper tuned perfectly. I just finished sighting it in and shooting probably 40 arrows thru it. Very happy all the way around with how they handled everything. They have a customer for life.
  13. Its the nature of nys. I hunt enough areas were i cant use .22 or larger now, and i cant afford to have 2 setups like this but differant calibers. Id go with a 22-250 if i could use it at half my properties now. With the .204 i am using 40gr bullets because they group really well, but its also the heaviest projectile i can throw at them. Also im not a fan of wounding any animal i hunt, hope its either fine or dead now.
  14. Yes, must be off the maintained part of the road way. That would be the shoulder and to be safe id be padt any ditch also.
  15. This is a split second before the bang on the miss. Watching the video he reacted like he was hit. Came up on his hind legs and swung his head back torwards his mid section...
  16. 3rd stop had 1 come in 20 min in. It decided it didnt like something and went to leave. It stopped for a second and i shot. I knew it was far, so i held top of its back. Shot and it took off. Shot was just over 300 yards. Couldnt find blood. 4th stop, they were goin off when we got out of the truck. Set up and had 2 groups soundin off but no takers. Good night everyone.
  17. First stop, 25 min in female got a headache. Moved 300 yards to a adjacent field, 7 min in my buddy missed one. May be going elsewhere.
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