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Everything posted by Gencountyzeek

  1. I guess my problem is most of the state land around me in the wny area has crop lands around them. So yes these deer may leave the state land to feed but their vast home range would be the forest land.
  2. The thought that big bucks just come from private land is pretty funny. It's said a mature buck will have a home range of a square mile. Which I think equates to around 640 acres. So their is lots of state land that is way over 640 acres, so many large bucks live on just state land. For alot of people that have private land near state land they are the lucky ones when one of those state land bucks wanders onto their property. Just my thoughts. Bash away
  3. I started using it this year, unfortunately I haven't had a deer down wind of me yet. Both I shot were up wind, the buck was at only 5 yards and it didn't spook him. I did have a coyote walk over my path and go down wind of me without freakin.
  4. It being hunting season and all I can't worry myself with such silly things like that. Lol Congratulations on ur big win TC I've been getting lucky.
  5. Just got back from tonawanda. Very little water were we where. So dry in the first 5 minutes duke was messing with a snapping turtle walking down the dike lookin for water. I got 1 pheasant before I had to head home to get the kids off the bus and about 15 min. Later my dad got one. I'll be back there Wednesday for more pheasant.
  6. Thanks for the info. I did some research and sounds like white oaks produce in the 20 to 30 year range. So hopefully my kids appreciate it. I did find that sawtooth oak produce in under 10 years. I may be buying some 3' ers this spring.
  7. If u find a magic grouse spot let me know, haven't seen any good numbers of them in years. I saw 2 in Rushford last year and I wouldn't shoot them because they are the first 2 I saw on our property down there in probably 5 years.
  8. Allied is one, wood and brook is another. I've shot and both, more recently at wood and brook skeet shooting. Holland is a nice club I've shot pistol there. I think they all have 100 yard ranges.
  9. For those of us...like me, what's a summer furrow program? Also I have a small disc and single bottom plow for my sub compact tractor, that's all the equipment I have. I like to plant something in the spring, but I also want something for the fall and winter. I will gladly except all the expert advise I can get.
  10. Took the dog for a walk this morning and along a field is 3 large white oaks. I stopped and picked up 17 acorns. Came home cut the tops off 4 milk jugs, filled with dirt and planted the acorns. My question is how long does it take a white oak to get to the stage of dropping acorns? 15 years? 10 years? 30years? I plan on opening up about a 3/4 acre plot in the middle of my woods over the winter and next spring. I want to plant apples and oaks around the perimeter and in the general area.
  11. Im 3 for 3 since last year with killzones. Both this year went through the shoulder blade. Both opened perfect 2" hole going through shoulders. No bent blades, same head on both deer this year, just changed out the blades. I was very happy with yesterday's buck, 5 yards away I'm 25' up sharp angle on the shoulder, no deflection straight through to the heart.
  12. I'm headed to Tonawanda tomorrow for pheasant, I'll see how the water levels are were we hunt. My dad was there Saturday and he had a hard time finding water for his dog to cool off in.
  13. Lol, that's not entirely true, I have a dmp tag. I won't b in there till gun. It's all ur guys now.
  14. Sitting on the edge of my property where it begins to open up into nice mature hardwoods, with thick bedding behind me and a swamp to my right. Was checking the live from the woods out at like 6 thinking I'm the only person looking at his phone at this perfect hunting time. So I put the phone away and a minute later I heard a branch crack back in the thick stuff. U could here each step and finally I could see a deer emerge about 75 yards away. Through all the branches I could see it was a buck so I got ready. He was walking right at me and started to turn down a path that would give me a 25 yard shot. Then he fed back in my direction coming straight at my tree. I sized up his rack and decided if I got a shot I would take it. Well he was walking straight at me and turned when he was 5 yards away and just stopped and was checking the wind. I figured it was now or never, I put the top pin on the top half of his shoulder. I've never shot at a deer this close, I was also 25ft up my tree. I shot and watched my arrow with nocturnal glowing run away. I watched the nocturnal as he went crashing through this thick brush and at about 50 yards away. I then saw the glowing nock on the ground and figured that's where my arrow fell out. Went back to the house got the 4 wheeler and kids and came back to track an hour later. No blood from where I shot him so we all went in the direction he ran. Then I could see the glow from the nock and yelled I found the arrow, I shined my light on it and yelled it's still attached to the deer! Dead at 50 yards. Arrow penetrated the should through a lung and into the top of the heart. Heads goin to a buddy's house to get the skull bleached.
  15. I'm nestled in for the afternoon. This is gonna b hard not to dose off in this heat.
  16. Well I went for it. I was kneeling down with a good sized tree between me and the birds. I peeked around and a good sized hen was about to step out at around 25 yards. I landed back and drew my bow...she saw that apperantly. Next thing her and the flock are walkin away. One walked through a window at what I guessed at 40 yards and I shot, got to watch my nocturnal go right over its head...paced it off, 32 yards. So I go find my arrow and the arrow somehow snapped right at the broadhead. I have extra broadhead just not arrows... damn
  17. Turkeys are talking about 75 yards away..should I climb down and try to stalk into range...
  18. Thank you. Next I'd really like to get a browning t bolt in 17hmr.
  19. Yep in pembroke. It was the first one I've seen in the woods. He was 15 min too early. I've been hearing them at night all year. After deer season I'm hunting them hard.
  20. Just had a damn coyote go by, it needs to get light in these woods!
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