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Steve D

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. You may not want them but you and the many others stepping up to the challenge deserve them for sure. I wish you the best and can only hope people start taking this serious and follow your advise....Stay Safe. Looks like the Buffalo/Erie county is becoming a hot spot with cases increasing every day.
  2. Hats off to your daughter and all the health care professionals during these very trying times. I don't envy their grueling schedules and sacrifices they are making but sure do respect them.
  3. It isn't just for Oneida Rob...it is the whole state: Camping Reservations and Pavilion/Shelter Reservations: New York State has suspended all new camping, cabin and cottage and pavilion/shelter reservations for the 2020 season until further notice.
  4. NUMBERS UP Deaths from the coronavirus continued to climb steeply in New York, topping 1,500 by Tuesday, according to Cuomo. The number of deaths, which includes the first fatality of a person under 18 years old, jumped by more than 300 from Monday. The New York City region continues to be a hotspot for the virus, accounting for the lion’s share of the state’s 75,795 confirmed cases. The outbreak hit close to home for the governor, who spoke of his brother and “best friend,” CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, testing positive for the disease.
  5. A lot of truth is these statements. The bottom could easily fall out if this trend continues making paper money worthless. Those that don't hunt, fish, or barter could be in deep trouble and those depending on the government for their needs could suddenly be left empty handed.
  6. NY STATE PARKS UPDATE March 30, 2020 Recreating Responsibly During the Covid-19 Outbreak Parking: To encourage physical social distancing at popular parks, trailheads, and scenic areas, State Parks will reduce the number of available parking spaces on high visitation days Playgrounds, Athletic Courts and Sporting Fields: All State Park playgrounds, athletic courts, and sporting fields are CLOSED. Early Season Camping and Pavilion/Shelters: Due to the global health crisis, all campgrounds, cabins, cottages, and pavilions/shelters are CLOSED to visitation through April 30. All visitors with reservations will be issued a full refund. Camping Reservations and Pavilion/Shelter Reservations: New York State has suspended all new camping, cabin and cottage and pavilion/shelter reservations for the 2020 season until further notice. Entrance Fees: All entrance fees have been waived Events: All public programming and events have been canceled until further notice https://parks.ny.gov/covid19/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
  7. Not that it matters but the season ended Sunday 3/29. The current hardcopy ( page54) indicates 3/29 and the DEC website shows 3/29.
  8. Thank you for all the well wishes. Without going into details this past year has been a rough one for me and today is a day for reflection. More important than a birthday is that today is National Vietnam War Veterans day. During these unstable times I hope you will all take just a few minutes to remember the over 58,000 men that died, and millions that served. Because of the Corona virus they will have no ceremonies today and they will only be remembered by their loved ones and ones that served with them. For those of you that dislike Trump he is the only president that has recognized the ones of that era beginning in 2017. As far as I am concerned Trump has demonstrated his patriotism over and over and while he doesn't do it in a way that all of us like he seems to be trying to do what is best for the country. Thanks again
  9. Total Number of Positive Cases 52,318 Up 7,683 from yesterday. Check Your County here: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/county-county-breakdown-positive-cases
  10. Yes I have seen the map and this shows each county and their cases. All I am saying is moving it around from one end of the sate to another doesn't seem like a logical method of containment. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/county-county-breakdown-positive-cases
  11. For anyone else that may be interested here is a link where you can put in your zip code and get the dates, closest location, and details for you area/ https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive
  12. I honestly don't believe the issue is "upstate and downstate". If so called "upstater's was where the biggest concentration was I don't think it would be right to send the victims "downstate" either. All we have been hearing is isolation/social distancing to contain the virus. You are not going to help contain it by moving it (the virus) from one end of the state to the other regardless if it is down state or upstate. Keep it where it is and provide as much support as possible to the needed area but don't move it from one place to another.
  13. Urgent Plea from the American Red Cross Dear Neighbors, I wanted to bring your attention to a vital resource that is critically low in supply – donated blood. As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to impact our community, the American Red Cross needs your help ensuring they have a sufficient blood supply to support hospital patients in New York State and across the country. To date, 7,790 blood drives have been canceled, totaling 236,717 units of blood nationally. In New York State, there have been 507 cancels, totaling 12,917 lost units. State Senator Joe Robach and I are leading this call-to-action by hosting a blood drive scheduled for TUESDAY, MARCH 31 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Rochester Makerspace, located at 850 St. Paul Street, Rochester, NY 14605. The American Red Cross assures me they are taking additional precautions to safeguard the safety of their donors and staff at each drive Collecting blood ONLY from individuals who are healthy, feeling well, and who meet other eligibility requirements, available at RedCrossBlood.org. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements.html
  14. I am thinkin you would only have about half a bus load so you could take some beds and tents with ya.
  15. I think it would make more sense to find a bus load of people that think like you and send them down there to help our fellow New Yorkers. It would be much less of a sacrifice.
  16. https://www.bucksbullsbears.com/2020/03/23/the-biggest-typical-whitetail-ever-to-walk-the-earth/ The buck’s main beams are both over 32 inches and mass measurements are as high as 7-1/2. When mounted in a position that they look natural, they have an inside spread of nearly 24 inches. As it is, the buck scored 240 gross typical and nearly 219 net,
  17. Report: Democrats Using Coronavirus to Push Unrelated Leftist Agenda of Collective Bargaining, Solar and Wind Energy, Stricter Airline Fuel Standard “Via senior GOP aide, Schumer/Pelosi now pushing these demands amid pandemic-fueled economic collapse: 1) Unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions 2) Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines 3) Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
  18. So True....I think we will be recovering from this in one form or another for a long, long time if we even even get that far. Just think of the revenue the state is losing on a daily basis and raising taxes isn't going to be the solution this time.
  19. Found that one out this morning. I was checking because my license expires at the end of the month and hoped I could sneak in next week. I cannot imagine what the back log is going to be like when things get going again
  20. You will never get that type of participation here. I doubt even Cuomo would attempt this one:
  21. I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to start something
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