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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I've seen black bear hit with 12 gauge slugs that roll like that and run off. If the slug doesn't hit a vital organ, the bear will run off. He may have put a slug into her, but didn't hit anything vital. It doesn't look like it was a head shot. Going out there with a double barrel shotgun and shooting a warning shot first, was dumb. You don't want to find yourself being charged by a Grizz with one shot in your gun. He should have been carrying something with multiple shots capable of killing a Grizz, like a pump gun with a full mag. Also, when a Grizz charges you, you're an idiot if you don't shoot to kill. If it charges you, it means to kill you and you better not miss. He's lucky he was close enough to the house to get inside.
  2. Goes a long way towards explaining why it won't excommunicate many leftist elected officials that are supporters of abortion on demand. It wants the money.
  3. Nothing to do with pedophilia and everything to do with the gay hierarchy in the church. Vatican defrocks former US cardinal McCarrick over sex abuse VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis has defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession and sexual crimes against minors and adults, the Holy See said Saturday. The punishment for the once-powerful prelate, who had served as the archbishop of Washington, was announced five days before Francis is to lead an extraordinary gathering of bishops from around the world to help the church grapple with the crisis of sex abuse by clergy and systematic cover-ups by church hierarchy. The decades-long scandals have shaken the faith of many Catholics and threatened his papacy. Defrocking means McCarrick, 88, who now lives in a friary in Kansas after he lost his title of cardinal last year, won't be allowed to celebrate Mass or other sacraments. The Vatican's press office said that on Jan. 11, the Holy See's doctrinal watchdog office, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, had found McCarrick guilty of "solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power." The officials "imposed on him the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state." The Sixth Commandment regards sexual behavior. In addition, McCarrick, when he was ordained a priest in 1958, took a vow of celibacy, in accordance with church rules on priests. McCarrick appealed the penalty, but the doctrinal officials earlier this week rejected his recourse, and he was notified on Friday, the Vatican announcement said. The pope "has recognized the definitive nature of this decision made in accordance with (church) law, rendering it as 'res iudicata,'" the Vatican said, using the Latin phrase for admitting no further recourse. That meant McCarrick, a one-time "prince of the church," as cardinals are known, becomes the highest-ranking churchman to be laicized, or dismissed from the clerical state. It marks a remarkable downfall for the globe-trotting powerbroker and influential church fundraiser who mingled with presidents and popes but preferred to be called "Uncle Ted" by the young men he courted. The scandal swirling around McCarrick was even more damning because it apparently was an open secret that he slept with adult seminarians.
  4. Anti-gun leftists have proposed one of the worst pieces of legislation regarding gun tyranny ever, and no amount of logic or compromise is getting any consideration from them, proving it has nothing to do with addressing violent crime and everything to do with a gun registry and future confiscation. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20190215/hr-8-markup-liberal-democrats-markup-gun-control-legislation "Representative F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) offered the next amendment. It simply sought to add to the list of exemptions from the “universal” background check requirements anyone who possessed a valid permit to carry a firearm. Adoption of the amendment would have still left the bill as an anti-gun mess, but it was a reasonable proposal considering carry permit holders already undergo a background check in order to obtain their permits. The anti-gun majority made clear they were not interested in anything reasonable, and the amendment was defeated." "This process repeated itself throughout the day, with other amendments seeking to make even minor improvements to a monumentally bad piece of legislation being rejected similarly, either voted down or ruled not germane, by the anti-gun majority and Chair. This includes simple amendments that merely sought to put a cap on the fees that could be charged for a “universal” background check." "Democrats have been apparently trying to rush legislation to the floor before it is truly ready for consideration, Chairman Nadler explained that the bill would extend the “delay” period from three days to 10 business days. However, after 10 business days, the transfer is not allowed to go through. The prospective purchaser must first file a petition with the Attorney General. If a “proceed” message is still not received 10 business days after the filing of the petition, only then may the transfer go through. However, NICS checks are only valid for 30 calendar days, so this new proposed proceed provision appears to be practically worthless because in almost all scenarios it will take more than 30 calendar days to accomplish." "Ranking Member Collins may have best summarized this week’s markup and last week’s hearing in his opening remarks on Wednesday, when he stated, “I’m sad the bill before us represents another missed opportunity to prevent violence in our communities.” Neither H.R. 8 nor H.R. 1112 will do anything to address violent crime, but both will surely create problems for otherwise law-abiding gun owners and prospective gun owners." American citizens that support preserving their rights should all be very grateful Trump is President and will veto this horrible bill. Anyone who owns a firearm and supports this "Universal Background Check" scam, better wise up fast before they find they have supported turning their 2nd Amendment Rights into a government granted privilege which will be denied to them at every opportunity.
  5. For all who's relationship is based on honesty.
  6. The modern coliseum. Meanwhile, Rome burned.
  7. If you want one, get the pre-crossbolt safety model from Marlin. Much nicer looking and smoother shooting. I had one and let it go years ago. I now have a Rossi .357 lever, but wish I had kept the .44 Mag. Sadly, my a-hole older brother, who doesn't even hunt, won't sell it back to me.
  8. Some states do limit shotguns used for any type of hunting to only 3 rounds.
  9. Not much rabbit hunting in my area of the Catskill mountains. I'm sure a few could be found if the hunter has a dog. We take them as a target of opportunity when we can, but rarely hunt them as a primary target. We prefer Grouse hunting at that time of the year. Do you have any farmlands near you? That's where you will find them.
  10. Actually, hunting for food brings hunting full circle. It started out as a survival method in the 1600's and maintained that status until the early 1900's when food became widely available from merchants. For a while it was still a food source pursuit for many, until mass produced retail food became so much more available, plentiful and inexpensive. That's when hunting became more of a sport than a necessity for the majority of the population. The anti hunting agenda that began in the 1960's has taken a toll on the numbers of hunters. Hunters were made to feel guilty and their progeny shunned if they took it up. A generation was fed propaganda and they swallowed it. But, you can see the numbers of fishing licenses remained pretty stable during that same period, perhaps because there was no concerted effort to eliminate it from the American lifestyle. This new generation of hunter, specifically targeting game as a food source, will not be affected by the anti-hunting attacks of the past, because they don't do it for "sport", even though I don't think they will be able to hunt for long without learning to enjoy the sporting aspect of the hunt as well. After all, our ancestors hunted for food, but loved the sporting aspect of it too. I welcome the "foodies" to the sport. I am pretty sure PETA doesn't.
  11. It's not the Dems. They're well paid, clueless minions of billionaire leftists bent on taking down western democracy.
  12. The biggest concern I have with this issue is how many gun owners, hunters and pro 2nd Amendment people think that universal background checks can only be a good thing and vigorously support it. They don't seem to be listening to the traps being set by the anti-gun crowd. Without any real understanding of the facts of the law, they should be asking themselves what's wrong with this picture. When anti-gun politicians say, "We want to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.", they are talking about everyone, including you.
  13. Maybe because it's a depressant? But so is booze. Probably because it's a controlled substance, but many people have scripts for controlled drugs and can still buy firearms. Maybe because Democrats just jump at any chance to deny gun rights.
  14. I guess if it's legal in your state, you're not an "unlawful user" and you can claim you're not "addicted" as well. But if you have a script from an MD to use it, they can take away your 2nd A rights. Notice it was the leftist Democrats who made weed legal for med use, and they are the ones who are not looking to protect gun owners who have a script for weed use.
  15. Ironically, today's comedians complain that leftist PC culture and govt pressure has actually killed comedy in America. Chuck has certainly done his part in that.
  16. Democrats in Colorado just killed a Republican sponsored bill protecting gun rights for those who have scripts for medical pot. https://gazette.com/news/colorado-republican-s-bill-protecting-medical-marijuana-users-gun-rights/article_e12cbd18-2a75-11e9-b245-affb7760db4a.html?fbclid=IwAR3GqKs8xdtRHxunsFIzRq32kUo_dGESKHkeE5YMuVReTKOg0soAvU-e8gU
  17. We will be. That's the reason for universal background checks. Screw up just once and kiss your 2nd Amendment rights good-bye forever.
  18. It's a national bill now, designed to make everyone suffer as much as NY residents do. Leftists believe in equality of suffering and oppression.
  19. Educate yourself and stop listening to those who push this crap to further the gun grab agenda. This legislation will turn a lot of well-intentioned Americans into criminals. The fees and regulations will make it more difficult for the law-abiding poor to obtain guns for self-protection. Let’s say a stalker threatens a female friend of yours. She asks you if she can borrow your handgun. She is trained and has no criminal record. Should you loan her your gun? Under a bill being heard today before the House Judiciary Committee, loaning her your gun soon could land you in prison. An exception is made only for cases of “imminent” danger — where her stalker is right in front of her at that very moment. Even those annual Boy Scout shooting trips will face legal dangers. Adults who lend troops their guns for a day might soon find themselves in prison. https://townhall.com/columnists/johnrlottjr/2019/02/06/universal-background-checks-bill-n2540845?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=02%2F06%2F2019&bcid=52cc7b37d7b16a45d056ac440c19ca87&recip=19478452&fbclid=IwAR2zCJQPrxD0qDuwY5-Z5iKWrYhtuPELt1pF6n9Oh6h9QAyfBr3iPi4kvcQ
  20. It sounds like a lot of upstate people didn't vote. Many have a defeatist attitude and have no fight in them at all. Sheep.
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