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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I find they do work in the woods. When I'm calling a Tom and he gets within 100 yards, if he can't see a hen, he's not coming any closer. If he see's the decoy, he's coming within range of the gun. If he doesn't see a decoy, he's looking real hard for it and often sees me instead. I once had two Toms come in and killed the lead bird. The other bird flew away, only to come back in as I stood there holding his companion about 5 minutes later. I'm sure the hen decoy helped. I've never had a decoy scare a bird away. Besides, by the time they get close to the decoy, they're well within range of the gun. I set the decoy 25 yards away in the woods and my 3.5 in 12 gauge will kill them at 50 yards. The decoy also helps me bring them into the spot I want them to be in for the best shot opportunity. I don't know about field shooting them, but in the woods the decoy works for me.
  2. Happy Birthday Pygmy! I hope it's your best one yet.
  3. Wouldn't be legal to shoot it in my antler restricted zone. LOL!
  4. The NRA didn't abandon NY gun owners. NY gun owners abandoned the NRA. Citizens get the type of government they deserve.
  5. The NRA didn't cancel your firearm insurance, the Governor did. He threatened to pull the license of any company selling firearm insurance through the NRA for it's members. The NRA is fighting this political move, but the courts are slow. Not renewing your membership is precisely what Cuomo is hoping for. When your governor is afraid of your membership in the NRA, you know you are a member of the right gun rights organization. The gun rights groups he ignores are the one's you should be wary of.
  6. I'll start to worry about America's standing in the world when people from all corners of the earth cease to want to come here.
  7. One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell that would tell anything.
  8. Even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut.
  9. But if you push your personal ethics, feelings, choices and opinions on a person that is considering taking up hunting, to the point of killing that person's desire to hunt, your have eliminated another hunter from the total. If a new hunter wishes to take up the sport in a way you don't approve of, that has already been approved by the DEC, isn't that a little sanctimonious and detrimental to the cause of increasing hunter numbers?
  10. We need to be careful what we consider "just not right". If it's legal, it isn't "not right". My concern is attacking a hunting method, like using a crossbow, hunting bear with hounds, or long range hunting, which might dissuade someone from becoming a hunter, because that is the type of hunting that interests them. I think we need to support their interest and encourage them to give it a try. If someone wants to hunt, and they want to do it legally, it's right for them.
  11. And this is the obvious solution, "Anything and everything we can do to get another pair of boots on the ground, to get another license purchased, and to have money spent in a gun store; that’s what we had better be thinking about."
  12. Vortex has discontinued this model so the dealer is selling them off at a good price. When I checked I saw Euro Optic is also selling at this price the ones with the HSR-4 reticle.
  13. Many states that don't allow Sunday hunting get pressured by these other groups to keep hunters out of the woods one day a week so they can enjoy the outdoors safely. They are starting to gain influence. This is why we need to present a united front on all hunting issues.
  14. Notice how hunting and fishing's retail spending has become about 7% of the total outdoor recreation spending? That's a lot less of the total than it used to be, and that includes fishing. Today with outdoor recreation including things like bird watching, skiing, hiking, camping, mountain biking, etc., there are many more people out there using the woods for things other than hunting and they could easily force hunters out of the woods if push came to shove.
  15. Never mind. This was Marco Rubio back in January and it hasn't moved an inch in Congress since he proposed it. I think these sponsors have been schooled on it's unconstitutionality since January.
  16. Hard to believe some Republicans sponsored this bill. Democrats are usually the ones sponsoring stuff like this. It doesn't respect due process, which is your right. Leftists don't believe in your rights. Which GOP reps sponsored this? Is it state or federal?
  17. Just to clarify what the author of the article is saying, the infighting isn't causing a decline in hunter numbers. He's saying with the decline in hunter numbers, we cannot afford infighting, because when those two factors combine, it is easier for the enemies of hunting to destroy it.
  18. Get on the right Team Image By LARRY CASE Our hunting privileges in the America are in jeopardy like they’ve never been before. Hunter numbers have dropped drastically; in 1970 over 40 million people bought a hunting license and today that number is probably less than 12 million. As our numbers decrease, so do our supporters. We’re already at the point in some states that every vote is needed when hunting related issues are on the ballot. After spending over 35 years as a DNR Conservation Officer, I’m still amazed how sportsmen, hunters and fishermen, cannot seem to agree on anything! Hunters are their own worst enemy; every type of hunter seems to have only that group’s interest at heart. Bow hunters don’t seem to be able to get along with gun hunters; muzzleloaders are often at odds with both of those groups, and there’s no way for a state game agency to set deer seasons that’ll please them all. Speaking of archery hunters I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a group of hunters more fragmented than those who hunt with some form of a stick and string. For years many avid bow hunters have fought the use of crossbows with an almost cult like fervor. “Crossbows are ruining bowhunting!” “It’s too easy!” “You don’t have practice!” “The crossbow hunters will kill too many deer!” I’ve heard these complaints in barbershops, at gun counters, on Internet forums, and on social media for years. Many seasoned bow hunters would have you believe a crossbow is the tool of the devil. The problem is certainly not just with bow hunters. Those who hunt with dogs often run afoul with other hunters in the field. Every year beloved and valuable hunting dogs are shot for no good reason. Currently there’s a debate going on in some states about deer management, the lowering of buck limits, and antler restrictions. Many deer hunters want to encourage the growing of bigger antlers. That’s all well and good, but how about the guy who just wants to go on public land with his kid in hopes of taking any legal deer? I don’t want to tell a young hunter he or she can’t take a spike or a fork horn for their first deer. There has to be leeway for both sides. On public land especially we’ve got to learn to respect the wishes of other hunters. Somehow, by the grace of God, we’ve got to get away from this close-minded thinking in the hunter ranks, which basically says “ I am right and you are wrong, my way or the highway!” You have your way of hunting, you learned from Dad and Grand Dad and maybe Uncle Bill. The guy in the next county over or in another state may not see hunting the same as you. What we’re getting down to is – and I want you to pay attention – If the other guy is hunting in a way that is not your cup of tea, but is legal, then keep quiet about it and even offer support if someone attacks him. The guy in a ground blind with a crossbow may not have your self-appointed seal of approval and the bird hunter’s setter that ran past your treestand didn’t really cause all the deer in a three county area to leave the country. If it’s legal to bait in your area but you don’t like it, don’t do it, but don’t berate the guy who does. Boys and girls, we’re way past the times when we can be picky about what another hunter does. Anything and everything we can do to get another pair of boots on the ground, to get another license purchased, and to have money spent in a gun store; that’s what we had better be thinking about. The well organized and well-funded anti-hunting groups are watching, and some say all they have to do is wait – wait for our numbers to fall below recoverable levels – and then move in for the kill. Why make their job easier by squabbling amongst ourselves? I didn’t coin this phrase, but, united we stand, divided we fall.
  19. I have a couple of the Redfield Revolution scopes and am happy with them. One is a 3x9 and the other a 4x12. I also have the Battlezone tactical .308 model on my SSG and it is very accurate on that very accurate rifle. They are very clear, track well when adjusted and do come with Leupold's lifetime warranty if I ever need it. I would consider buying another one if needed. Great value for the money.
  20. Actually, if the police were still allowed to do it on their own time, every benefit you cite here exists if bow hunters do the job. Having to collect taxes to do it is a negative.
  21. But if I had to live there and pay taxes for them to do it, I'd be speaking out against it, especially since they never gave bow hunters a chance in the beginning. BTW, why no out cry when kids see a deer that was hit by a car die in front of their eyes?
  22. That would be 2,742.22 every day. That can't be right for each store. Maybe all of them combined..
  23. I'm sure if the public pressures the town to do it, it can happen, but it would take a lot to educate the public on why it's a better idea. I agree people should be pushing for it, but i rarely see it happening. What I don't understand is why the DEC doesn't educate the masses for us.
  24. If they were hunted all the time, they wouldn't be so tame.
  25. that can happen now with cops shooting at them, especially when they make a poor shot.
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